A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1924: Long live the Rams

? Shakhtar Donetsk, in a command, Knight Schumacher suddenly jumped from his chair and shouted.

"Long live Satan! Long live ram! Long live! Long live!"

During the fierce battle, it was so scary that someone suddenly shouted in such an explosive manner. All the people in the room stopped their hands and stared at Nete.

Several people outside the door also ran in and stared at Nete.


When he saw the person coming in, Nete's face was excited, and he shouted at the person who came: "The wizard is just right. The 15th Independent Artillery Regiment was sent to Harzisk yesterday."

The wizard said solemnly: "Nahalzisk is in danger."

Knight shook his head, split his mouth, made a grimace, and said loudly: "Wrong! Last night the Rams led Satan to attack the 15 Artillery Regiment. Then, they captured the entire 15 Artillery Regiment. 15 The head of the artillery regiment decided to lead the entire regiment to surrender to us, not to surrender, but to surrender! "

The wizard's mouth can plug an egg.

At this moment, he was still talking loudly: "Hey, hello, what are you doing? Not finished yet."

The wizard dumbfounded: "Satan, there are only a dozen people? They captured a regiment, sorry sir, I think this is a little funny."

Knight stretched his finger to the wizard, and then shouted on the phone: "I listen, you continue."

"Oh, the rest is nothing important. If you agree to all the conditions, the rest will be easier to handle. I will use my network to connect the families of the important commanders in the 15 Artillery Regiment. Come here, but you get the money. "

Nete ​​said loudly: "No problem, of course, I will pay for the money. Is there anything else?"

"When will you send someone to take over for me, and now my battle is almost over. We will launch a counterattack against the enemy, which may take some time, but the battle will not last long, unless the enemy sends more reinforcements, Otherwise, I expect that the battle will end tonight, and the battle will end tomorrow at the latest. The battle is over, and the situation here will naturally stabilize. You have to send someone to take over for me. "

Knight immediately said: "Okay, I will immediately prepare the wizard to take your place, and let them go now."

"Very good, let them come early.

Knight still couldn't bear his excitement, shouting: "Ram, remember Colombia?"

"Are you referring to the time when I was blackmailed by you? I think you better not remind me of this. I worry that I will not be able to blackmail you."

Knight hurriedly said: "No, no, don't always think about commissions. I want to say that your luck is really good. At the beginning, I gave you the command in Colombia because of your luck. I am much better. This time, you once again proved that your luck was really good. A dozen people captured the entire artillery regiment. It ’s incredible. "

"Luck? This is obviously strength, although my luck is indeed good, but this is a manifestation of strength rather than any luck. Well, let the wizard hurry up and see you."

Gao Yang hung up the phone, and after a moment of thoughtful contemplation, Knight exclaimed: "Okay, continue your work, don't look silly."

The wizard was still dull, shouting: "Sir, a dozen people have captured the entire regiment. This is a miracle in the history of war. Do you believe this kind of thing really happened?"

Knight shrugged: "First attack the command and capture the commander including the commander, and then capture an artillery battalion with the support of the commander, and then capture other enemies one after another. There is an essential difference. In addition, even if it is a miracle in the history of war, this kind of thing has not happened. "

The wizard exhaled and whispered: "If this is really the case, then that would be great. If the 15 Artillery Regiment surrendered to us, it would be the first unit of surrender in Ukraine. Say, no one has achieved such a record yet. "

Nete ​​said excitedly: "I repeat, it is surrender, not surrender. The head of the 15th Artillery Regiment can issue a public statement, lead the entire regiment to join us, join us to switch the muzzle combat, fight for us, think about it Think, what this means! "

The wizard covered his mouth and turned around two times, but looked up at Nete with a crying expression on his face, shouting: "How is it possible, no, I just want to do it? How did the Rams do it?" Arrived? This is simply impossible! "

Nai Yi nodded, let out a deep breath, and whispered: "Of course it is conditional, but, I don't know why the Rams can do it, I guess, maybe even he himself doesn't know how he did Yes! "

The wizard took a deep breath and said stupefiedly: "The situation has opened up. This situation is so beautiful for us."

Nete ​​looked serious and nodded: "Yes, although the military force of Harzisk, nominally surrendered to us, we have never been able to really grasp it, because we are outsiders and foreigners after all! But now It ’s different. The person who pulled up this armed group was dead. The Rams took control of the situation, forcing the 15 Artillery Regiment to surrender and a big victory. Harzisk has been completely controlled. The most important thing is, It's the whole Dongwu, our voice is the biggest, which will attract more soldiers and support! "

The wizard nodded again and again: "I must go to Harzisk immediately!"

Knight pointed to the wizard ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "Go, take our elite troops, take our command system!"

The wizard looked at Knight and frowned, "I'm going? Why is it me? I think you should go by yourself."

Knight smiled: "I can't go, now Donetsk is the main battlefield, I can't leave, and you are my adjutant, the deputy head of the angel, who do you not go to? Harzisk is now us The foundation of the 15 artillery regiment needs to meet several conditions. These conditions can only be fulfilled by the ram, so the surrender will not be particularly fast. At least it will take a few days. You first take over from the ram. The defense of Irzisk will keep the situation stable. When the battle here is over, I will naturally go to Harzisk. "

The wizard thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, let me go."

Nete ​​clenched his fists and waved a bit excitedly: "For so many years, we have never been so close to our dreams. It's like a dream. The Rams have created an unimaginable beautiful start for us, can't we Then create miracles and fulfill our dreams, it depends on what we do next. Here we are, Satan is going to Yemen. Both angels and Satan have to create their own foundations. Wizards, we ca n’t lose to Satan ’s guys No! "(To be continued.)

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