A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1907: fight back

The first ten minutes of artillery was extremely violent, and then for almost ten minutes, the artillery continued to be relatively gentle, and then another ten minutes of rapid fire. Bayi Novel Network ≤ ≦≦ ≤

Hiding in the sullen basement, feeling the weak tremors again and again, listening to the muffled sound, these will not bring too much psychological pressure to Gao Yang, because he has gradually adapted to the bombardment, so-called, once again It's a second time.

Suddenly, the tremor and the faint muffled sound ended at the same time.

Gao Yang picked up the intercom and said in a deep voice: "Every company, count the number of people, report the damage, and it's done."

It did n’t take long for the loss 6 follow-up report to arrive. Sixteen people were killed, twenty-five were seriously injured, and minor injuries were ignored. This was the consequence of escaping from the position in time. There is absolutely no problem with the number of casualties being ten times greater.

The casualties were not too big, Gao Yang completely relieved and muttered to himself: "Fortunately, fortunately!"

At this moment, Rebrov hurriedly said on the intercom: "The enemy infantry rushed up and the enemy entered our position in large numbers. They have occupied our position and are temporarily constructing a bunker. It is impossible to determine whether the enemy has The intention to continue deepening is over! "

Gao Yang picked up the intercom and pondered for a moment, then whispered: "Where are you under attack?"

"No! Only stray bullets passed by at close range. Now that the large-scale shelling has stopped, there is no problem."

Gao Yang exhaled, waved his hand, and whispered: "All companies pay attention, send a small number of troops back to the ground, investigate the enemy's movements, establish a defense line, and prepare to contain the enemy's movements."

After finishing the order, Gao Yang glanced at his watch and said loudly: "Go up, octopus, you leave the guard captive, he is still useful to us."

Since the companion shouted that he was shooting at me, the captive had been muddled. He was stimulated. After all, his companion chose to be brave and righteous, and he chose to steal the life. This kind of gap was sometimes enough to make people collapse.

A group of people left the basement in silence, and Gao Yang came to the roof. As a commander, he didn't need to be too forward.

At this moment, Rebrov suddenly said hurriedly on the intercom: "The enemy started to advance, they began to go deeper, the armored vehicles did not follow, repeat, the enemy began to enter the city, the armored vehicles did not follow, finished!"

It didn't take long for reports from various companies to return, and the enemy began to enter the city in full, but their actions were very slow.

Build a bridgehead on the outskirts of the city, follow-up troops enter the city, and then have more troops to keep up. The enemy ’s actions seem to be very cautious, but in fact they choose to attack at night and try to occupy the city at night. This action is the biggest adventure in itself.

Gao Yang originally planned to put the enemy in during the day, because he felt that the enemy could not attack at night, but it turned out that he was wrong, but this was more beneficial to him, because both sides lacked the ability to fight at night, and the ability to night vision When almost all are equal to zero, the one who is more familiar with the terrain obviously has an advantage.

Late night was supposed to be quiet, but the tranquility at this time revealed a strange feeling.

Gao Yang sighed and whispered: "If there is no engagement at all, the enemy will only be more frightened and cautious. Each company pays attention, sends a small amount of troops to harass the enemy, draws the enemy in, and lets the enemy disperse its power as soon as possible. Order, even if a local advantage is formed, it is not allowed to annihilate the small units of the enemy, it is done! "

After Gao Yang ’s order was issued, the tranquility was finally broken, and gunshots finally sounded in the corner of the city. Then, the gunshots quickly began to spread throughout the city, and sent out small units to lure the enemy into the depths. I'm angry.

People are not too afraid of the known dangers, but the fear of the completely unknown dangers can be amplified by people involuntarily, making people more cautious. Because of this, when small-scale exchanges of fire6 After the continuation began, the enemy accelerated its movements, and more soldiers began to enter and approach the place where they were fighting, trying to quickly annihilate the resistance of the militia.

Rebrov whispered on the walkie-talkie: "The enemy begins to enter, the battle is advancing quickly, the enemy is chasing, they seem to intend to wipe out the remaining militia as soon as possible."

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief and said loudly: "It's finally on! It's very good. Can you roughly judge the enemy?"

You can't put too many enemies, otherwise street fighting may not be able to eat.

Rebrov whispered: "There should be more than three hundred people visually. It can't be accurately calculated. It can only be estimated. The number of enemies and the actual number may be very different."

Three hundred people, almost enough, this is a figure that can be won with certainty, but Gao Yang intends to continue to include some more people, because there are more people in the city, and it is impossible to quickly and completely occupy a deadlock situation. In order to complete the high tactical purpose, that is to hold down the enemy as long as possible.

At this moment, Rebrov suddenly said angrily: "The enemy armored vehicles began to enter the city! Repeat, the enemy armored vehicles began to enter the city! Unable to determine the type and model of the enemy armored vehicles, a total of nine! , Request to call the artillery strike, finished! "

Gao Yang said without hesitation: "Wait, let the enemy's armored vehicles come in!"

Soon, Rebrov whispered: "The enemy armored vehicle has arrived and stopped in front of the position occupied by the enemy. It is finished."

Gao Yang looked at the people around him ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "They put the tanks and armored vehicles in front, intending to use them as firepower points, what do you think?"

Grolev nodded: "Yes, it can only be like this."

Gao Yang exhaled and said on the intercom: "Call artillery strike, repeat, call artillery strike, it's done."

Rebrov immediately said: "Understood!"

The rest is that the communication soldiers around Lebrov contacted the artillery position. Within a minute, there was no test firing, because there was no need to correct the shooting, and a large number of shells landed on the enemy's forward position.

It ’s not as dense as the enemy ’s artillery, but it ’s more accurate than the enemy ’s artillery, and it ’s much more accurate, because the coordinates have already been demarcated, Rebrov only needs to report the number of the coordinate points, and the shells will be accurately hit. The place.

It is also an air-bomb fuze, which is also a full-effect shot, that is, the most shells are shot in the shortest time, but the biggest difference between the shells from the militia and the Zhengfu army is that there is no one on the militia ’s position, the Zhengfu army The overwhelming majority of the shells fell, and when the militia shells fell, the positions of the Zhengfu Army were all people. (To be continued.)

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