A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1880: You are late

After more than half an hour, large-scale and continuous shelling finally ended. Bayi Little ≧ said net ≤

The shelling cannot last forever, there are not so many artillery shells, and the barrel can't stand it.

The large-scale artillery fire was over, but it was still not safe outside because tanks and armored vehicles should appear again.

Gao Yang looked at his watch, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be dark after a while. If it was time to leave, it would be better to wait until it was dark. All of them had night vision devices, and it would be safer to move at night.

After the large-scale shelling is over, there is no need to stay in the basement all the time. The space is small, there are many people, and the breathing is not smooth.

"The wounded and non-combatants stayed below, others went up."

After Gao Yang gave the order, he thought about it and continued: "Eileen, you have to clean up the body. The man is not convenient. Lilia and Valenina. Can you two help?"

Jerry shook his head: "No, two girls, they can't stand it."

Gao Yang never minds telling the people he cares about the ugly side of the world before the incident, and the blind protection will only make them feel at a loss when the real crisis comes, let them be exposed to the most ugly and terrible side of war, maybe let The two girls have psychological shadows, but at least let them know that they are afraid and know that they are far from war.

War has let women go away. Gao Yang has always believed that this is not discrimination against women. On the contrary, it is to protect women because war will cause women to suffer more harm.

If you can, Gao Yang hopes that Irene can also go home, but he knows that this is impossible, because the sentence Irene said is that the war is poisonous, but Irene has the ability to protect herself anyway, she is in this world The strongest warrior, but Lilia and Valenina, the two recruits are still natural ignorant girls, so let them know that they are afraid and hide from the battlefield.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said very strongly: "No, just let them both go."

At this moment, the nutritionist who kept silent all the time, said suddenly, "I will help too."

Although he was a bit older, the dietitian that Nete found was definitely a woman. Gao Yang waved his hands and whispered: "Okay, you go too."

A group of people left the basement and returned to the room on the ground. Irene took three women into the room and started collecting corpses for two extremely miserable women. In fact, Gao Yang felt that it was enough to just let the two bodies be thrown away. But since Jerry wanted to collect the corpses for them, Gao Yang really couldn't bear to look at the corpses and left them alone, plus he needed some women to grow some awe and fear of the war, he agreed to Jerry's Claim.

The fighting was fierce. The militia continued to invest in troops. It may be that the behavior of the moth squads stung them. These people's soldiers were attacking irrespective of casualties.

Listening to the sound of guns outside, most of the men of the Satan mercenary stared at the bedroom door, especially Cui Bo, with a concerned expression.

And not long after the four women entered, three of them ran out with their heads covered in their mouths, without exception, all with tears on their faces.

Irene also came out, she looked at Gao Yang very helplessly said: "Let me calm down, boss, I know what you think, but you don't have to let me experience these."

Gao Yang sighed: "I have to let you do this job. Do you think they can do it with only three of them?"

After speaking, he exclaimed: "You guys, go back after a while, not much time can be wasted here, we will have to leave soon."

For about five minutes, the three women sobbed, comforted each other, and helped to enter the bedroom again.

Fry walked two steps and leaned against the door, holding his submachine gun in his hand, and occasionally glanced outside, while Li Jinfang stood beside the hole in the back wall of the house, paying attention to the situation outside.

A group of people waited boringly. Under such a heavy atmosphere, no one still had the mood to chat.

Fry lowered his head and looked at the house, and then he looked in the direction of the courtyard door again. While he turned his head to look around, suddenly a tremor suddenly raised his gun, and didn't wait for him Yelled, a hand stretched out from behind the wall against which he leaned, and grabbed his submachine gun.

When Fry shouted, his submachine gun had been snatched, and then a muzzle was placed on Fry's head.

Just as they were raising their guns in horror, Fry raised his hands and slowly backed away, and a person slowly came out from behind the wall and pointed Fry's forehead with Fly's submachine gun. With one hand flatly holding the ak74 rifle that was aimed at Fry, with Fry's body as a cover, he slowly appeared at the door.

The probe only showed two eyes, and a man with a white hair on his temples said in a deep voice, "Don't move, I will kill him if I move."

Gao Yang raised his pistol and pointed at the man holding the Fry: "Calm down! What do you want to do."

Although it was extremely shocking, how could Frye be approached silently, and was snatched a gun, to know that Frye is now a veteran, and he has a good skill, so he was attacked, Frye was also shot Zi controlled it and shocked everyone, but Gao Yang was more relieved at this time, because although that person only exposed a little bit of his forehead, Yang was high enough to make sure that the bullet was hit into that person's eyebrows.

"I came to find my ... wife and daughter."

Gao Yang sighed inwardly, but he couldn't show it on the surface ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ So he immediately said: "I know, man, if your judgment is as good as your skill, then you should be able to Now that we are not bad people and will not hurt your wife and daughter, do you believe what I said? If you believe, please put down the gun, is it okay? "

The man stared at Gao Yang, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "I am not malicious, I just want to find my family, I put down the gun, we all remain calm."

The man quickly made his judgment and made the most favorable choice. If he still refused to put down his gun, then Yang Yang would shoot.

Slowly shifting the muzzle, after leaving Fry's head, the man slowly moved the muzzle of the rifle to the side, then raised both guns and stood a step back .

Fry stepped forward and took back his submachine gun, and then took another gun from the man's hand, then quickly backed away.

Gao Yang didn't put down his pistol. He sighed and said helplessly: "Man, I really have no intention of hurting you, but to prevent you from making a wrong judgment, I can only do this for now. Now I tell you, don't be excited, Man, do n’t be excited, we are here to save them, but unfortunately, we are late and you are late ... "(To be continued.)

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