A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1878: How could this be

When tanks and armored vehicles came over, Satan had no ability to cope, because they now do not have any heavy weapons, not even portable rocket launchers. ≧≧ <

Originally, in Harzisk was a leisure journey of healing and recuperation. Even if there was a fight, Satan did not lack a back road to leave, but they blocked their back road.

Gao Yang was very entangled in how to fight the battle. The best result now is to turn around and take the wounded and let the girl run.

What can be done has been done, and since it has done its best, no one can ask Satan to stay and do anything, not to mention that these people are still eager to find the Angel Mercenary Corps, so what Gao Yang has been thinking about is how to leave safely. .

"Boss, the wounded have been brought out, where are we going to withdraw!"

During the sneak attack, Tommy ’s mortar was of little use, so Gao Yang put him behind to protect the wounded, but this time is different, and now people like Yark and Thirteen are not used. .

Upon hearing Tommy ’s call, Gao Yang immediately shouted, "Bring the wounded to the city, we will find a safe place to evacuate later, Worker Bee, you come with a mortar, and the octopus and fox will cover the wounded and leave. "

At this moment, Irene surprisedly said: "Boss! The reinforcements are here, they are veterans, they can deal with the tank."

Gao Yang ran out of the yard and glanced. Three or two soldiers were emerging from the direction of the city of Harzisk. Several people were an anti-tank team. No one was carrying at least one rocket launcher on his body, and there must be a The soldiers carrying the heavy rocket launchers, these people, are the elite deployed by the Angel Mercenary Corps in Harzisk, but unfortunately there are not many people in total.

Gao Yang even saw a truck rushing over with a gun.

Before reaching the direct range of the tank and the armored vehicle, after the truck stopped, it jumped six soldiers from the vehicle and methodically detached the anti-artillery from the truck. Pulling the barrel in front, began to run forward.

In particular, Gao Yang was surprised that which gun was an anti-tank gun, the old gun from World War II, and the 76mmZIs-3 anti-tank gun.

"Okay! Keep here!"

Gao Yang screamed in surprise, and then he saw that several people had rushed over with the wounded, and Cui Bo was now carrying his big gun, even without a double crutch, under the support of Grolev Bounced over and ran over.

Lilia finally saw Cui Bo. Cui Bo shoved Grover, who was carrying him, and stumbled forward a few steps. Then they hugged Lilia together, and the two held Don't move.

The sound of tank guns and machine guns was endless, and the sound of rifle grenade and machine guns was one after another. Although there was no direct confrontation with the enemy's artillery, this was ultimately a battlefield. Very deadly behavior.

But no one disturbed the embrace of Cui Bo and Lilia. Not only the Satanic people looked at Cui Bo and Lilia fascinatingly, but even the militias who did n’t normally take forward the gunshots, and some people stopped, Looked at Cui Bo and Lilia who were standing still.

The talented person who experienced the loss knows how precious it is, and Gao Yang feels a bit sad, and also feels very relieved, so that he does not want to disturb Cui Bo, who must be in the world at this moment.

It was Groryov who was puzzled and waited for a moment. In fact, ten seconds later, he ran across Cui Bo ’s head and slapped, then shouted, "Go! Do n’t kill me! ! "

Grolev's slap also woke up the others, and the stopped militia screamed and rushed up again, over the house, left the shelter, and charged towards the enemies still on the farmland.

Gao Yangniu turned his head and looked at the crowd around him, saying: "It's strange, don't fight like a fate."

Peter said sullenly: "If, if this is your hometown, if your countrymen or even your neighbors are killed by such insults, you will be more angry than them."

At this moment, Li Jinfang suddenly shouted on the intercom: "Boss, now in the basement, in the bedroom, two bodies ..."

Sure enough, someone was still the victim of the moth squad, but Gao Yang didn't care much anymore. There are some things. After seeing too much, he will be numb.


At this moment, Gao Yang heard an unclear tweeting sound, so his face changed greatly while shouting: "Bombardment! Concealed! Concealed! Everyone is here!"

Li Jinfang's present basement has become a straw.

Rabrov raised his arms and waved forward continuously, shouting: "Where is the landing point? There is still a distance, but run! Run!"

They were held high, and the militia who were still emerging quickly hid. Some rushed to the nearest house to hide, and some went straight to the ground in an open area.

The Zhengfu Army had artillery, and they also had shooting members. After all, they had only bombed this area not long ago.

Gao Yang stood at the gate and shouted with exhaustion: "Everyone enters the basement, quickly!"

No one robbed the wounded, so they carried forward to meet the wounded. A few more people helped to lift it and they could run faster. The landing point of the shells was temporarily in the place where the battle was fiercest. Hearing the sound of the shells means that the shells have just flown over the head. If it falls directly to the vicinity, the shells that are about to die will not be heard.

Can't withdraw further in the distance, and after waiting for the shelling to pass, Cui Bo was pushed into the door, watching everyone continue to enter the basement entrance where Li Jinfang found out, but Gao Yang saw Li Jinfang's face standing irony At the door of a bedroom.

"what happened?"

Li Jinfang didn't speak ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ just shook his head slightly, curious Gao Yang walked over to look inside, then he covered his mouth immediately.

Rao Shiyang is really used to dead bodies, but when he sees the situation in the house, he still feels sick.

The faces of the two female corpses are complete, but a man who looks older is cut with a knife from the chest down to the bottom, and then a knife is cut sideways. The entire chest and abdominal cavity are fully opened, and the colorful internal organs are exposed. Outside, another female corpse, looking up to ten years old, was lying on the table with a knife edge on both hands, and her hand was nailed to the table with a knife, and then thrown on the ground beside him A chair leg mostly made of blood.

Gao Yang turned his head, the hand covering his mouth was only shaking, and Jerry looked at the room curiously when he saw him.

"Don't watch ..."

Gao Yang said it was late, and Jerry saw it all, and then he immediately leaned over and turned his head, wowed and vomited to the side, trembling: "How can this be, how can they do this, and this is a civil war, This is a civil war! "(To be continued.)

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