A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1915: Dig out

?? This battle in Harzisk, the situation was still very uncertain at the beginning, but the key points to reverse the battle finally surfaced.

In the recent period, to be precise, the time has not been short. At least in the past few months, Gao Yang has avoided letting Satan directly participate in the war, because he feels that there is no need to take too much risk, so the battle can be avoided.

But war avoidance is not fear, especially not without this ability.

After harassment behind the enemy, in a battle of their own, Satan, even if these people are not the most powerful team on the planet, they are definitely one of the strongest.

Therefore, when necessary, Gao Yang did not hesitate to decide to put the most powerful, elite, and most critical juncture in his hand on the battlefield, and this one is Satan. Also includes himself.

The wounded were sent away, and there was no worries at all, which made Gao Yang feel completely free from the bondage.

"Bupasnov, preside over the distribution of newly delivered weapons, pay attention to use sparingly!"

"Fox, you stay here, you must ensure that the communication is smooth."

"It is now twelve twenty-five, and the heavy artillery company must arrive at the designated position by 1:30 and be prepared for battle."

After making a few orders and arranging the next battle in the city of Harzisk, Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go!"

The straight-line distance from the enemy's artillery position is also almost ten kilometers. If you want to leave the city from the area controlled by the militia, and then bypass the 72 brigade line, and finally reach the 15 artillery regiment position, you need to go around a fairly long bend. It has to be 20 kilometers away, and even more than 30 kilometers away.

Therefore, to conduct a sneak attack, even if there is no helicopter that can be sent directly to the blank area where the enemy position is defended, you must first drive as close as possible to the enemy ’s artillery position. How close is how close, so it must be better than running with two legs fast.

Gao Yang, Li Jinfang, Grolev, Fry, Irene, Tommy, James, Thirteenth, Peter, Andy Ho, Albert This is Satan as the main combat force, Rebrov is as artillery The observer went, he and Chelayev, as well as two other people brought by Chelayev, directed the artillery.

More than a dozen people divided into three cars, because only three cars were available, and it was not possible to find an off-road vehicle that could drive in the farmland in a short period of time in the city of Harzisk.

Looking at the road with night vision, without driving lights, three cars drove out of the city in the dark.

The driving speed in the farmland is very slow, but the bumps are not so bad, only when passing through some ditch.

The position of the 15th Artillery Regiment was in the southeast direction. It made a turn around the city and drove a long way west, before going south, waiting to feel that it was almost the same. It should have crossed the defense line of the 72nd brigade and the car began to insert east In the past.

It is very risky to cross the past without knowing the enemy ’s front, but it is the biggest adventure to sneak up behind the enemy. In order to grab some time, it can only do so.

"Boss, two kilometers ahead is the road blocked by the enemy, about six kilometers from the enemy's artillery position."

Gao Yang looked at the gps held by Irene, and then said on the intercom: "Stop, let's walk over."

It ’s not too far away from the enemy, and the terrain is the Great Plains. If the car is driven directly to the edge of the position, it is not just an adventure, but too crazy.

I drove all the way for an hour, and it was quite tiring. After getting out of the car, Gao Yang stretched out his lazy waist first, then took the rifle in his hand, and whispered: "Triangle formation, pull away from each other Fifty meters away, the panda and me on the thirteenth group, Toad, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Peter, Fat Cat, Cockroach Assault Team, Big Dog, Little Fly, Worker Bee Support Team, Rybrov, the rest of you Be careful to keep up after dragging the position. "

Chelayev whispered: "I, put me into the support group. I have no role in the investigation group. Let me go to the support group. I can change the chain of the big dog, change the barrel, etc. than I'm idle and strong. "

Gao Yang nodded and whispered, "Yes, start now."

Chelayev patted Grolev, shaking Groryov's spare barrel, and whispered: "Look, we're together again, or I'll be your deputy shooter."

After walking, there was no chance to talk and laugh. The team opened the distance and ran towards the road in silent trot. When there were hundreds of meters away from the road, Gao Yang stopped the team and raised his gun to observe for a moment. , Whispered in the intercom: "There is no one, hurry up and time passes."

Some basic tactical actions or formations no longer need to be said. Li Jinfang took the assault team to the forefront, from west to east, after crossing the road, he quickly reached the front again.

It takes about 20 minutes for a fully armed five-kilometer cross-country, and there is no special situation when actually fighting. Generally, it will not run as hard as during training, so the speed is naturally much slower.

Estimating the distance of six kilometers, searching for the enemy ’s trails while walking along the way, and also guarding against the vigilance of encountering the enemy, it only took about five kilometers after forty minutes.

There are a lot of people in an artillery regiment ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Pulling the position and setting up the position is also the leader of the team. As long as the enemy does not have a large range of movement, then they will not worry about not finding them. There was a deviation of about two kilometers in the place indicated, but the lights on the position of the 15th Artillery Regiment could already be seen by this time.

Although I don't know where the headquarters is, it is not a big problem to find the headquarters.

Standing in the rear, the pressure is naturally much lower. Although light control should be implemented in principle, the 15 Artillery Corps obviously did not comply with this regulation. After all, it is more convenient to fire with lights. It is also necessary to use superb technology to smear the guns. Yes, there are lights, it is no different from the daytime.

Looking at the distance, Gao Yang whispered in the walkie-talkie: "Our main target is the enemy headquarters, and we must not expose it until we find the headquarters."

To remind everyone, the team continued to move forward, slightly accelerating some speed until Li Jinfang whispered: "Someone may be the outpost around the enemy."

The team paused, and Gao Yang carefully observed after four weeks, whispered: "It should be the enemy's sentry, there are three people in total, there are no other people nearby, the enemy's vigilance is not strong, we just go around, pay attention to the foot Around, move on. "(To be continued.)

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