A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1916: Undefended

Late in the night, bypassing several sentries at a distance of nearly a thousand meters, this is really not a problem.

Easily bypassed the almost outpost, and they were raised to touch the light straight, more than a kilometer away, and there was no obvious whistle and dark whistle blocking the road. It was a matter of time to get closer.

The distance is close to less than 500 meters, and the enemy's position is illuminated by light, so they can observe it with great ease.

Soon, Gao Yang whispered: "This is an artillery position, not a command post."

Rebrov whispered in the intercom: "This is a 122mm towed howitzer position. According to the scale, it should be a battalion unit. The enemy uses the artillery collectively. On the right, it is about 500 from the artillery position. Where should the tent be the command post. "

Gao Yang thought for a moment and whispered: "A battalion command post of a towed howitzer is still of some value."

Aileen whispered excitedly: "Boss, the enemy is almost undefended! Not to mention the command post, killing everyone on this position is not a problem."

Gao Yang whispered: "No, our goal is the regiment headquarters of the 15th Artillery Regiment. We cannot waste opportunities here, Rebrov."

"Rebrov understands that, boss, the target coordinates are being determined. I need about five minutes."

Five minutes later, Rebrov whispered: "Report, the target coordinate elevation has been determined, the data has been sent back, if you can test fire, the effect can be the best."

"Just kidding, no test shooting is allowed, and now continue to find the enemy regiment headquarters, finished."

After talking, Gao Yang got up from the ground and looked at the almost undefended artillery position and the busy artillery near the artillery. It was regrettable that after swallowing a spit, he whispered: "Start."

Bypass the artillery position and proceed to the next illuminated place.

"The 122mm self-propelled rocket artillery battalion is loading rockets. The enemy ... has no guard force at all."

Rocket artillery, rocket supply vehicles, command vehicles, communication vehicles, hundreds of various vehicles were neatly and orderly parked on the open ground, although there were busy crowds around, but Gao Yang did not find that one was carrying out a vigilant mission with a rifle .

It is another undefended target, and it spreads a big piece. Although at least hundreds of artillery can be seen working hard, and they are only a dozen of them, but they still do n’t want to completely eliminate this big target. There will be any difficulty.

The 15 Artillery Regiment is very large and Satan is small, but in this situation, the 15 Artillery Regiment is as weak as a little girl.

No clothes yet.

The 15 Artillery Regiment is like a giant, and killing the Rocket Artillery Battalion is like breaking one arm of the 15 Artillery Regiment. The choice is relatively easy to make.

"Rebrov measured the coordinates, and then we continued to look for them."

At the time of the order, Gao Yang was extremely, extremely, extremely sorry.

While waiting, the sound of the cannon suddenly sounded, and everyone turned around and looked at it, and they could clearly see the light of the muzzle flame.

"About two kilometers in front of the left side, what is the gun?"

Rebrov whispered in his busy schedule: "152."

Gao Yangchao glanced at the firing position and whispered: "There is no light."

"That's a self-propelled artillery, which can fire without lights."

Gao Yang subconsciously rubbed his chin and whispered: "Shall we go to investigate the position of self-propelled artillery, or continue to search for the enemy's general headquarters?"

Chelayev whispered: "Let's find the headquarters. The position of the self-propelled artillery is not very significant. First of all, we can't test-fire. The bombardment cannot be particularly accurate. The self-propelled gun itself has armor protection. If it is hit by a shell, it is difficult to damage. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "It makes sense, then no longer waste time and shells on the enemy's self-propelled artillery position, we continue to find the enemy's headquarters."

At this moment, James whispered: "Boss, I found something here."

Gao Yang immediately moved to James's side and whispered: "What's wrong?"

James pointed his finger at the rocket artillery position and whispered: "Not the front position, but the back, do you see? The light is very weak, but very dense. According to the normal artillery position, the range is relatively large, even if there is The lights are also scattered, but the lights there are dense. "

Gao Yang raised the telescope. If there is a light, just use the ordinary telescope to observe the light.

The light was behind the rocket artillery position. Gao Yang observed for a moment, and whispered: "It is indeed the light emitted from a distance, blocked by the rocket artillery position. Let's go around and continue to observe."

After speaking, Gao Yang whispered on the intercom: "Tyrannosaurus, come here."

Irene quickly reached Gao Yang and whispered, "Gps show me the record."

Irene took out the gps and glanced high, whispering: "We have found three artillery positions with clear punctuation. The artillery positions are distributed along an arc. The distance between the positions is about two kilometers. Look Which of the denser lights is almost two kilometers away from these three positions, why is this the case? "

Chelayev whispered: "Nearly all troops have radios, but at the artillery headquarters and command positions, generally speaking, as long as there are conditions, you must pull the telephone line ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ use wired telephone , Because the radio is very likely to be interfered in wartime, and the wired telephone will not have this problem. "

Gao Yang nodded and smiled in a low voice: "That's right, so the enemy positions are so distributed, just because the distance is closer, you can pull less phone lines, you can deploy more quickly, and arrange the artillery positions faster, when the battle is over. , Can also gather faster and drive to the next location. "

After speaking, Gao Yang raised his finger to the rocket launcher position and whispered: "Bypassing here, you can see the enemy's regiment headquarters."

Aileen whispered: "The distance between the command and the artillery position is a little closer. If we attack, will we soon be found by the artillery positions around the command?"

Gao Yang laughed: "It doesn't matter, what can I do, do they turn the muzzle and fire at their headquarters?"

At this time Rebrov said on the walkie-talkie: "Report, boss, I've finished it."

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered in the intercom: "Bypassing the rocket launcher position, we should have found the enemy's headquarters. The command's vigilance will definitely be strengthened. Everyone should be more vigilant and try to conceal the enemy and act "" (To be continued.)

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