A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1917: The most difficult solution

Bypassing the rocket artillery position, a bend that is not too big, unsurprised, without any pressure.

If it is to perform other tasks, if it goes so smoothly, Gao Yang will definitely think there is a conspiracy or a trap, because for a heavy artillery regiment, the guard force here is too lax.

But considering the general environment of the entire battlefield, this situation is normal. After all, the battle ahead is fierce, and the militia has neither air power, enough artillery, nor the possibility of sending a large number of infantry, nor the 15 Artillery Regiment. Anything to worry about.

As for being attacked by Satan, an enemy who should not have appeared, the 15 Artillery Regiment could only admit that it was unlucky. Who would let Satan catch up like this.

The lights are getting closer and closer, and when you get close, you can basically be sure that there is the headquarters that they are looking for.

"Four field tents, communication vehicles, power supply vehicles, and command armored vehicles, you can be sure, this is the enemy's headquarters."

After excitedly speaking, he whispered: "Everyone, prepare before the attack, Rebrov, send the enemy's coordinates back as soon as possible, so that our artillery is ready to shoot."

"Rebrov understands, it's over."

Rebrov was also very excited. He needed the necessary preparations before shooting the cannon, and Gao Yang beckoned. After summoning several people together, he whispered: "It can be confirmed that this is the headquarters, but, There are many enemy sentries. "

Li Jinfang whispered: "Isn't the prisoner's confession right? The regiment has a guard company, I guess it's all here."

Gao Yang quickly sketched the observed terrain on the ground. Without a combat map, he could only deal with it temporarily and casually.

I drew a simple topographic map, raised my gun, and observed it with a gun sight for a moment, then whispered: "At present, the enemy has two mobile alert posts, with a scale of more than ten people, I think it should be There are two classes, there are fixed sentries everywhere, at least three people in each group, there are six sets of sentries that have been observed, it is estimated that there must be at least two to four outposts in the unobserved positions, and the enemy ’s vigilance is still strict. . "

Grolev whispered: "One guard company, coupled with the regiment's own guard force, should the strength of the two companies have?"

Li Jinfang whispered: "Without two companies, the enemy's guard force should all be used. Looking at the tent, there is no rest at all. Looking at the vehicle is enough to transport a regiment and a company. I am sure that the enemy does not deploy the guard force by taking turns to rest. It is unlikely that the soldiers will be left in the car to rest. Since this is the case, it must be used by all soldiers. "

On the investigation, Li Jinfang is professional, of course, others are also good at investigation, but the focus is different, because Li Jinfang is a professional scout of a comprehensive troop, or a field force, so he has been trained to let him The investigation against this conventional army is the most professional.

Gao Yang whispered: "That is to say, all the security forces are these. A security company has more troops, but it is nothing."

Li Jinfang thought for a moment and whispered: "I don't know if the enemy has night vision equipment. If not, we can approach the enemy when it is less than 200 meters."

Gao Yang took a deep breath and whispered: "The question now is which way of attack do we take, approaching the enemy, tearing a hole in the enemy's defense line, going directly to attack the enemy's command force, or waiting for the artillery to launch an attack, We monitor and shoot the enemy from a distance. "

Grolev whispered: "The second is safe, but the first is the most effective!"

Gao Yang looked at it and whispered: "We have a very good grasp that we can enter the enemy's command post!"

Suddenly said on the 13th: "No, I think I can sneak into the enemy and then attack, I am very confident about this."

Li Jinfang whispered: "Yes, even if the enemy has a continuous vigilance force, we can sneak in directly!"

Unconsciously, bypassing the guard line, directly attacking the enemy ’s command post, and starting a 200-meter battle outside, killing the enemy ’s guard force and rushing in, the two are of course more difficult than the former However, Gao Yang is indeed confident that he can sneak directly into the enemy headquarters.

With little hesitation, Gao Yang decided to adopt the most difficult solution, although it was the most difficult, but once successful, it was also the most effective.

"Toads, Tyrannosaurus rex, cockroaches, pandas, you four attacked after sneaking into the enemy's core zone."

Gao Yang set down the four people in the most difficult part of the implementation, then whispered on the thirteenth: "There is also me, believe me, I am most suitable for this, and I have a gun today."

On the 13th, he brought a rifle and brought all the combat equipment. This was very rare for him. He nodded his head high and whispered: "Okay, octopus also joined the assault group."

After a while, Rebrov whispered: "Report, I'm over here."

Gao Yang looked at his watch and whispered: "Everyone, after approaching the distance of 300 meters from the enemy, the commando started to enter. Others are on alert. Take action."

The last part of the stealth is very important. They propelled them to crawl on the ground for two hundred meters, and then the person who performed the cover began to prepare for the battle. Grolev took the chain box out of his backpack ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Layev was next to him, preparing the spare barrel, Tommy put down the mortar barrel, and placed the shells next to each other, so high, of course, just put up the gun.

The five assault groups began to move forward little by little. They wanted to find a gap and directly attack the core of the enemy's headquarters.

The enemy's sentry is not a parallel layer, but is staggered back and forth. The distance between each other should not exceed 200 meters. There will be no blind spots between the posts, and as long as there is movement, the posts can be heard from each other. .

However, the distance of two hundred meters is enough for Li Jinfang to use them to make some articles, because there is no light on those sentries, and these sentries are unlikely to have night vision devices. Even dark nights, even if they are weak The light came from the headquarters behind, and it was impossible for people to see the target 100 meters away.

In summary, it is the combat unit of the 15th Artillery Regiment, who knows how to fight with conventional troops and does not know how to prevent the small number of well-equipped and well-trained special forces from pulling out the headquarters.

There are no reflective objects on the body, wearing camouflage clothes, lying on the farmland, whether it is a one-foot tall wheat seedlings, or because of the weeds that grow after the farmland is abandoned, the concealment effect is very good. (To be continued.)

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