A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1938: Two-headed snake tactics


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Although the bunker was retracted in time, he ran for a while behind the wall, left the area locked by the enemy sniper, ran a few meters, and stopped after a wall that had collapsed halfway. rabbit!"

No one responded, so Gao Yang remembered that Cui Bo did not follow.

The enemy's sniper is very difficult, very difficult. In other words, the enemy's sniper is very strong, very strong.

Gao Yang didn't care, but he didn't take a life-and-death attitude against this sniper. He just fired a shot, and then evaded and left the shot immediately after the shot, according to the attitude that a sniper or precision shooter should have. This is the one that saved him a small life. If he moves slowly for even half a second, now half of his head is gone.

Going to fight the master with the mentality of vegetable abuse, then it will definitely die. Gao Yang knows that the other party should be all masters, so he fights with the caution that the master should have. It is this caution that saved his life.

At this time, Gao Yang usually cooperates with Cui Bo to kill the enemy's sniper, because the enemy will definitely switch positions after firing a shot, and will also look for shooting opportunities instead of staying in place to find death. In that case, Tommy cannon You can kill him, but now Tommy ’s firing is a waste of shells. When Cui Bo is not there, Gao Yang cannot cooperate with him to kill the powerful sniper.

If the enemy has a sniper, it must be killed, the threat is too great.

"Prince! Prince!"

When Cui Bo was not there, Gao Yang immediately began to call the prince.

The prince Zhao Yang waved his hand. Gao Yang extended **** towards the prince and made a gesture of picking vegetables. This was not a professional sign language, but a gesture that only he and Cui Bo understood.

Gao Yang means that two people attack at the same time to attract the attention of the enemy sniper, because the sniper must be responsible for solving the enemy sniper, then when one of them has a sniper shooting, it will attract the enemy sniper, and the two of them One can take the opportunity to fire and kill it.

This tactic was used by Gao Yang and Cui Bo from the time of military fans. After becoming a mercenary, they are still used. They are well-rounded and familiar, and they do n’t need to be greeted at all. Both are bait and two. They are all shooters who make a fatal blow. It depends on who has the right chance and who catches the enemy sniper.

The tacit understanding is so important. Gao Yang and Cui Bo have a look, a gesture that can be started immediately. In the prince, watching Gao Yang's gesture is inexplicable.

The prince made a puzzled gesture, and Gao Yang actually realized that it was useless when he extended his finger, so he already hurriedly said on the intercom: "Prince, do you understand the two-headed snake tactic?"

Double-headed snakes will be bitten by another snake when they hit this head, but this is still a name that promotes their own name, not a conventional tactical action. There is no way. One codename is enough to explain a complex tactic. People are subconscious Will say codenames instead of regular tactical names. Moreover, there is no formal name for such tactics. The name of any unit will not be the same. This is not the tactical actions that conventional units will take, such as crawling forward. It is common throughout the world, but the extremely risky tactic of the double-headed snake is not a very clever force, nor a very confident sniper will not use it or use it.

It was slow to speak, but in fact it was just a matter of a moment. After all, the prince was a master, and he immediately understood what Gao Yang meant.

"Two-headed snake, understand!"


Gao Yang and the Prince acted simultaneously.

Gao Yang is standing next to a gap blown out on a wall. The gap is convenient for shooting. However, Gao Yang is next to the gap. Although he is required to shoot with a gun there, the gap will be focused on by the enemy's sniper.

Get up quickly, stand upright, holding a gun, right eye behind the sight, and left eye open, you can quickly search and quickly aim, this aiming method is used by precision shooters, but it is not a general precision shooter Can be used.

It was found that an enemy was shooting, Gao Yang quickly opened fire and shot him dead, but he had not found the enemy sniper, and just then, the prince suddenly shouted: "Slay!"

Gao Yang failed to find the enemy's sniper, but his shooting attracted the enemy's sniper. Before the enemy's sniper fired, the prince found and opened fire, and successfully killed him.

The first use was successful, and Gao Yang and the Prince had good luck. During this scuffle, the double-headed snake tactics did not achieve results every time, because this tactic only targeted high-value and high-threat snipers. Snipers don't shoot every time.

Gao Yang became a bait, the prince completed the shooting, and the cooperation was successful. Gao Yang immediately closed the gun, ran a paragraph behind the low wall, re-probe out and observed for a moment, and found that their situation was really bad.

The commando led by Poseyankov has already suffered casualties, at least ten!

As for advancing from the middle, of the thirty people who were originally cannon fodder, only seven or eight can move, but they have been hiding behind the cover and cannot move forward at all.

After a continuous burst of fire at a fire point of the enemy, Grolyov suddenly stooped down and ran away, then he shouted to the sky: "There are too many enemy snipers, too many! At least ten!"

Gao Yang certainly understands that the enemy's snipers are too many, because the frequency of the enemy's firing is not high, and the bullets are not dense, but there will always be a person falling every time the enemy fires.

The Virgin Iron is attacking the building guarded by the angels, and the sniper is useless in the building. So where is the Virgin Iron sniper?

Of course, the snipers of Our Lady of Steel will all be placed outside the big building to block it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This is a matter of common sense.

But the problem is that there are too many snipers of the Iron Madonna. A mercenary group of about 200 people has at least ten snipers. If it is a group operation, there are at least twenty people. It is too exaggerated and extravagant in the army, but it is very normal in a top special force, and it is also normal in the strongest mercenary regiment.

So Satan ’s cover is of no use at all, and they must be especially careful. Otherwise, the enemy ’s snipers will of course not mind killing one of them with one shot at their convenience.

There were too many enemy snipers, and Gao Yang suddenly thought of a question, that is, in the two-headed snake tactics, did the prince kill him the one he aimed at? Since there are so many enemy snipers, what is the point of the double-headed snake tactics? (To be continued.)


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