A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1923: The plan went bankrupt

? "Knight, I have to tell you something."

"Please say."

"About the battle situation in Harzisk."

"Can't hold it?"


"What is the case, Rams, when did you become so wordy, can you be more direct?"

"Okay, this is the case. I originally planned to put one of the 72 brigades in Harzisk to fight street fighting, so that it is possible to ensure that Harzisk is not lost, and to delay the battle for a longer period of time, the situation is more intense, Let you have a higher right to speak between the forces of East Ukraine. You control a battle at a key node, then you naturally have the right to speak, right? "

"Don't talk about your plan, I said that you are solely responsible, you only say the result, the result! Is there a problem, is it unsustainable? Is it the result of putting the enemy into the city to fight the street fight and mess up?"

"It's a problem, but it's not overwhelming. I have already said it. Can't you listen to me seriously?"

"Fak! Then you say it quickly, hurry!"

"The problem is that the battle situation in Harzisk is too smooth. The 15th Artillery Regiment has surrendered to me and is attacking me. The 72nd Brigade of Harzisk has lost all the artillery and they scored in Harzisk. A small number of soldiers in the city were annihilated, and most of them chose to surrender. So the 72 Brigade fell into a very passive situation, and the remaining troops could no longer sustain the battle in Harzisk. The battle here in Harzisk should come to an end. We won because the enemy failed, but this victory came a little early, so my plan to hold down the enemy for a protracted war broke down. "

"Today is April Fool's Day? Or, do you think I'm too nervous here and want to make a joke with me?"

"Today is not April Fools' Day, and I am not kidding. I am telling the truth."

"The 15th Artillery Corps surrendered? Why? Why did they surrender to you?"

"Because I carried out a beheading operation, I killed the headquarters of the 15th Artillery Regiment, captured all the commanders alive, from the regiment to the combat staff, and then we went to attack the 15th Artillery Regiment Battalion, um, We captured everyone, including all equipment, and then we attacked two battalions of towed howitzers, one self-propelled rocket artillery battalion and one self-propelled howitzer battalion in the same way. They all agreed to surrender, although there were a few soldiers They intend to rebel, but eventually led by the head of the 15th Artillery Regiment and persuaded by the rifle, they still surrendered. Then correct you a little bit. This is not surrender, it is surrender. "

"I ..., you ..., Faker ..., what are you talking about? Can you say it again?"

"Uh, yes, the 15 Artillery Regiment decided to surrender, uprising, allegiance to us, oh, that is allegiance to you, the entire regiment, including all artillery, equipment, ammunition, etc., does not include the guard company, because the guards The company was destroyed by us, so to sum up, that is, the Ukrainian 15th Artillery Regiment owes a guard company and a communication company and decided to surrender to us and will issue a public statement to join your armed forces. Of course, this is conditional of."

"A whole regiment surrenders to me? This, this, this, you, you, you are kidding? How do you, you, you do it? Is this true?"

"Knight, I didn't find you stuttering."

"Please, please, Faker, please tell me quickly! What, what conditions!"

"Uh, after a long conversation with Rosta, the head of the 15th Artillery Regiment, he recognized the reality. The reality is that he was captured, his future is gone, his reputation is gone, and he has to go back to the military court. Of course, he is more likely to be shot dead by me, but he is not willing to surrender, because his family members are still in Kiev, he would rather die by himself than drag his family, based on this reality, I Several conditions were offered to him. "

"Please, please, speak quickly!"

"First, I promise to take all his family members, or send them abroad, to the country he designated, and in addition, give him two million dollars. Second, I promise to send all the officers of the 15 Artillery Regiment to the families of all officers. All received. Third, after arriving in the safety zone, the soldiers who refused to surrender were released safely, without ill-treatment or insult. Fourth, but after Head Rosta announced the surrender, you gave him the post of commander of artillery, which could be No job, no soldiers, it depends on his performance. One more word, the head of Rosta guarantees that he will work very hard for you. Fifth, a public statement must be issued to declare that they are surrounded by large groups of militia , And was forced to surrender after the heroic resistance, which is to ensure their reputation. Sixth, if I fail to receive their family, I must release the head of Rosta and his officers to leave, that is, family The officers who are received will stay, and the officers who did not pick up their family members, or would rather go back to die should not be embarrassed to let them leave freely. That is all, there are no other conditions. "

"how did you do that?"

"That ’s it, I do n’t know what ’s going on. In fact, I ’m still a little bit unbelievable, but the conditions are these. In short, I ’ll bring you the whole group ’s equipment, can anyone stay and return? It depends on the result, but it does n’t matter. We have qualified artillery, but we do n’t have enough artillery. "

"That's okay? This ... is it okay?"

"Okay ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ what's wrong, tell me the conditions you can offer. Can you agree? If I can't agree, let me go. Now I decide to talk and count. If you can agree, do it quickly. "

"Yes! Of course! Rams, I know your energy, you can pick up those people's families, you must be able, if you dare to open this condition, I know you can do it, please, help , I must leave this regiment. What I want is not equipment, but influence, influence! The whole regiment is sincere, Fak! Can you imagine how great this influence is?

"I know, otherwise why do you think I have to work so hard? So buddy, I paid off your debts, remember you owe me a large debt."

"Understand! Thank you, thank you! Oh, God, I do n’t believe in God, but I now believe that you must be God ’s darling, and you are more like an angel, Fak, I understand, you are Satan, you are Satan, you The bewitching ability makes me want to kiss your boots. Only Satan can do it. Seriously, it ’s a pity that you ’re a mercenary instead of a regular customer. I love you evil devil, you evil Yes, the bewitching king of devil, long live Satan! Long live ram! "(To be continued.)


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