A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1852: Believe my vision

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Gao Yangsi is not afraid of the outcome of possible fights. Even if he does not take the initiative to find things, it is good, so of course he is not afraid of others looking for things. Although he is in a strange team, this is the angel ’s territory. It is stationed here. 'S army was originally designed to protect them, OK?

"Everyone sit down, toad, calm down, Peter, let's go."

After Gao Yang said solemnly, those who stood up looked at each other, and some people started waving to let everyone around him sit down, and Peter sighed and smiled at Gao Yang bitterly: "Alright , Let ’s go and talk to a quiet place. "

Li Jinfang's anger was not over, he said loudly to the people around him: "You should treat him with respect, and you don't realize what you did wrong, a bunch of fools!"

Peter patted Li Jinfang, sighed, and walked to the front.

After a long breath, Li Jinfang was very angry, "Peter, why are you here? And you have to endure being called out and drunk, you are a proud person, how can you endure these?"

Peter sighed and smiled bitterly, then whispered: "Nothing, just can't stay at home, so I came to Ukraine."

Peter walked very lamely. In addition to his right leg being a thigh prosthesis that had lost more functions, his left leg obviously also has a big problem. It looks like the right leg of the prosthesis is the stressed leg, so his Action is quite difficult.

"You see my situation. When I first returned to my country, I couldn't bear the result of losing my legs, so I wanted to commit suicide many times, and later Ukraine fought. I felt that as a Russian, I had an obligation to go to the battlefield. Of course, I I actually wanted to die on the battlefield, because I do n’t want to live like this until I die. "

Peter behaved quite calmly. He seemed to have accepted the reality, but he did not know how much of his calmness was true.

"I came to Ukraine, but no armed person wanted me, and no one wanted to bring a drag. Although I never thought I would be a drag, I walked a lot in Ukraine and pulled up this armed commander as a veteran. , I chatted with him, and then he agreed that I stayed. Although I ca n’t get to the battlefield, I can do some auxiliary work, such as doing some chores in the kitchen and taking care of the wounded. "

Fry said resentfully: "How can they treat you like this!"

Peter laughed: "It's actually good, and it's good for me to do something out. No matter what I do, it's better than me at home. If that's the case, I might have committed suicide now."

Gao Yang suddenly said: "You also think you can no longer be on the battlefield?"

After a brief pause, Peter shook his head and said, "No, I don't think I'm as good as before, but I'm not a waste person, at least I can shoot, right? Just everyone has their own position and has their own responsibilities, And I just want to do my duty. "

Li Jinfang immediately looked at Gao Yang, hesitated, and said loudly: "Peter, I want to know if you want to be loyal to the country and use your last power, or ..., you just don't want to decay at home?"

After looking down for a moment, Peter raised his head and smiled, "Both, but my country no longer needs me. A crippled person without two legs, what value is there? Well, my left leg is lost. Most of the functions, so I think I lost two legs. "

Gaoyang glanced back at Satan's people, and then he said immediately: "Then there is nothing to say, go with us."

Peter looked at Gao Yang, looked at Li Jinfang, and after looking at a group of people who nodded at him, he thought for a moment and shook his head: "Ram, I'm actually doing well now, you don't have to pity me."

Gao Yang smiled slightly and shouted: "Poor you? Dude, you are wrong. I am a mercenary. The mercenary has no extra sympathy. If you are really a waste, I will not want you. Maybe it will give you a sum of money. , But I will not invite you, you know who I am, as the head of the Satan mercenary regiment, you should believe my eyesight. "

After speaking, Gao Yang beckoned to James: "Come over, Peter, he is a newcomer. You do n’t recognize it. Let me introduce you. James, his left hand lost most of its functions, but he is my best assault. The hand is also the best in the world, and our amphibious operations depend on him. "

James wiped the sleeve of his left arm, and after Peter looked at the scar on his arm, he extended his right hand and smiled when shaking hands with Peter: "Hello guy, I have heard of you and pay tribute to you!"

Gao Yang pointed to Yake and smiled: "This you know, Yake, his left eye is blind."

Yac said angrily: "Nonsense, I still have eyesight in my left eye, although it is almost equal to none."

Looked up and said loudly: "The rabbit is not here, he is going to pick up girls, you know him, I want to say that you know other high myopia who are snipers?"

Peter nodded and said: "I know ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The sight will correct the vision defect. It is the same whether the sight is used with or without glasses, except that myopia will be affected when there is no sight."

Gao Yang smiled awkwardly, "Uh, you really know myopia sniper, but you should not know that the rabbit has never received any professional training before being a mercenary, oh, there are little flies, he I brought it out of the slum. It turns out that he is a little fart boy who knows nothing. Now? You know he is my best bombardier, my best rocket launcher. "

After speaking, Gao Yang spread his hands and shouted: "We are the best mercenary regiment in the world and the strongest special forces team in the world. You should believe my vision. You are now disabled, but not wasteful, Man, I trust you, and I know how powerful you are, so I ’m not pitying you, I ’m just inviting you to join in sincerity. "

Peter looked at Gao Yang and laughed, shouting: "I never thought I was a waste, Ram, I just lacked a chance to prove myself."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Okay, since you are just looking for some excitement, then join Satan, you will get a generous salary, and you may also die at any time, because we are war animals, and you have to join in and We do the same thing, you wo n’t get any preferential treatment, and if I think you ca n’t, you will get out of the way, but you can still try it. I ’m very optimistic about you. ”

Peter looked at Li Jinfang. Li Jinfang said nervously, "Peter!"

Peter nodded and looked at Gao Yang again. Then he took a deep breath and shouted: "Thank you." (~ ^ ~)

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