A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2086: Select people

It ’s really not interesting to fight against Nete, but if Gao Yang does n’t seem to be bored with Nete for a long time, if he has to grind his mouth for tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of people, he will be the only one who suffers. .

If you do n’t talk about business, everyone is a good brother. When you talk about business, that good brother must also give way to business. After countless efforts, Morgan finally instilled this concept into the high.

If this were to be put aside, it is estimated that Gao Yang would lend money to Nete with a wave of his hand. As for the question of what to do if he could not get it back, Gao Yang would not consider it, but now, anyway, it ’s better to have a business talk, even if Nete The money is yellow, so there will be no loss of soaring, and you can earn a vote.

Anyway, even if Gao Yang is generous in lending money to Nete, don't want Nete to say good things about him. Maybe Nete has to call him an idiot.

But after all, Satan is also in a hurry to spend money, and Gao Yang is not ambitious. Once Yemen fights, he will not spend less money than Knight. But the difference between Satan and angels is that Satan spends money. For feelings, but to earn more and greater.

The conditions have been negotiated, and the big things and little things have been said. Gao Yang snapped his fingers and smiled: "Now let me choose someone. It will take some time. I want to finish it earlier."

Nete ​​snapped his fingers and said in a deep voice: "The battle in Donetsk is performed every day. We have undertaken the main combat tasks. The artillery is scattered in all directions. The wizard will take you to any artillery position. , But I want to remind you that it is better to choose from which prisoners you choose than from the militia. "

"Why? The militia won't be willing to be mercenaries?"

"Yes, so it is difficult for you to pick the right person from the militia. They picked up their guns to defend their homes, not to make money."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Understood, did you just say that the fighting happens every day?"

"Yes, every moment, the battle will start."

"Very good, I'm going to see on the battle position, and by the way let my sniper help you out."

Knight pointed to the wizard and said in a deep voice: "He will help the woman you sent to choose a suitable team."

Gao Yang stood up and smiled, "Thank you for your coffee and your plantation. If your plantation belongs to me, I will send you enough coffee every year. Goodbye, man."

Knight waved his hand calmly. After the wizard made a gesture, Gao Yang followed the wizard outward. After a while, the wizard said very calmly, "You want to see that position, my artillery. It ’s not centralized. "

"152, I want to see the position of the 152 artillery. Also, I mainly recommend observers and commanders to me."

The wizard said nothing, but nodded.

After walking for a while, Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "Are you so silent when you were with Knight?"

The wizard did not speak, but just nodded slightly to answer, Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "I can imagine that you must be particularly bored when you are with Knight, okay, tell me about your wounded? What's the need? You can tell me if you help. "

The wizard whispered: "Thank you, the pandas and fat cats have helped a lot. Our seriously injured people have been sent to a safe place for proper placement. There is nothing to help."

The wizard was just a little boring, but he was much more polite than Nettle. After thanking Gao Yang, he went outside and shouted, "Back up the car, two cars!"

With the running of several people, the two off-road vehicles quickly drove to the wizard's side. The wizard stretched out his hand and whispered: "If there are more cars, it may cause air strikes, so our best is not to be too conspicuous. please."

Phoenix was sitting alone in the corner with her gun. Cui Bo and Lilia hugged each other, and Yi Yi didn't know what to say, soaring loudly, "Rabbit, call them away."

Phoenix didn't have to greet Cui Bo, and he came over when he heard Gao Yang's shout. Cui Bo took Lilia's hand and went to Gao Yang and said, "What are you doing? So urgent?"

"Go to the front, get on the bus."

Gao Yang didn't know where to go, anyway, just follow the wizard.

The two cars drove out one after the other, heading southwest of Donetsk.

Cannons can be heard from time to time, and after approaching the suburbs, although the gunshots are not dense, they often hear continuous heavy machine gun shooting sounds, and basically have not been interrupted.

They were only 20 days after they left. For the battle-level Donetsk offensive and defensive battle, the battle was far from the end, that is, they were able to pass between the main army and the militia. Helpless, the circle of encirclement and the line of the blockade are useless, otherwise, it would be difficult for them to enter the city.

It is now a stage of stalemate between the warring parties. The fighting scale is small and intensive. The combat intensity has been greatly reduced than before. It is no longer the offensive and defensive of the large forces. The line of defense has stabilized. The stage of hard defense, but with Russia's secret entry and the start of large-scale aid, Yang Yang doubts how long the offensive of the Zhengfu Army can last.

After the sound of the automatic rifle became particularly clear, the wizard stopped the car and immediately pointed to Gao Yang: "Now we have to walk, the artillery position is in front, it is disguised, in order to avoid being aerial detection by the enemy Found that we had better be careful. "

Gao Yang curiously said: "Is the air strike on the opposite side very powerful?"

"The damage caused to us is quite large ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ but it is still within the tolerable range. With the increase of our air defense weapons, the enemy ’s air strike threat is no longer great. It should be noted that the enemy passes Artillery attack after aerial reconnaissance, and Americans can provide satellite reconnaissance to the enemy, so the artillery position not only needs to be camouflaged, but also must often change position. "

"Oh, I see."

Several people left the car, walked against the roots of the wall for a while, and finally came to a small forest in the city, and then Gao Yang quickly saw the heavy artillery arranged under the camouflage net.

Gao Yang pointed to the artillery position and curiously said: "Is it enough to just disguise the net?"

"It's definitely not enough, but it's much stronger than nothing. The enemy's main detection mode is still aerial detection, so the effect of the camouflage net is not bad."

With this said, the wizard came to the artillery position, and then he pointed to the positions and said: "Everyone is here, how do you want to choose?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "There is no hurry to select people on the artillery position. You will take me to the headquarters first. The talent I need is mainly in the headquarters." (To be continued.)

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