A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1953: Outsider

Gao Yang's habit is to play whenever he sees it. One is doing one and the other is playing a pair, because his positioning is an accurate shooter.

When accompanying infantry combat, whether the target is a lure or not is simply not considered.

But it is different now. It is now a battle between sniper and anti-sniper. If you hit a fake target, your position will be exposed, and if you expose your position, it will attract enemy snipers to shoot.

Relatively speaking, Gao Yang ’s ongoing battle is much more elaborate than ever. Even if he wants to expose himself, it must be a planned and planned exposure, rather than being led by the enemy.

It is impossible to say that the warring parties have put snipers into a small battlefield on a large scale, but it has never happened, but it is very, very rare. This can only happen when the war is in a stalemate phase.

This is a hunter-to-hunter battle, and both sides are top-notch.

The Madonna of Steel has never been so easy to deal with, no matter what kind of battle, they are not easy to deal with.

Another enemy suddenly moved, and after running a short distance quickly, shifted from one position to another.

At this moment, the prince suddenly hurriedly said: "Building!"

The prince suddenly fired a shot, and Gao Yang turned the muzzle toward the building quickly, the building where the angel was besieged.

Everyone thinks that there is no sniper in the building, because the sniper has no effect at all in the building, and from the beginning of the battle, the people of the Iron Madonna outside the building have not moved to the building.

But the enemy figure appeared on the third floor of the building. The Prince who had been searching for it found an anomaly, and then he shot.

The prince's shot is particularly particular.

The reason why Gao Yang asked the prince to dare to go where they are now is because they are in a protruding part, which has an advantage in vision, but they are also uncovered here when they look at the building where the angel is besieged Uncovered exposed zone.

The prince fired a shot. He must first hope to kill the enemy who appeared on the third floor of the building. If he ca n’t kill him, he can force the enemy to avoid or retreat. Come in a safe environment.

However, after the prince fired, the enemy he aimed at did not evade, but fired at the prince.

When Gao Yang turned the muzzle, he only had time to see a red figure flash, and there was no chance to shoot.

Gao Yang felt wrong.

Bloody smell.

Gao Yang looked at it horrifiedly and saw that the prince was already in the pool of blood.

Gao Yang turned his head quickly, and did not go to see the prince again, then he whispered on the intercom: "Prince was shot, the enemy is on the third floor of the building, cover!"

Gao Yang's voice was calm, and the Arctic Fox's voice was calm.

"Has been screened, misjudgment, the ram withdrew from the battle."

It is almost 600 meters away from the building. Everyone thinks that there should be no snipers there, but there is a sniper there, and it is a super sniper.

The prince fired and the other fired. The prince could not reach the opponent at a distance of nearly 600 meters, but the enemy was in a flash, killing the prince in a flash.

What kind of gunman is this?

Gao Yang only knew that he had met a rival, an unprecedented rival.

Do n’t be too arrogant, do n’t sit still and watch the sky.

Gao Yang knows that there are people outside the world who have the sky, but it has been a long time since he has called God by marksmanship.

But is there really no one who is close to the high level and even better? Shit, there is never a shortage of gods and men in this world. If you do n’t encounter it, it ’s just that you do n’t encounter it.

Today, Gao Yang met.

"Fat cat, panda!"

Gao Yang moved a little back with his gun, and then he immediately rolled towards the prince. After whispering in the intercom, he climbed to the prince's side.

The prince was lying on the roof, and the enemy was shot down from the top. The bullet seemed to hit his neck. The muzzle ripped a huge wound from the left shoulder and continued to penetrate to the left. Unclear, it may have reached the heart directly, or it may have torn the left lung lobe more to the left.

The prince was motionless, and Gao Yang thought he was dead.

So Gao Yang leaned back a little more, and then quickly retracted the gun, grabbed the prince's belt, and pulled it back.

Going back a little, pulling the prince back a little, climbing back a while, and pulling the prince back a little, after repeating it a few times, Alexander suddenly said: "Dodge!"

Several gunshots.

Alexander, they shot at the enemy on the third floor of the building in order to cover Gao Yang.

The enemies on the third floor of the building failed to shoot bullets high, but there were a lot of snipers below.

Alexander ’s position was revealed by their firing, the enemy ’s sniper seized the opportunity to fire, and then, in an instant, someone was weak on the intercom: “Oh, I ’m shot.”

Gao Yang accelerated his backwards, and he was about to drop the prince's body.

At any time, living people are more important than dead people.

But Gao Yang climbed back two steps quickly, but saw the prince's leg twitch slightly.

So Gao Yang stopped retreating, crawled back again, and grabbed the prince's belt, regardless of concealing himself. He stood up, bent down, holding his gun in one hand, and dragged the prince madly forward a few meters!

"Ah, the Olympic Games!"

With a loud roar, the prince who did not know whether it was a corpse or a wounded person was thrown under the house. Then he flicked his right hand in accordance with the gun and turned back and swept towards the third floor of the building. After finding a red dot, The brain didn't have time to realize what it was, and it didn't have time to aim at all, the finger had already pulled the trigger.

Squat, twist your waist, turn around, shoot, all at once.

Then Gao Yang took advantage of the trend and fell back.

The house is not high, but throwing a person down ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It is difficult to catch it. Albert caught the prince that Gao Yang threw down under the house, and he was hit by the prince. After getting on the ground, he quickly turned around to check on the prince. Well, how to say, I do n’t know if it was a dead or alive prince.

As for Gao Yang, he didn't get shot, but if he didn't throw himself below, I'm afraid he should be shot.

Andy Ho caught Gao Yang, and the two fell to the ground together.

Gao Yang shouted on the intercom: "Am I hit?"


Gao Yang grinned meaninglessly with a grin, and then he shouted, "Are you dead," while struggling to get up with Andy Ho?



"Not yet, but soon."

Gao Yang stood up, looked back at the prince, then gasped and whispered: "It's amazing!" (To be continued.)

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