A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1908: Nail pull

The shelling lasted only ten minutes, because the militia ’s supply of shells was not as sufficient as that of the Zhengfu Army, and this continued fierce shelling was very expensive for shells. [The fastest and most complete free novel updated by Cat Bash Novel]

After the shelling ended, Gao Yang immediately shouted: "All companies pay attention, immediately start a full counterattack, and pay attention to retaining a sufficient number of reserve teams!"

The connection between the soldiers who have entered the city and the rear of the Zhengfu army has been cut off, but it is still unknown whether they can quickly solve the soldiers of the Zhengfu army that the lone army has penetrated into.

The battle must be very tense, especially as a commander, because you must always pay attention to the changes in the battlefield, and Gao Yang can't relax at all for a moment.

The progress of the battle was very smooth. When the militia started to fight back, the scattered small enemies were quickly annihilated. The remaining enemies tried to withdraw from the city, but after their strike operation was hit, the soldiers of the Zhengfu Army quickly changed After tactics, they began to occupy the house and stick to it.

The Zhengfu Army tried to send reinforcements to meet the forces that were bitten and could not retreat smoothly. However, their reinforcements could not enter at all, and they wanted to send small units to sneak into Harzisk from all around to avoid artillery strikes. This is It can be done, but then there is no sense of rescue at all, and only more soldiers will be trapped in the big grinding plate of Harzisk.

Two hours later, the battle officially entered a state of scuffle.

Of course, Gao Yang must always pay attention to the situation of the entire battlefield. After the initial chaos, the battlefield situation has gradually become clear. The soldiers of the Zhengfu Army were divided and surrounded as he wished, but the remaining soldiers occupied a solid after the difficult integration. The buildings acted as bastions against the militia ’s resistance, and they did indeed repel the militia ’s attacks one after another.

This street battle took place at night, which really disrupted the high-spread deployment, severely lacked the ability to fight at night, and prevented the militia from exerting its due strength, turning a annihilation after a division and siege into a stalemate.

There are a total of four firepower points occupied by the Zhengfu Army, which ca n’t be attacked for a long time. This result is very troublesome, because it can be said that the militia surrounded this part of the enemy who entered the city, but it can also be said that the enemy has planted one in the city. nail.

If the militia is allowed to let go of this part of the enemy, then the Zhengfu Army will send more soldiers and come to a center to bloom. The militia ’s situation is not good. The artillery has limited shooting range, limited shells, and it is impossible to blockade. Living around Harzisk, giving the enemy more time to adjust, the battle will accelerate in an unfavorable direction.

Listening to the continuous sound of guns and guns, Gao Yang couldn't stand it any longer, he shouted: "Go, go to the position over the camp!"

The place where Gao Yang is located is the headquarters, and it is too convenient to move the ground. The only difference is that from a relatively safe place, I go to the more dangerous front line.

<> He hurried to Bupasnov ’s position and found Bupasnov with an anxious expression, exclaiming loudly: “What ’s going on!”

Bupasnov is now the commander of the battalion. He is in charge of attacking a building. There are flames from the muzzle everywhere in the windows of the four-story building, but the position is constantly moving and will not stay in one place. Long time.

Hearing his doubts, Bupasnov said angrily: "We can't fight it down! We drove the enemies here, but it's very difficult to wipe out the enemies next. We killed a dozen people here. However, it is still impossible to attack. Even if it is attacked, it will have to fight through the difficult battle to wipe out the enemy. "

Gao Yang took the rifle behind him, and after looking at it, he said loudly: "Is there any heavy weapons that can be used to attack the buildings, such as warm-pressure rockets?"

Bupasnov immediately said: "No, we will use it if we have."

"So how many enemies are there in the building?"

"Unable to judge, it seems that it is about fifty people."

Gao Yang nodded and turned to Chilayev who was following him. "How about using a cannon to attack this building?"

Chelayev frowned: "The effect is not good, if there is direct artillery, the effect will be better, hit from the window! Fight one by one in the room, just like the fixed fortification of the fixed fortification, but from our artillery position The shells hit were dropped vertically. Unless they can continue bombing for a long time, they will not work well against this sturdy building. "

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang exclaimed: "What about tanks? We have two tanks!"

Chelayev immediately said: "Can we use a tank to fight? This is ok, but our shells are not many, the t34 is too old, 76 mm shells are very difficult to find, we only have full-caliber armour-piercing shells, it is useless, but T72 can be used, there are many shells, we also have more than 100 rounds of 125 mm blasting grenades. "

Gao Yang exhaled and immediately said, "T-72 over."

Chelayev immediately picked up the intercom and said loudly: "I am Xueyuan, I am Xueyuan, send the No. 1 fortress, bring all the No. 3 cigars, we will use the No. 3 cigar to entertain the guests, hurry up . "

After Chilayev finished speaking, he said helplessly: "I still use password communication."

Chelayev shrugged: "No way, get used to it, you let me use plain code to call, I don't know what to say."

Gao Yang looked at the relatively tall building ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Shen Sheng said: "We can't wait, guys, confident in their marksmanship, close to me within 300 meters, Launch precise shots at the enemy, suppress the enemy, and best solve the enemy before the tank arrives. "

After speaking, Gao Yang looked at the nearby terrain and pointed to a building not far from him: "Is it safe to be there?"

Bupasnov shouted: "Security, what we occupy, where is our suppression firepower."

Gao Yang shook his hand and shouted: "Where to go, better shot, faster."

It is dangerous to attack a building with many enemies in person, so it is not a good idea, but to provide fire cover for the attacking militia in the distance, suppress the enemy ’s firepower, Gao Yangjue, no one here should be stronger than his team .

A group of people quickly ran to the third floor, Gao Yang put his gun on, and Grolev started to build his machine gun. The others brought automatic rifles. The suppression effect at a distance of 300 meters was not good, and Cui Bo was inconvenient to move with the wounded, so there was one less firepower point that could be used by the precise shooter. At most, Frye could use a bazooka to hit it, but it seemed that the strength was enough. .

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