A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1921: Emergency collection


How many people should be in a regiment or a battalion? This is not a fixed number. It varies from country to country, and arms and arms are not the same. Even if the arms are the same, the same structure but the difference in number is very common.

The artillery unit, of course, the most important is the artillery, so the artillery unit is divided into army levels according to the number of artillery. An infantry regiment can be as small as a thousand people, and some troops have an infantry battalion even close to a thousand people, There is less artillery battalion.

Twelve 2s3 self-propelled artillery, five members per gun, which is only 60 people, plus what command, communication, logistics, full battle is only 200 people, and this artillery team is all technical arms, Although they are also equipped with guns, it would be self-evident if the soldiers of these technical arms and those of Satan would play a face-to-face distance.

All of them have penetrated into the heart of the enemy. Rothstein does not order, that is the problem that Gao Yang ordered, and Gao Yang ordered, it can only be a massacre, without killing everyone, Gao Yang is afraid to take it.

Rostain sighed softly and opened the door, but the man did not get out of the car, but directly shouted at the battalion under his command: "In an emergency, gather everyone immediately."

The cannon was too loud to hear, and the battalion commander immediately ran over and rushed directly to the car, saluted, and said loudly, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Rostan said loudly: "In an emergency, stop the fire immediately and gather everyone in an emergency."

The battalion commander froze for a moment, but then raised his hands, waved again and again, ran towards his command car, and then shouted to the person in the tailgate: "Stop the fire, stop the fire, gather urgently, everyone!"

After shouting, the battalion commander ran back immediately, and when he saw his head again, he was immediately puzzled.

Looking at the soaring camouflage, and then looking at the gloomy head, the battalion commander subconsciously saluted again, and shouted: "Head, what's wrong with this? This is?"

Gao Yang immediately opened the door and got off the car. He saluted and said, "Hello, I am the commander of the 72nd Brigade's special task force, and he is in emergency military affairs."

Rostan also got out of the car, still gloomy, but did not make any small movements, just muffled and said: "emergency military, try to cooperate."

Gao Yang was wearing an infantry camouflage suit and had no identity on his body, but it was normal for a task force such as a contingent to perform reconnaissance or other tasks and remove all obvious signs from the body during combat.

Coupled with the endorsement of his own leader, the battalion commander no longer doubted, and immediately returned a military salute to Gao Yang, shouting: "Hello."

Rothstein shouted: "Gather everyone, I want to speak."

The artillery has stopped shooting one after another, but the crew members who ran out of various sports cars have been logistics responsible for conveying shells, those responsible for communication, all ran out one by one, and then began to line up on the position according to the company they complained about. For a while, it was still quiet.

A few minutes later, the emergency assembly was finally completed. The company commanders reported to the battalion commander. The battalion commander presided over the completion of the emergency assembly. Then he ran to Rostan, saluting and shouting: "Reporting leader, 15th Independent Artillery Regiment The self-propelled artillery battalion has been assembled, please review it. "

Rostain didn't speak, but bowed his head, and raised his hand, and the people who had prepared in the car immediately rushed out of the car, and rushed to the neat soldiers at the queue.

There was an uproar, and at this moment, Grolyov shot up with a machine gun in the sky. The continuous shooting of the machine gun immediately calmed everyone down, and after dozens of rounds of bullets, Grolyov put the machine gun on. After letting go, he flatly pointed at the many soldiers who were in a panic and shouted: "Raise your hand, you are captured, whoever killed you!"

The battalion commander was stunned, and he unconsciously reached for the gun. He raised his hand and pulled out the pistol. He pointed at the head of the battalion and smiled: "Don't move, you are captured, give me the gun."

Gao Yang plucked his pistol out of the battalion's holster, waved the muzzle, let him stand in parallel with Rostan, and then shouted: "Don't move, cooperate with you to avoid unnecessary casualties."

The battalion leader looked at his head, with a tearless expression, and shouted: "What the **** is going on? What is going on!"

Rostin sighed softly and whispered: "They raided my command and killed everyone. I'm sorry, I can't help it. If I resist, I will only let more people die."

Gao Yang nodded and said loudly, "Tell me what the state of the artillery is now. Don't lie. If you lie, I order to shoot, so don't think of being a hero, or let me be an executioner."

The battalion commander said with frustration: "Full of bombs and fuel, good fighting conditions, all vehicles are in good condition, you can transfer positions and launch attacks at any time."

Li Jinfang ran high and raised his head, shouting: "Report that the enemy has all disarmed."

Gao Yang smiled and shook his head: "Look at them."

Striding toward the many captives, Chelayev held a gun and quickly approached Gao Yang, with an excited expression: "What should I do next? This is so smooth, the entire battalion is ours, all Cannons and shells are all ours! "

Gao Yang was silent for a moment ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Then he said: "I can't take it away ..."

For example, this sentence can be used to describe the face of Gao Yang and Chelayev. Chelayev said with a painful face: "Yeah, it is impossible to take it all away, but we can take all our own The artillery drove away, this thing is not so difficult to open. "

Satan ’s people have no problem with self-propelled artillery. This is similar to tanks. There is no big difference. Satan ’s people also learned how to drive armored vehicles and let them fight like a real tank driver. This is impossible. , But just let them start, but there is no problem.

Irene ran to the front and whispered: "Boss, how to deal with the captive?"

The total number of people in the whole camp is more than two hundred. It is absolutely impossible to kill them all. There is no need for it. The most important thing is that the impact is too great and too bad. This is ultimately a civil war. All the prisoners of war in the battalion have been killed. Isn't that why Schumacher is black.

So the consequences of killing prisoners are high and fully bearable, and for him, it is really the best choice to do this, at least there will be no worries when evacuating, Knaut is here to operate for a long time, Gao Yang always had to think about it for his friends, and take care of it. (To be continued.)

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