A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1879: War is poisonous

Gao Yang didn't speak, and pulled Jerry over, pushed to Li Jinfang, whispered: "Go down to the basement!"

Li Jinfang pulled Jerry, pulled Jerry's neck by hand, and dragged him into the basement roughly. ≧ > Bayi Chinese ≦ < ≤≤ << ≤ ﹤

The basement is in the kitchen, open a lid, which is the staircase down. The basement of this house is very small, a dozen people squeeze in, and then put two stretchers, the rest can only stand, but the basement is still very Sturdy, at least don't worry about shells.

Cui Bo and Lilia spoke hand in hand and whispered. Many people who came in did not know what was born on them, so they were surprised when they watched Li Jinfang dragging Jerry in.

"what happened?"

Irene asked curiously, Li Jin said expressionlessly: "I was stimulated."

Jerry gasped continuously, he bent over, pressed his legs with both hands, and still retched.

"Why such a big reaction?"

Li Jinfang shook his head and whispered: "Don't ask."

"It's cruel! What time is it now, why are there such cruel people, and this is still a civil war! This is a civil war! How do they treat two innocent civilians like this!"

Several people in the basement looked at each other, but Gao Yang sighed and said loudly: "I should say you are ignorant, or should you be naive? What do you think war is? War is like this. There is no shortage of ugliness, and war can magnify ugliness in human nature. "

Li Jinfang whispered: "If it is a regular army, there are military discipline restrictions, it is better, but they are mercenaries, what can restrict mercenaries? There are no rules, only human nature, lost human nature mercenaries, then everything It can be done. "

Gao Yang leaned back and sat down on the stairs of the basement. Then he looked at Jerry and said: "You are Jack's friend. When you plan to join the mercenary, Jack found me and hope I can help you. One, lest you join a mercenary group as a cheap cannon fodder. I am Jack's friend, and Jack has helped me a lot, so I am willing to waste some time and money on you, not because of you , Because of Jack. "

After talking lightly, Gao Yang looked at Jerry and said seriously: "What kind of mercenary do you imagine? What kind of war do you imagine? Is it romantic, exciting, fun, or death, Bloody, brutal? "

Jerry just shook his head, but didn't speak.

Gao Yang whispered: "I'll tell you, war is killing, absolutely not romantic, war is war, it's really exciting, but it will cost you to kill or be killed, if you only want to pursue stimulation , But unlike enduring death, I do n’t want to see the **** and brutal side, then I advise you not to be a mercenary, because the war will never lack these, so I advise you to continue your extreme sports, Extreme sports are also dangerous, but you are playing your own life in extreme sports, hurting yourself most, but not hurting others. "

Jerry nodded murmuringly.

Elin shrugged: "War is poisonous."

Grolev said in a deep voice: "Yes, the war is poisonous. You may have joined the war with any excuse at the beginning, but after staying in the war for too long, you will be inseparable from the war. Some people are tired of war. But still continue to chase war, why? Because war is poisonous, like smoking, it can be addictive. "

Jerry whispered: "After the war syndrome?"

Grolev shook his head and said: "No, it is not postwar syndrome, it is not going back to peace and you will not live, but you are not willing to return to normal society, you are not willing to live a normal life, just want to go to the battlefield Just want to fight. "

Gao Yang sighed and said in a deep voice: "The head of the angel, Knight, asked me a question a long time ago. He asked me why I was fighting. My answer was to fight for money. Why? So I always thought that after earning enough money, I could n’t be a mercenary anymore, but it turned out that I was wrong. "

Gao Yang spread his hands and said helplessly: "Now all of us have enough money to spend the money, but we still chose to continue to be mercenaries, as Knight said, chasing War, pure war animals, fights for war, and becomes a mercenary, as if this is the inevitable ending until it dies on the battlefield. "

Jerry had a combat stress response. Although he had n’t personally participated in the battle, he still had a combat stress response. Some people had this reaction, some people did n’t, and the degree of response varied from person to person. It ’s a relatively mild reaction now, but he has n’t entered the war yet. If he had participated in the war, how bad it would be.

Gao Yangjue ’s Jerry is not suitable for staying on the battlefield. His reason is ridiculous first, just for excitement. After the extreme sports feel boring, he wants to find excitement through war. Frankly speaking, if a person like Jerry arrives A mercenary group that lacks self-control is likely to be as brutal as those of the Moth Squad in the end.

Gao Yang nodded to Jerry and whispered: "Go home and continue your extreme sports. War is not what you think, war is not for you. While you are still normal, there is no blood on your hands. Hurry back, when we send the wounded to leave, you will follow along. "

After hesitating for a moment, Jerry nodded silently and then said to Gao Yang: "I understand, thank you, I will leave, I know you spent a lot of money on me, I will pay you back."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "No need to pay it back ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I don't care about the money. Go back and tell Jack and tell him you're home, Jerry, I think we are friends now I also know what kind of people we are. I will not create obstacles to your departure like other mercenary groups. I just want to say, do n’t say everything about us, otherwise the result will be very bad. , Can it be done? "

Jerry said without hesitation: "I can do it, I will never say anything about you, absolutely not, even if someone puts a gun on my head, I will never say anything."

In fact, Jerry didn't know anything. He just came around and just cooked a meal. In addition to having a familiar face with others, he could know what Satan is not telling.

Jerry was about to go back. After Gao Yang let him see the real side of the battlefield in succession, he finally realized that the mercenary business was not suitable for him.

After being silent for a moment, Jerry suddenly said, "I want to collect the corpses for them, can I? Don't let them, like that, that way ..."

Gao Yang nodded and whispered: "Yes, but after the shelling is over." (To be continued.)

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