A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1939: This is stealing me

If ten sticks come over, the two-headed snake will naturally be killed at the same time, but assuming that the enemy has ten snipers, it is unlikely that the enemy's ten snipers will attack a target at the same time, which is too wasteful. ﹤﹤ ≤≤ ﹤

What Gao Yang needs is to find a suitable tactic, one by one, take turns, find out the enemy's sniper to solve it. It is not impossible to touch it blindly, but it is a completely uncontrollable way of fighting.

If the two fighting sides are masters, the battle will become long and tormenting. Both sides are especially careful. The shooting opportunities are very few. Once the opportunities arise, they must be seized, and the shooting time will be extremely short.

They are attacking, and the enemy is defending, so the enemy ’s sniper shoots the commando led by Poseyankov is much easier, because the attack has to expose himself, and Gao Yang wants to grab the enemy sniper and destroy It's a lot harder, because the enemy is too old.

Satan and the Virgin Mary have met at least four times, playing a jungle combat squad and a desert combat squad of the Virgin Mary. In Ukraine, a large part of the Virgin Iron squad played a large part. Part of a small team, but these four battles, it can be said that none of them are head-to-head battles.

The jungle war is too occasional, and it is normal for everyone to win when the strength is similar. The battle between the Syrian and the Iron Madonna is also a face-to-face encounter. The battle was terminated by the leakage of chemical weapons. The Virgin was ambushed by a mine array, and the battle that had just been born not long ago was more of a sneak attack.

In these few battles with the Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary was completely unable to wield the absolute superiority of the soldiers in number and strength, but this time is different. He also just ended a long training session and had a head-to-head battle with Satan on the frontal battlefield.

To be tough, Satan is really not an opponent of the Iron Madonna, and the number is several times worse, but Satan has a helper for a long time.

However, judging from the current situation, Satan and the helper are still not good ...

Reality is very frustrating, but it can only face the reality. What can it do before absolute strength.

Poseyankov is really tenacious, but Gao Yang feels that he can't go on like this. Satan's cover can't suppress the Iron Madonna. Poseyankov's continued attack can only be killed.

"Stop attacking! Hide in place!"

After giving orders on the intercom, Gao Yang exhaled and turned to the commander of the angel, shouting: "Artillery! We need artillery support! Only artillery can open the situation, where is our artillery!"

"Friends promised to provide artillery support, but they haven't come yet, I don't know what is going on, I will urge them ..."

Before the voice fell, there was a roar in the sky, and Rebrov shouted with a scream that broke his throat: "Bombardment, concealed!"

Hearing the sound of the shells flying past means that the shells are flying over the head, but it ’s actually okay, because when the shells fall towards you, you ca n’t hear the sounds at all, if you hear the shells tearing air when they fall close Sound, it must be dead, so no one knows what this sound is like.

"Hidden, hidden!"

Gao Yang believed in Rebrov ’s judgment, and fell to the ground violently, then quickly climbed to the nearest pit and rolled into it. When he shouted for concealment, the shells had begun to explode on their positions Too.

The shells came, they were the enemy, and they were a series of shells.

Fortunately, the enemy's shells were not allowed. Unfortunately, the enemy had too many cannons.

The shells did not land at the same time, but they were extremely dense. This was because the enemy pursued instantaneous firepower density, but the enemy ’s shells were a little bit biased, and there was a rest period. Stop shooting.

"152mm cannon, destructive explosive bombs! Thirty-six cannons, the overall landing point of the artillery is offset ..."

Rebrov didn't speak, the cannon rang again, and this time it was a continuous fire.

"The whole projectile landed a hundred meters away in front of us. The assault team was finished. The retreat or retreat was not completed. The full-strength shot extended the shot! Hurry and run!

In the deafening gunfire, Rebrov insisted that he finished speaking. If it were n’t for the headset, the effect would n’t be great, and Gao Yang would never hear what he was talking about.

"Withdraw, hide!"

Gao Yang suddenly stood up and ran, and then he felt that the sound of the gun seemed to be getting closer and closer. Then he felt that his left leg and calf were hit by a hammer with a hammer. When he hit him, he stumbled forward.

Gao Yang fell to the ground, he thought it was really over this time, because he felt that his leg must be broken, but when he looked back at his left leg, his leg was still in good condition.

Touching his leg, he showed that although his calf was particularly painful, it was intact, and a dark thing fell on his feet.

Waiting for Gao Yang to take a closer look, he now hit him with a foot, to be precise, a broken foot still in the combat boot. The boot was originally black, and the stubble of the broken foot was also black Husband, there is no blood at all, and the whole is deformed. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see that it is a foot.

At this moment, the shelling stopped, and the artillery did not extend to the side of them, but stopped when there were dozens of meters away.

"Withdraw, withdraw! Everyone withdraws, Poseyankov, are you still alive!"

Rebrov shouted loudly on the intercom: "Twenty seconds of rapid fire, only for such a short period of time, shows that the enemy's shells are not enough. The enemy has at least 36 artillery pieces and one artillery group ! "

Gao Yang is helpless ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ is also desperate.

However, Gao Yang has not yet planned to give up the rescue of angels. Despair is despair in the face of an absolute disadvantage at the moment, but this does not mean that he can shake his determination.

"Report, report casualties!"

Gao Yang was most concerned that Satan was not injured or even killed in the shelling just now, but the shells were still far from the point of the report. After the report ended, his most fearful situation did not appear.

Finally letting go of a heart hanging in the air, Gao Yang immediately said with a daze: "Why are you sure that it is 36 cannons?"

Rebrov whispered: "I heard the sound of thirty-six shells exploding. You may not be able to tell, but this is my basic skill."

Thirty-six gates, 152 mm caliber, used by the Iron Madonna.

Although there is no basis, Gao Yang exhaled for a long time, and said quietly: "Fak! They hit us with stealing my cannon!" (To be continued.)

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