A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1940: Not the protagonist

Thirty-six 152-mm cannons were lost in Gao Yang's hands. Those cannons were not his, but they were indeed dropped from him. < ≦ <﹤ ≦ ≤ ≦

Now, such a terrible cannon is used in a terrible time.

It was awful to be stolen by someone and then use it on myself. It was awful.

After a round of artillery bombardment, the attackers are over, and whether they can withdraw or not is still a problem.

Gao Yang once again called Poseyankov.

"Answer me, are you still alive, withdraw immediately, withdraw."

"I'm still alive, but I'm in a bad condition and I was shot."

Poseyankov's voice was very weak, and Yang Yang exhaled a long time, and said with a deep voice: "We will go to save you, hold on, how are your casualties?"

"Don't know, I let others answer you."

"We were killed in twenty-four people and injured about thirty seriously."

The powerful blockade of Our Lady of Iron and Steel had caused a lot of casualties, but the shelling that just crushed the camel ’s straw just now. In this round of shelling, the people brought by Ivan were wiped out.

Fortunately, when the shelling was just born, the people that Poseyankov carried were in hiding, otherwise, it is estimated that all of them just died out just now.

To save the injured, Gao Yang had to retreat at this time, and he had to find a safe place to hide. If there was another round of artillery fire, Satan's people would also be wiped out.

The enemy's defense line has not yet been solved. The large number of enemy snipers is an unsolvable problem. Now it has to be added to save the wounded soldiers. Gao Yang really feels like he can't get started.

The wounded soldiers ca n’t be dragged, there is no need to rescue them after a long delay, but Gao Yang ca n’t order Satan ’s people to save the wounded. It does n’t matter whether they are dead or not, but the Satanic people are sent to rescue the wounded Let them go to death. Satan, a dozen people, cannot save a wounded man even if he is dead.

Gao Yang rubbed his face with his hand, and said to the angel commander who came with reinforcements: "Bring all the people you are here, ready to go and bring the injured person back."

The commander looked at Gao Yang with a displeased look, his lips tightly pursed.

Gao Yang's face did not change, and slowly said: "I know what you are thinking, why we don't go about this kind of thing, but let your people die, this is because we will rush into the building as the final main force This task can only be undertaken by us. Now that we are going to meet the wounded, our strength will be wasted. "

"Throw away the wounded and watch the painful death. I can't do this kind of thing. Since you said that the most dangerous task will be borne by you, then, I am willing to take the responsibility of returning the wounded. I go personally, I cannot Let your genus go to die, this time to die, let us die together. "

In a very flat tone, after the commander finished speaking, he said calmly to the deputy beside him: "Tell the brothers, I personally pick up the wounded who was just hit by the shelling. If anyone voluntarily goes with me, let him He's coming soon. "

Gao Yang suddenly felt that in this civil war in Ukraine, both sides of the war showed strong courage.

There is no shortage of warriors on both sides, but it is a pity that they died in the civil war.

A team was quickly assembled to pick up the wounded. Many of them were carrying stretchers ready to carry the wounded people back, as well as stretchers made temporarily from various materials, so this can be said to be a stretcher team.

At this moment, the commander's deputy suddenly ran over ecstatically, shouting: "Our artillery has been deployed and they can take over the task of covering artillery."

"Are there coordinates?"

"Yes! They are extremely familiar with this area, just give them a reference to fire."

Gao Yang was also ecstatic, exclaiming: "It's great, artillery cover, we attack."

"But we only have six cannons, and there are bombs, but very few."

Gao Yangxun made a calculation. At this point, the artillery can be used to cover the stretcher team. If the artillery used to cover the attack is still too small, and it must be prepared to meet the enemy ’s artillery again during the attack, so cover It is okay to evacuate the wounded soldiers, and it is used to cover the offensive firepower.

"Fire the gun and cover the evacuation of the wounded."

Now fighting an outdated war, a war full of World War II style, neither side has any particularly sophisticated weapons, but both sides wield the role and power of the artillery.

It can be said that after 199o, this is the first war in the world where both armies can skillfully use artillery.

The sound of the guns rumbling loudly, although the instantaneous firepower density is not large, and the sustainable time is much longer than the enemy, so there are only six cannons, but they still play a key role.

The members of Satan hid in the bunker, trying to suppress the enemy's attack, and the stretcher team took the opportunity to rush forward and transported the wounded one by one.

In order to save the wounded, he had to pay the price of a dozen more casualties.

This kind of battle makes people feel very powerless, because to a great extent, the artillery is the protagonist, the infantry, no matter how elite, can only play the role of supporting role.

During the brief truce, Gao Yang brought people together and studied how to fight next when all aspects are not dominant.

Grolev said with a fist: "It would be nice to have an airplane, and we must have artillery, a sufficient number of artillery!"

Gao Yang shouted towards Yake: "Contact our artillery to see if they can come over."

After speaking to Yake, Gao Yang looked at the building that was always inaccessible, and suddenly said: "Try to contact Nete! They must find out the situation in the building ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Li Jinfang said in a deep voice: "Wireless communication is disturbed, how to contact? "

All the solutions were devised by people. Looking at the building, Gao Yang suddenly said: "Morse code, semaphore, all used! Prince, do any of you understand the semaphore? What about the Morse code?"

The prince said excitedly: "Some people understand the semaphore of the navy, and the semaphore of the navy. We have retired the navy. The Morse code is even more okay. Most people understand it!"

"Fox, you flashlight Morse code, who would know the navy's slogan?"

James immediately raised his hand and said: "I will, the flag language is universal, I understand the navy flag!"

Gao Yang immediately waved his hand: "Then contact the angel immediately!"

Soon, the prince began to use a strong light tactical flashlight to shoot signals continuously towards the building through the length of the light. Although it was still conspicuous during the day, if someone in the building noticed the light, it would definitely be distinguishable, and James, it was Start waving with two flags, hoping to be noticed by the people in the building. (To be continued.)

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