A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1952: Extremely precise melee

Finding that the enemy is firing is only the first step. Then, after the enemy has fought back, it is only the beginning of a battle between snipers.

The target exposed by the enemy is not large, at a distance of 470 meters. At night, this is a super long-range target, but for Gao Yang and the Prince who have the best night vision sights, this is a normal shooting distance. , And there is no big difference from the daytime, even more convenient for their shooting.

Gao Yang fired a shot and clearly saw his target burst out of blood, then Gao Yang endured a great sense of fear and forced himself to stay in place.

It is really a test of courage to treat yourself as a target and others. Gao Yang is very suspicious of how he insists on being immobile.

Then, the prince next to Gao Yang snapped a shot.

Several shots were fired in succession, from different positions, and Gao Yang quickly climbed back after the prince fired.

"Arctic fox, there is an enemy sniper under the No. 2 grid marker, which has been killed!"

"Mammoth, No. 5 grid has enemy sniper action, failed to kill, keep watching, it's done!"

"Prince, the No. 6 grid has enemy operations. It is impossible to confirm whether it is a sniper. It has been killed. It is finished."

"Microwave oven, the tenth grid found that there was enemy activity. It was impossible to confirm whether it was a sniper, killed one person, and escaped one person. There is no counterattack, it is done."

After the founder quickly returned his discovery, Alexander whispered in the intercom: "The enemy in the fifth grid is confirmed to be the enemy sniper, kill him."

The prince quickly pointed the gun at the fifth grid, but Gao Yang did not raise the gun. He looked at it and then whispered on the intercom: "Worker bee, the fifth grid marker, hiding a sniper behind two cement pillars , Three quick shots, finished. "

The enemy's sniper had to hide, and had to force him out, and Satan had Tommy, a mortar gunner who could attack the top, and the effect was different.

Raising their eleven people's attention is basically in the definite grid No. 5. Doing so is definitely a waste. However, doing so can ensure that the enemy snipers found can be completely eliminated. Never give him a chance to escape.

After Gao Yang guided the target, Tommy needed to see the location of the markers on the map, which took a little time, because the combat area was drawn one by one, which was divided according to some obvious markers in the emergency. And the division immediately starts the battle, which is really not everyone can immediately remember the specific position of each grid.

After waiting for a while, the three mortar shells landed on the high-indicated position one after another. The landing point of the shells was very accurate, but this accuracy was for the mortar.

The mortar shell did not kill the enemy, but it was enough to force the enemy out, because if the enemy did not hide, then the mortar fired next time would always be able to blow up.

A figure ran out, he was running the zigzag route very quickly, but at this time at least seven or eight guns were waiting for him.

The sound of the guns was different, but the time was almost the same. The hidden sniper was forced to transfer and the moment he was just exposed, at least several bullets were hit, and absolutely dead can't die anymore.

Whether it's waste, artillery or mosquitoes, or intensive firepower, it has to be done anyway. One by one, all the snipers of the Iron Madonna are brought to the end. Slowly, it is absolutely found to kill one.

They were fired high, and the enemy responded immediately.

Gao Yang shouted while evading backwards quickly: "In the hole of the seventh grid, it is definitely a sniper!"

"At the junction of No. 8 and No. 9, the enemy sniper was found behind the brick wall!"

Two more were found, but the enemy disappeared immediately after firing. Basically, the muzzle flashed and then disappeared, and then the gun was shot, it must be no drama.

However, it is impossible to fight, but winning the position of the enemy is victory.

"The enemy at the junction of No. 8 and No. 9 can be quickly transferred, and the enemy in the lattice hole of No. 7 cannot be transferred. Kill him!"

This time he ordered Gao Yang. He did n’t shoot at the observation just now, so he made it very clear that there was an enemy hiding in the enclosed space formed after the building collapsed. Unless he hides the place from the dark road, he would n’t think about it. Ran.

"At a distance of 440 meters, the mortar can't work, we need direct fire."

"No direct artillery, no bazooka!"

"The bazooka is difficult to hit directly. We don't know how big the enclosed space is and the power may not be enough."

Several people exchanged opinions quickly, and Yang Yang, who had not spoken, sneered coldly, whispering: "It doesn't matter, we have a single cloud explosion, the power is absolutely enough, it is a bit difficult to accurately enter, but we waste it. Up, little fly! "

At this moment, Alexander said softly: "There is no need to waste the bazooka. The person who gave it to me will launch it. Big eyes. Solve him in the triangular space formed by the collapse of the left building in the seventh grid."

I do n’t know why, Gao Yang has some unwillingness to lose, and Frye is not necessarily worse than the big eye called Aurora, so he immediately said: "In order to increase the chance of hitting, two people launch together, little flies, ready to attack . "

Fry was certainly not willing to admit defeat, so he immediately shouted: "Understood! Boss, you just look at it and guarantee a hit."

About a minute later ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Aurora people fired rockets first, and Fry fired almost immediately.

It's actually very rare to get the rockets accurate, especially when they are high-profile, they use the Shimir single-person cloud explosion bombs. The accuracy of this rocket is still worse, beyond the direct range, and I want to hit a small one directly. The goal is indeed very difficult.

It cannot be said to be a miracle, although the difficulty is very high, but two rockets hit the target one after another, so just after the first explosion happened, the second rocket immediately followed up and put a building that was originally collapsed Exploded to the ground.

Gao Yang praised Frye in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Normally he must say something beautiful, but Alexander seemed to be completely indifferent to this kind of thing, so he certainly couldn't express too much excitement. Too.

Alexander said very plainly: "The enemy must respond, pay attention to distinguish the true and false targets of the enemy, pay attention to the enemy's artillery, and be ready to evacuate at any time."

Gao Yang exhaled, and then put all his attention behind the sight. At this moment, a figure jumped from behind the bunker and ran fast. When Gao Yang subconsciously pulled the trigger, he Listen to the headphone ria Alexander said loudly: "Don't move! Fake target!" (To be continued.)

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