A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1853: Better choice

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Is Yangyang poor Peter? There is no doubt that there is some compassion, but what he said about Peter is indeed true, that is, he does not think that Peter is disabled and is invalid.

Even if Peter couldn't move at all, wouldn't it help him train his recruits in a wheelchair?

The most important thing is that Gao Yang really does not want to see Peter just sinking, so in the final analysis, he still feels that Peter is pitiful, but Gao Yang will never express this emotion. He wants to give Peter a chance. Let Peter retain his dignity.

"Why do you have to thank me? You don't have to thank me at all. This is a two-way choice. I think you are very suitable for Satan, so I invited you. It has nothing to do with friendship."

Peter smiled: "It's been a long time since I came back from Syria and it's been a long time now, no matter whether it is the original comrades or the original chiefs, some of them deplore my experience and sympathize with my situation, but none of them think I can still go to the battle , I do n’t know if you are out of pity for me, but I am really happy to receive your invitation, I will prove that I am indeed not a waste, oh, forget to say the most important thing, I join. "

Peter ’s mind is clear, but he knows what ’s going on, accepting good intentions, being sympathetic or pitiful, as long as he is given a chance to prove himself in the future with facts that he is worthy of the good intentions. To reject this high invitation, it is not self-esteem, but stupid.

Yang Yang waved his hand and said, "We walked and said, Peter, where did you come from?"

Peter sighed: "Kramatorsk, where we have been fighting for two days, the battle is quite fierce, and the casualties are also very large. It was withdrawn at more than two o'clock last night."

Whispered: "Is it defeated, or change defense?"

Peter lowered his voice and said: "Nominally, it's a change of defense, but after we withdrew, no one came up, but fortunately someone established a defense line behind us, which means that the defense line of Kramatorsk has been retreating, I I guess it ’s time for a street fight today. "

Grolev frowned: "It's so serious, doesn't it mean that the morale of Zhengfu's army is low and can't withstand a blow?"

Peter smiled bitterly: "If that's the case, then it won't be the result now, yes, the morale of the Zhengfu Army is indeed not high, but they have a full range of advantages, even if the morale is low, it must not be To the point of being incapable of combat. "

After speaking, Peter looked worried and whispered: "If the situation continues to develop according to the current situation, the defense line will be completely defeated sooner or later, and the offensive of the Zhengfu Army is too fierce."

Whispered: "How is your casualty rate?"

"Twenty percent of battle damage is already extremely high for a militia force."

Gao Yang nodded his head and said in surprise: "In this way, the morale of the militia is indeed high. The casualty rate of 20%, not to mention the militia, even the regular army, most of them cannot bear such a high Casualty rate. "

Peter smiled bitterly: "They can't retreat, they are behind their homes, they can't retreat, but now the militia seems to have to give up the front line between Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, otherwise we won't keep retreating to here."

Was horrified and whispered: "Do you want to give up?"

Peter pointed his finger to the soldiers lying on the ground and whispered: "In a short time, they can't re-enter the battlefield. Unless there is a new reinforcement, everything will be finished. In order to fight back in the future, Many militia organizations have begun to preserve their vitality. "

Knight has already come to support, that is to go to Peter's defense line they just dropped out, shook his head high and whispered: "It looks like the situation is not good, but this has nothing to do with us. If everything goes well, We can leave tomorrow night. "

Peter was startled and whispered: "Going away?"

"Yes, the plane has picked us up. If everything goes well, the plane will be able to arrive in Ukraine tomorrow. For safety reasons, the plane will pick us up at night. Of course, this is the result of everything going smoothly. , We may move to another airport and go again. "

After explaining to Peter briefly, Gao Yang looked at Peter and said, "Why, do you still want to leave?"

Peter hesitated and smiled bitterly: "Go and go, it's useless to stay. Frankly speaking, I don't play any role in this kind of frontal battlefield, and no one will use me, but before I go, The commander said, and can't leave without saying hello. "

Whispered: "It should be."

Peter looked around and said to Gao Yang: "Where are we going?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Go to Andy Ho, you know him. In addition, we now have another medical soldier, and you will be able to see it later."

Peter nodded, and then he hesitated: "Well, I noticed that you are missing a few people ..."

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, they are recuperating, rabbits, big birds, skunks, and postmen. He is now called a pigeon. They are all recuperating. We just had a war recently and we were lucky. No one died, but Almost everyone was injured. "

Peter exhaled and whispered: "Just don't die."

Albert and Andy He both helped the wounded in the temporary field hospital ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ arrived at the field hospital full of wounded soldiers, loudly shouted: "Panda, fat cat, come here for a while."

Andy Ho looked around, then he stared at Peter in surprise, then he said a few words to his assistant, and ran quickly.

Peter said strangely: "Panda?"

Shrugged and said with a smile: "He also changed his nickname, panda, everyone loves it."

Andy Ho took off his **** gloves, and after a warm hug with Peter, he shouted, "Man, I really didn't expect to meet you here."

After the two greeted each other, Gao Yang smiled and said, "Panda, show Peter his legs. Are there any better prosthetics?"

Andy Ho picked up the trousers on Peter ’s right leg and looked at it, frowning, "This is the most primitive and lowest-level prosthetic leg. It ’s just a steel tube plus a foot, and you ca n’t bend it. How do you use such a garbage one?" Prosthetics? "

Peter spread his hand and said: "I didn't pay much attention to this, this was given to me by the doctor, and I will use it now."

Andy Ho waved his hand and shouted: "Change! You have a better choice!"

Gao Yang let out a breath and smiled: "I knew that, so what kind of prosthesis should Peter get?"

Andy He rubbed his chin and shouted: "I'm not very familiar with this, but as a military doctor, I will naturally deal with prosthetic limbs. It is normal for a soldier to have a missing arm and a broken leg. According to my understanding, there are many kinds The effect of the prosthesis is not bad, at least countless times stronger than this original color. "(To be continued.)

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