A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1922: You teach me


It ’s not impossible to kill, but it ’s best not to kill, but these captives ca n’t be released. Putting these captives back and then fighting the militia is still a secondary issue. The problem is that these people will report, even if the 15 Artillery Regiment has no threat. However, the 72 Brigade can also send troops to stop it.

It's not easy to kill, but you can't let it go. This makes Gao Yang embarrassed.

Do not know what to do, then ask others to let others come up with an idea, so Gao Yang turned back and walked to Rosta.

"Mr. Colonel, now I have a problem, I hope you can answer my doubts."

Gao Yang turned around and pointed at the captives, and then said with embarrassment: "Our mission is to carry out a beheading operation. The beheading operation was very successful, but I did not expect to capture so many captives. Now that the question is coming, what should I do? Handle these captives. "

Rostain's angry lips were trembling.

Gao Yang sighed: "Don't be angry, please listen to me finish talking, first of all, I am a person who speaks, I said that as long as you cooperate with me, you don't have to kill people, and I really plan to do this."

Rostain said in a deep voice: "Then you should talk and count."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Yes, but the problem is that we now decide to drive away all the self-propelled artillery. It is a pity that so many cannons have been blown up. I can't bear it, but the problem is very serious. These few people, if we quietly return to our position, it is very simple, without any danger, everyone here is free of problems, but we have to take all the self-propelled artillery away, then trouble, 72 brigade Our position is in the middle of us, and the 72 brigade has enough tanks. I let the captives go. As soon as they reported it, we would have difficulty returning safely. "

After speaking, Gao Yang sighed, very helplessly said: "Basically, I tend to kill all the captives, you don't want to look at me with this look, everything is secondary to your own safety. , So we do n’t waste time, and you do n’t have to use ethics and rules of war to demand me. Those are meaningless. "

The battalion commander ’s lips were trembling, and Rosta ’s chest undulated violently. He shouted, "So, what do you want to do!"

Gao Yang said seriously: "I am really here to ask you, what should I do? I can safely withdraw the prisoners without hurting them, and go back with all the self-propelled artillery. Is there any way for you? You If there is a way, and I think it is feasible, then I will do what you say, if you ca n’t help, then I ’m sorry, I have to order to kill everyone. I ’m really sorry. I have not cultivated virtue. "

The battalion commander shook his head hard: "No, no! Do you really have to kill them all so many people? Don't do this, I can order them, they will never tell the truth, you can take everything and leave, I As a hostage, I will walk with you as a hostage, and no one will ever report it. "

Gao Yang spread his hands and said helplessly: "This method will not work."

After a long breath, Rosta whispered: "Your condition is simply impossible! How is this possible, how can such a thing happen, you are too greedy, you have destroyed my regiment, and now you want to Take away our guns, you are too greedy! "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Yes, greed is the original sin of man. I admit that I am really greedy. If we are willing to destroy those weapons and leave, it is of course very good, but I am reluctant, so this is the problem, and let me If you choose between the cannon and the captive, no, to be precise, if you choose between the cannon and the moral, I want the cannon, so I will kill the captive. "

After speaking very bluntly, he whispered: "Is there a way? No way, okay, sorry, sincerely apologize to you, I have a word."

Gao Yang turned around, raised his hand, and made a look that he was about to give an order. Then Rosta said loudly: "Wait! Wait, there is a way, there is a way!"

Gao Yang turned back and said: "Is there really a way? What way?"

Rosta's sorrowful face whispered: "We surrender."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "But you are already captives, does it make any sense to surrender?"

Rosta was ashamed and muttered to himself: "Not the same, I was caught alive by you, but I now decide to take them to surrender, all surrender, we go back with you, so that they do not have to die . "

Gao Yang's eyes lit up and shouted: "I understand, you mean surrender, uprising, and lead the entire regiment to our camp? Right, Mr. Colonel."

Rosta looked bitter and shook his head again and again: "No, it's not like this. We don't plan to join the rebels and join your camp. We just admit defeat and surrender, and are willing to cooperate with your orders to go to your position. , But we will definitely not join your camp. "

Gao Yang scratched his head and said with embarrassment: "That's not enough, we few people can't take care of so many captives and **** them all the way back to our positions, so this hasn't changed the current situation at all."

Rosta said helplessly: "Yes, I ordered it myself, and then all the officers of this battalion were taken as hostages, turned off all communication equipment, and followed your route to your position ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This is really possible, and those soldiers will also cooperate. "

Gao Yang frowned for a moment, and nodded, "It's not that it's not possible. Although it is still a bit risky, but I think this plan is worth considering. Well, Mr. Colonel, since this is the case, it is not as good as we go further. The remaining troops also surrendered. Several other positions allowed them to surrender and follow us. "

Rosta grew his mouth, wondering: "What are you saying? It's impossible, how could they all surrender, are you crazy?"

Gao Yang thought about it seriously, and then shouted, "No, I'm not crazy. Let's make a deal, Mr. Colonel, and your battalion commander. Anyway, as long as the war is not over, you cannot be put back. , So, I have nothing to say. "

Straightening his body, Gao Yang said very seriously: "You are sincere, lead the whole group to my side, I know what you are worrying about, family, reputation, status, too much, but now you need to understand some, You have been captured, so your reputation and status are no longer guaranteed, and you may even die, right? Okay, then the rest is only your family in the back, so the concerns about your family make you unable to Sincerity, but this is how I sent your family to your side, and you issued a public statement announcing your sincerity. What do you think of this idea? "(To be continued.)

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