A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Then start

The battle will start from the artillery position where the secret force attacked the Madonna of Steel, but before launching the official attack, it will be a duel between the sniper and the sniper, the collision between the precision shooter and the precision shooter.

If Gao Yang now has artillery and missiles, they still need these. Direct bombardment will completely smash the enemy in the past, but now, since they do not have strong firepower to crush the enemy, they have to be realistic.

The coalition forces of these mercenary regiments are now stronger than their super-precision precision shooting team.

The level of Gao Yang and the prince is undoubted, but I do n’t know the level of several archers of Alexander and Aurora. However, as for the legendary mercenary group of Aurora, as the head of Aurora, Alexander ’s strength is no matter what. It must be guaranteed.

The people of secret force have left by helicopter. Satan and the aurora have been assigned to the upcoming combat mission. As for the hurricane and the three lion mercenary corps, there are only three people in total. The symbolic significance is greater than the actual significance.

But these three additions, which are more symbolic, contain two snipers ...

David, and the man brought by the wild, are snipers.

Most of the time the snipers acted independently of the large forces, and they acted covertly. So at some point, the entire army died, leaving the snipers alive. This kind of thing is true for mercenaries. Relatively common.

Now they have eleven snipers, even the Madonna of the Iron Madonna is almost the same number. Even if the Madonna of Steel still has an advantage in the total strength, at least the sniper is finally even.

Eleven people, all holding their own guns, Alexander said slowly: "In order to ensure the killing effect, we plan to use grid tactics to divide the combat area into grid areas, and then everyone concentrates on looking for the enemy in the grid to shoot To give priority to ensuring that the sniper killing the enemy. "

Gao Yang thought about it and nodded, "Yes."

Alexander looked around and said in a deep voice, "Ram, we are not familiar with each other, and your purpose is to rescue the angels. Our purpose is to wipe out the Iron Madonna. Although our interests are the same, the specific directions are different. In view of this, I think it is better to act separately. "

Gao Yangsheng said: "How do you think to act?"

Alexander said very seriously: "I am willing to create conditions for you to rescue the angels. We will clean up the enemies outside, open a passage, and finally enter the building to tackle the task. You will undertake the task. If our actions are all going well, then I will bring people to support you guys."

Aurora is a legendary mercenary group, but a legendary mercenary group, and Satan can develop close cooperation but there is no half-cent relationship.

Gao Yang thought about it for a moment, and only let Satan take the task of attacking the building alone. It is really difficult and dangerous, but Aurora can promise to help him to open up a channel, it is already very sincere, after all, the goal of Aurora is to steel The Virgin is responsible for killing, not rescuing angels.

Gao Yangsheng said: "Yes, we attacked the building, you are outside to help us guard the way back."

Alexander smiled softly, and then he said in a deep voice: "We have never cooperated, but, I would like to cooperate with you with the greatest sincerity. I hope that I can give the back to you with confidence, and you can rest assured Back to me, if you are willing to believe me. "

Gao Yang smiled without hesitation: "I believe in you."

Alexander stretched out a hand and shook Gao Yang, and said with a smile: "Good luck."

Alexander and the prince seemed to know each other. He turned to the prince and smiled: "We haven't seen it in a long time. Good luck. I firmly believe that the crazy wolf will be fine."

The prince's expression was like eating stool, reluctantly, but he had to extend his hand, and after shaking it with Alexander, he said stiffly, "Thank you."

The wild snorted aside, but said nothing in the end.

Gao Yang turned around and said to everyone who had already prepared Satan: "According to the plan, let's start to act. If the time is right, listen to my order to join the assault team again, brothers, be careful."

Alexander turned and said to his NPC: "After ten years, our reunion is a fight. Guys, if anyone feels that he is in a bad state, he will immediately withdraw, we have a chance, and the victory will ultimately belong to us."

There was no pre-war mobilization. After the two gave orders, they glanced at each other, and then exclaimed: "Go ahead."

Alexander nodded and shouted, "Then let's get started."

The two waved their hands. A total of eleven snipers immediately scattered around to find their favorite shooting positions.

Gao Yang and the prince were familiar. The two glanced at each other, and Gao Yang's head slightly shifted, and the prince immediately understood what he meant. He nodded his head and ran towards the same place.

After leaving the underground command post, Gao Yangfu lowered his body, ran for a while, and stopped behind a collapsed wall.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, he whispered: "We are going to launch an attack later, and we can't leave the attack channel too far. To solve the enemy sniper, we need a certain height."

The prince pointed to the roof of a bungalow and whispered: "Only there is barely suitable."

Gao Yang smiled and whispered: "Dare you go?"

The prince gave a white glance and whispered, "What do you say?"

The selection of the sniper is extremely important, and the shooting position that Gao Yang and the prince are looking for is first of all a prominence and a high advantage, but such a place must be the focus of the enemy ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Whether it is an enemy sniper, or artillery fire, will pose a great threat to this shooting position.

Gao Yang can't solve the threat of artillery shells, but the threat of artillery shells can't be solved everywhere, and the enemy snipers, Gao Yang is not afraid.

The two quickly ran under the fancy bungalow. The prince supported Gao Yang's feet underneath. When Gao Yang climbed up to the roof, he observed it first, and found no obvious targets. He also went to the roof.

The two went to the roof, one shot a gun to search for the target cover, and the other slowly climbed forward. After climbing a short distance, they began to search for the enemy's trail. So they covered each other and took a few minutes to advance a few meters.

Because every one meter forward, it is possible to expose the original hidden body and incur enemy fire.

When Gao Yang moved closer to the eaves, he finally found a red dot.

Aiming the sight at the red dot found, and confirming that it was a human-shaped heat source, he immediately whispered in the intercom: "The ram found the target, within the range of the sixth grid, I will fire, pay attention to searching for enemies, Pay attention to the cover and finish. "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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