A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1854: Jokes become reality

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Decided to join Satan. Peter immediately went to the commander of his team and said a few. This kind of militia organization was very loose and came and went freely. Peter said that he would leave without encountering any obstacles.

Nothing happened in the afternoon, the things to be packed have been packed, and the preparations have been completed, so after lunch, they are just talking about chatting with Peter casually.

In the evening, everything was calm. Although the situation along the Slavyansk front was tense, there were still more than two hundred kilometers away from Donetsk, and the impact on Harzisk was even smaller.

But at night, Gao Yang was awakened by the rumbling gunfire.

The gunfire is not very loud, but the dull gunfire is very clear and continuous.

Jiang Yang suddenly sat up from the bed. After listening for a moment, he immediately got out of bed and immediately began to wear boots.

While Gao Yang was wearing his boots, his door was knocked quickly.

"Come in!"

Grolev pushed in and shouted, "Donetsk! Donetsk is shooting!"

Nodded his head high, put on his boots, and loudly said: "The guns are too close! The front line of the 72 Brigade should be on the western front of Donetsk City, and the guns are too dense!"

After speaking, Gao Yang picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Urgent meeting!"

Grolev stepped forward to raise his body and said anxiously: "No matter what happens, we must withdraw! We can't wait here."

Exhaled loudly and whispered: "Is it necessary to withdraw immediately?"

Grolev said with a serious face: "It is very necessary, we can't evacuate after the war, just like in Chechnya, people who see the bad situation will be fine after evacuating early, waiting for being After the siege, I want to go! "

Gao Yang glanced at his watch, it was three o'clock in the morning, he immediately said: "Okay! We don't need to stay here, evacuate immediately!"

If you evacuate immediately, it is nothing more than letting the injured suffer some bumps, but if you stay, you will encounter unnecessary danger. Under the balance of the two, of course, it is better to evacuate immediately.

Gao Yang grabbed his phone, rushed out of the door, and shouted to everyone in amazement: "We will evacuate immediately, no longer waiting! To the east or south, I will check the safe route, Look at the road safety over there and we will go over there! Go and bring Taylor and Jessie Lee! Evacuate immediately! "

The situation was tense, but it was not dangerous. At this moment, the phone that Gao Yang hadn't had time to ring out rang.

"Night! What happened!"

"Evacuate immediately! The enemy broke through the Donetsk defense line and overwhelmed it from both wings. While your retreat has not been cut off, hurry up!"

Knight's voice sounded very calm, but Gao Yang had a vague premonition, because Knight was too calm, and he would only do so when the situation was particularly critical.

"What happened? The Donetsk defense line was breached?"

Knight exhaled and whispered: "Your joke-like deduction has become a reality. The 72 Brigade launched an attack on Donetsk City. The line of defense was breached in an instant, and the enemy's combat power was extremely strong. Donetsk Airport has been occupied, don't think about leaving from Donetsk Airport. "

Whispered: "How could the airport lose ground so quickly!"

"There are not many people guarding the airport. You have to know that there was no large-scale battle before Donetsk. There are many remnants of the main army in the city. The 72 brigade ’s attack was led by special combat. They sent troops. Helicopter landing occupied the airport, and a large number of airborne troops launched attacks from behind the Donetsk city defense line. With the cooperation of the enemy armor, they broke through our defense line in one fell swoop. "

Yang Yang pinched his head with his hand and shouted, "Fak! How could this be."

Neteji said calmly: "The militia side is too optimistic about the situation. Although some victories were achieved in the early stage, the Zhengfu Army has too many heavy weapons. When the Zhengfu Army launched a full-scale attack, the militia side It ’s not as easy to resist as before, and the main direction is Donetsk ’s side. "

Gao Yangji said helplessly: "Where are you, you went to support Slavyansk, then where are you now."

"Slavyansk can't hold it anymore. We are evacuating. We have to rush back to Donetsk. In any case, Donetsk cannot be lost!"

Gao Yang sighed and whispered: "I'm sorry, I can't help you, we will evacuate immediately. If you need any weapons, tell me, I will find a way to deliver it to you. Don't worry about the money. , I have some more here. "

"Thanks, but this is after the battle has turned into a phase of stalemate. Now I have to expel the enemy first. You must withdraw quickly. I am worried that you will not be able to leave without delay!"

Said loudly: "Understood, we are already withdrawing. Do you know that the route is still safe? Should we go south or east?"

"Sorry, it's upset now, I don't know where it is safe, but I suggest you go east, I don't have time to talk to you again, now I have to command my army."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Understood, good luck and good luck, goodbye."

Hung up the phone, and Gao Yang immediately shouted, "Can you go now?"

Grolev whispered on the intercom: "Everything is ready, the wounded are already in the car, it's time to go."

Gaoyang picked up his backpack and a big bag ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ when he hurried out, he said loudly: "Start."

When Gao Yang left the room and threw his bag into the car, while watching Satan's people rush into the car, Cui Bo turned his face in front of him, and then said in a panic: "Brother Yang, Lily Ya, what about Lilia? "

Sighed high and whispered: "Sorry rabbit, get in the car."

Cui Bo swallowed hard and whispered, then whispered, "Why don't you go first, I'll go find Lilia, and then take her with you, just leave a car for me."

Gao Yang felt soft in his heart and whispered: "The second Olympics, Cai Nima has known each other for two days! Forget it, I'll find you with you in the hurry!"

Cui Bo's despair, he looked at the direction of Lilia's camp, he was very helpless, very ... heartache, so he didn't hear what Gao Yang was saying.

Yang Yang grabbed Cui Bo's neck and said angrily: "Stupid. You! Get in the car and go to find Lilia! I say I'll be with you!"

Pushed Cui Bo into the car, Gao Yang followed and got into the car, loudly said: "Let's go now, the rabbit and I went to find Lilia, up to ten minutes, and catch up with you soon!"

Jian Yang just finished speaking, and did not wait for others to object or to wait for them to walk together. A cannon rang out very close to them, and then the sound of machine guns and tank guns fired continuously.

Gao Yang was dumbfounded immediately, and then he froze in the intercom: "There is no need to withdraw this time, but fortunately we haven't gone yet, the retreat has been cut off, Fak, how come so fast!" (Unfinished.)

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