A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1851: respect

Peter was born in the wrong era. He was one of the few fighting masters in the world, but he was hit by a machine gun bullet in the legs in the battle in Syria, ending everything for him. Bayi Middle School ≥ Wen Wang ≧ ≦

Gao Yang's fighting can have today's achievements, Peter is very powerful, yes, Yang Yang's fighting is taught by Li Jinfang, but Peter helped him sublime his fighting skills, because he and Li Jinfang have reached the bottleneck period, because they lack a Opponents of sufficient level to hone themselves, sometimes a good opponent is also very rare, so in this sense, Peter helps Li Jinfang more, because before meeting Peter, both decent opponents of Li Jinfang No.

Peter's influence on Gao Yang was so great that, after Gao Yang arrived in Ukraine, he subconsciously regarded Peter as his pseudonym.

Gao Yang thought that he would never see Peter again, for many reasons. First, Peter violated the military order, then Peter ’s right leg was broken, and he was directly broken from the knee, and his left leg was also missing a large piece. For a soldier , A martial artist, what can he do after a broken leg?

Peter's right leg was cut off directly from the knee, which is very troublesome. If it is broken below the knee and there is still a residual limb, then Peter can still pretend to be a prosthetic leg, and the activity is still convenient, but Peter After his right leg was broken from his knee, the prosthesis could only be placed directly on the thigh, so that his right leg could not be bent.

Peter's left leg is missing a large piece of meat, and tendon muscles and nerves are missing a large piece. This cannot be recovered, so even if Peter's left leg can stay, it will definitely not work.

In other words, Peter is now barely able to move well, but he appeared in Ukraine, at the forefront of the battle.


Li Jinfang shouted loudly, but after looking back at Peter, he didn't stop and continued to shuttle among the crowd. This was because Russia or Ukraine, too many people called Peter.

Peter took two more steps forward, but he soon realized what he was doing, suddenly stopped and turned around, staring at Li Jinfang staring.

Li Jinfang and Peter have a very good relationship. It is good to say that they are sympathetic or not to know each other. The relationship between these two opponents is really good, perhaps because they are the same kind of people.

Peter grew his mouth and shouted, "Lee!"

Li Jinfang came to Peter, looked down at Peter's feet subconsciously, and then shouted, "Why are you here, why are you here?"

Gao Yang also came to Peter. He exhaled and shouted at Peter: "Oh, Peter, I really didn't expect to meet you here."

Peter looked dismal. His clothes were very dirty and haggard. He had a beard on his face, and his beard was still dirty. He carried a handful of ak74, but nothing but ak74.

The most important thing is that Peter's prosthesis is very rubbish. From the shape of the trousers, it is the simplest kind of prosthetic leg with a stick and a foot.

Peter held five lunch boxes in his hands. He opened his arms and smiled bitterly, then whispered: "I don't know why I came here. There are orders to withdraw us here."

Li Jinfang said impatiently: "How are you, why did you come out to fight again, and I have left you a call, but why have you never called me!"

Peter chuckled again and whispered: "You are so busy, I'll be fine to call you."

Fry said timidly: "Hey, Peter, we haven't seen you for a long time. I'm really happy to see you."

Grolev said solemnly: "Hello, brother."

Irene had a sad expression on her face, but she quickly put a smile on her face, which was a bit fake, and then she waved: "Hi, Peter."

Peter nodded and smiled at everyone in Satan: "Hello, guys, I am very happy to see you."

Gao Yang didn't know what to say, but at this time, a young man sitting on the floor shouted away from Lao Yuan: "Lip, what are you doing, hurry up."

Peter shouted back, "Come!"

Peter didn't seem to feel much, but the high-spirited anger burst out, and Li Jinfang's face changed greatly. After looking at the screaming young man in amazement, the green muscles around his neck burst.

Li Jinfang usually behaves calmly, but he is actually a violent temper, otherwise he will not fall to the present end, only that he can control his temper now, but now, he obviously can not control his temper.

Li Jinfang ran out in one stroke, at a distance of twenty or thirty meters, a few steps away, then he grabbed the young man who just shouted the lame, gritted his teeth and said: "Your mother did not teach you to be disabled Is it polite? You **** little bastard! "

Li Jinfang scared the young man, and more than a dozen people lying or sitting on the ground had to stand up.

"what are you doing!"

"Let him go!"

It was okay for the others not to speak. Li Jinfang was even more angry as soon as he talked, and then he bumped into the head. After a muffled sound, the young man held in his hand fell over his forehead.

Li Jinfang clenched his fists, his neck was straight with blue tendons, and he said viciously to a group of people around him: "Do you want to find death!"

Peter shouted, "Stop, stop! Don't hurt them, toad!"

Peter limped to Li Jinfang, Gao Yang was very angry, but watching Peter look like he was running, his heart was sour, so he shouted: "Toad! Don't be impulsive, see what Peter does."

Li Jinfang was surrounded by people, but he seemed to be the dominant party. He was vicious and slowly glanced at the group of soldiers surrounding him, like a lion eating away people.

"Stop it! Don't be impulsive ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Toad you misunderstood, I let them call me lame, they keep calling me like this, and I let them call them like this, they didn't offend me, calm down my brother, Calm down, this is a misunderstanding. "

Gao Yang didn't know whether this was really the case, but when the young man was called Peter Lame, his tone was very impatient and frivolous. Obviously, they lacked respect for Peter.

Peter dropped the kettle in his hand and reached out to pull the dozen people around Li Jinfang: "Sit down, it's okay, this is a misunderstanding!"

A group of people was frightened by Li Jinfang's momentum, the most important thing is that Gao Yang led a group of murderous people to come quickly, everyone who is wise knows what to do.

But as the people sitting around stood up one after another, and intentionally or unintentionally took down the rifle that he was carrying, the situation began to go in a direction that was further out of control, even though Peter was shouting loudly to calm both sides, so this again This confirms Peter's lack of respect among these people.

However, a dogfight should not be born, because the group of people surrounding Li Jinfang at the front, under the fierce gaze of Li Jinfang, have no courage to start, and as long as they cannot fight in front, the conflict should not be born. (To be continued.)

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