A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: Traffic line

? A total of ten minutes have elapsed between answering the phone and taking the wounded off. It can be said that when you are ready here, you will leave immediately. However, in such a short time, the retreat has already opened w .. lā

Ten minutes is definitely not enough for the Zhengfu Army to rush from Donetsk to Harzisk, even if it is calculated according to the nearest distance, it has to be forty kilometers, so there is only one possibility, that is, the Zhengfu Army will finish first The battle was launched after cutting off the road in Harzisk.

Was too late to be shocked, Li Jinfang immediately shouted on the intercom: "Do you want to investigate first!"


After giving orders on the intercom, Gao Yang exhaled and shouted: "No need to investigate, the sound came from our south, where the highway meets, the Zhengfu Army definitely tried to cut off the highway, no The other possibility is that no matter who controls the highway in the end, it must be fierce now. We ca n’t pass it anymore. "

Grolev said very helplessly: "Yes, now is the time of the fiercest fighting, we must not go to the focus area of ​​the two sides, and wait."

Gaoyangla got off the car door and looked at the sky. Now the sound of guns and guns had been blasted, but some sounds could still be distinguished from the noisy noise.

After listening for a moment, he exhaled loudly and said loudly: "The sound of the thirty-millimeter machine gun, as well as the tank gun, just don't know who the tank is."

Elin pointed to the sky and said loudly: "Airplane! Helicopter!"

Glanced high and waved, "The Zhengfu Army dispatched the airborne troops, and the armed helicopters should be theirs. The militia may not have armed helicopters. Let's move quickly. Let's enter the basement and wait until the battle is over.

Grolev said loudly: "Are you ready for battle?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said loudly: "Be prepared for the fight, guys, use the equipment you got from the butter knife. Now is the time. We are waiting to see the results. I will contact Kiev, even if it is the end. It was the Zhengfu Army that won the victory, and we should not be attacked, but that would have to wait for the battle to end, and now it ’s all disrupted. Even contacting Kiev is useless, so our most important thing now is not to be accidentally injured. "

According to Gao Yang ’s network in Ukraine, he can call directly to the highest commander in Ukraine. As long as Poronesko makes a call to the frontline troops, he can protect the safety of these people. Therefore, Gao Yang did not worry about being attacked by the government forces. He was worried about shells that were not long-eyed.

Has been smashed into a pot of porridge, no matter who you are, how much energy and deep background, the shells will all fall into slag.

The people who had just got on the car started to move the wounded into the basement at a faster speed. Since they could not leave, of course they had to find a safe place to hide.

Others were busy moving the wounded and their equipment into the basement, but Gao Yang stood outside, watching the tracer traversing the sky from time to time in the southern night sky.

It doesn't matter what kind of things it is, but here is the life and death line of the Angel Mercenary Corps.

Originally, the main army and the militia were in a confrontation situation. The militia occupied Donetsk city, and the main force was located on the outskirts of the city. The angel mercenary regiment controlled the site of the eastern city of Donetsk, and the main army was in Donetsk. The area about 30 kilometers west of the city gathered, and there were small groups of troops on both sides operating in the middle area, but large-scale fighting has not been fought.

Now, the Zhengfu military spent less than one night, penetrated the defense line of the militia, and the steel torrent did not enter the city, but penetrated from the north and south sides of Donetsk quickly and deeply, and even hit Donetsk. Forty kilometers east of Harzisk.

The idea of ​​the government army is already obvious. They want to surround Donetsk.

The location of Harzisk behind Donetsk is very important. If the main army wins Harzisk, the only road from Donetsk to eastern Ukraine will be cut off, and Donetsk The same road to the north must pass through two strategic points, namely Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, and these two cities are estimated to be soon won by the Zhengfu Army.

As far as Dokuchayev in the south of Donetsk, it was originally under the control of the Zhengfu Army.

That is to say, since the Zhengfu Army has now broken through Donetsk ’s frontal defense line and fought from the north and south sides, it means that Donetsk has been surrounded on three sides, waiting for Harzisk to be defeated by the Zhengfu Army After winning, Donetsk was completely surrounded.

Seriously, thanks to the two-day chess game, Gao Yang only needs to pass through his mind, knowing that for the militia, especially for Nete, their days are not easy.

For modern warfare, as long as the main artery of the traffic is cut off, it ’s not a good thing. Now it ’s no longer a soldier holding a large knife to cut, it is a contest between firepower and firepower. After the road is cut off, tanks and armored vehicles can indeed leave the road ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ You can pass it from the wilderness, but the supply can't leave the road and can be sent in large quantities.

If the militia ’s traffic line is cut off, it will lose supplies from the east or even from Russia. At least a large part of it will be lost. For a small team like Satan, the traffic line is cut off without any effect, but for a team For the regular army of scale, the transportation line is the lifeline.

In the simplest analogy, the Zhengfu army has 1,000 tanks and the militia has 1,000 tanks. Both sides consume 10,000 shells per day. Now, let ’s not count the battle damage of the tanks. Let ’s just say that for the supply of shells, Zhengfu The army can get 10,000 rounds of ammunition after consuming 10,000 shells a day, and after the militia is cut off from the traffic line, it can only replenish 1,000 rounds through all channels. It is obvious who wins and loses in this battle Right.

Dongwu had fought long ago, and the militia did not fall at all in the initial stage, but when the Zhengfu Army made up its mind and completed the preparations for the war, it really started to mobilize the army and heavy weapons, and started to fight with vigorous force. After that, the defects and shortcomings of the militia were immediately exposed.

'S strength is still a little too bad. In terms of numbers, the militia may not be down, but the comparison of the power of these heavy weapons such as aircraft, tanks, artillery and missiles is too bad.

Just as Gao Yang was worried for Knight, Cui Bo stood in front of him and whispered: "Brother Yang, I ..."

Gao Yang awakened from his contemplation, and then he said to Cui Bo: "Give your gun to someone else. I and you will go to Lilia. Remember, if she refuses to leave with you, she will be taken away by stun." (To be continued.)

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