A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1906: Steel rain

The 4o tube 122mm Bm21 type rocket artillery has the largest fire and can shoot out all forty rockets in 20 seconds. Eight > One Chinese > < ≤ <﹤﹤<

Twenty-four forty rocket launchers, volleyed in 96 seconds to pour out 96o rockets, concentrated coverage of the frontier position is not wide, and the height of the rocket explosion can be seen using all air-fuze, so, There was a steel rain over the position.

The advantages of rockets are fast firing and fierce firepower. The disadvantages are poor accuracy and low power. It is not very effective for combating solid targets, but it is used for combating infantry. There is nothing more terrible than rockets covered by volley fire. Too.

This is a typical, highly targeted anti-infantry firepower preparation. If they are held high, they will not survive the round of rocket attacks.

The extreme shooting of a rocket can't last long, but the enemy not only has rocket artillery, they also have a large number of barrel artillery, with the rocket volley as the beginning, the explosion of the shells began to intensively sound.

At this time, don't say anything, run.

The fast-moving Gao Yang quickly found something wrong, because after the enemy had made a rapid and effective shot at their frontier position, the artillery began to extend forward, that is, the enemy suddenly put a large number of shells into Ha In the urban area of ​​Irzisk.

Pay attention to the word, outrageously.

This was a civil war, and the fifteenth artillery regiment began to intensively shoot a city with large-calibre artillery. The artillery shells crossed the front of the militia and voluntarily entered the area where civilians lived. From a combat perspective, this is reasonable and can be killed as much as possible. The enemy was withdrawn, but this is the first time in Ukraine's current internal species.

The original combat plan was to put enemy infantry into the city, and then start a street battle with the 72 brigade, but now, the 15 Artillery Regiment began to bomb the city of Harzisk indiscriminately. There will be no safety zone in the entire city.

For a while, he was in a trance. He didn't know the reason why the enemy shot the shell into the area that wouldn't attack, but he couldn't help but recall the scout who yelled at me just now.

There are heroes in that country and in all camps. Heroes are never the patent of a certain group of people.

Today, Gao Yang met a hero, and then Yak personally killed the scout who was absolutely a hero in the Zhengfu Army. When the scout was shouting to shoot me to death, then, his 15 Will the comrades of the Artillery Regiment really hit the shells at an area that would not have been fired?

This question is so high that he is unwilling to think about it, nor can he think about it.

This is war. Don't think too much about war, just think about victory.

Gao Yang and they withdrew more than two thousand feet, and finally moved away from the area covered by the artillery, but looking back at the artillery that was enough to illuminate the sky, he couldn't help the palpitations.

This is the real artillery bombardment. This is the manifestation of Soviet artillery art. A large number of artillery pieces are collected. After a violent attack, the infantry only needs to accept the enemy's position.

Grolyv experienced such large-scale shelling, but no one in Satan's people except Grolyov has experienced such chilling large-scale shelling.

This level of shelling has nothing to do with any combat quality combat equipment. In the area covered by the shells, the end is death. If you are not hit by the shrapnel, you must be alive. If you leave the area covered by the shells, then it ’s fine. Such a difference.

He panted violently, Gao Yang felt extremely tired, he was good at long-distance running, but this short-distance sprint is an anaerobic exercise, he has no stronger endurance than others.

The streets were full of soldiers who had just been pulled from the front line. Everyone was looking back at the still intense shelling, raising their hands on their knees and breathing heavily.

Waiting for a little breath, Gao Yang picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly: "I am Dashan. I ordered all the troops to be divided into small units according to the plan. I will look for places with good shielding effect to hide. Each company must arrange at least one. A team of more than three people stays outside to guard and observe the enemy's movements. "

The enemy is shelling, most people must hide to prevent being injured by the fire, but they cannot stay alone. In that case, the enemy has come to the door and does not know what to do, and cannot monitor the movement of the enemy. Must stay.

It is of course dangerous to stay outside. Observation posts that are deployed as far forward as possible are of course very dangerous. This kind of observation post was originally a few people who went up and sent a few more people. The task could not be canceled no matter how serious the casualties were. Let at least a dozen people die.

But it ’s not okay to die. It ’s really not okay to fight the dead. If you do n’t be merciful, even if you know that you send a team of people, you will die immediately. Now Gao Yang will send them out without hesitation.

Robrov ran to the front of his body and said quickly, "Sir, where do I need to go!"

Gao Yang looked in the direction pointed by Rebrov. There are no high-rise buildings in the urban area of ​​Harzisk, but there is a big chimney left in the Soviet period, which is particularly high. After the front position ca n’t wait, think about Your artillery guided the target, and that chimney was the best choice.

But the problem is that the chimney is too dangerous. Everyone knows that this chimney can be used by enemy artillery observers. Therefore, in this kind of artillery battle between two parties, no one dares to take the observation effect that is very good, but it is also an extremely obvious target. The most common situation of the big chimney is to blow off the chimney before the war.

Gao Yang hesitated. If necessary, he could issue any order to send anyone to death, but in the face of Satan, his role is not a commander of the army without emotion, but a person who does not want to let himself. The captain whose brother was injured.

Looking at Yang Yang's hesitation ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Lebrov hurriedly said: "Boss, don't go, don't go, our gunfire is useless!"

Finally, Gao Yang said fiercely: "Go on! Remember, once the enemy has bombarded the chimney, immediately withdraw, do you understand?"

"Understood! As long as two people go with me, there will be no more people, you, you, let's go!"

Calling the Signal Corps and the assistant carrying the instrument, Rebrov hurried towards the chimney, while Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "We enter the underground bunker to hide and spend time!"

While continuing to retreat, Grolev suddenly whispered beside Gao Yang: "You are a hero."

Gao Yang stunned, whispered: "What do you mean?"

Grolyov pointed his ring around and whispered: "When you order to turn this city into a battlefield, fight street battles with the enemy here, and let those civilians have to evacuate, they must hate to death. You ’re there, but after the enemy bombed the entire city without warning, the residents who were forced to evacuate will thank you because your order saved them. ”(To be continued.)

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