A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: Yes he is

Nothing happened at night. Gao Yang called his parents and went to bed early. ≧ > Bayi Middle School ≥Wenwang ≦ ﹤

After resuming training, he consumed a lot of energy, and Gao Yang now has almost nothing to worry about, so he was still very relaxed during this time, even with the quality of sleep.

The daily training starts at 6 o'clock in the morning, but at five o'clock in the morning today, Gao Yang was woken up by the telephone ringtone. After he connected the phone, he listened to Knight Schumacher in a very serious tone. Tao: "The battle situation is unstable, you have to prepare to evacuate."

Gao Yang came to the spirit all at once, and after suddenly sitting up from the bed, Shen said, "What's the matter?"

"The Slavyansk defense line is about to be breached, and the militia coalition is suffering heavy casualties. If the defense force breaks through the defense line, the situation will become very bad. We have to support and help stabilize the Slavyansk defense line."

Gao Yang took a deep breath and whispered: "How could it be this way? Doesn't it mean that the morale of the Zhengfu Army is low and the offensive is very weak, why suddenly it can't be kept?"

"I don't know the situation yet, but several of our armed forces reached an agreement to help each other resist the attack of the Zhengfu Army. This is a big battle. From the overall situation, I have to support it. I will transfer about half of my troops. Slavyansk is on the front line. In general, the situation is not dangerous but it is already tense enough. I think it ’s time for you to leave Ukraine. "

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "Okay, let's evacuate as soon as possible."

"Today, a group of wounded people will be sent to you. We received some wounded people and soldiers who were rotated from the battlefield. The good days have passed, even if there is no danger, but the days behind you will not be as easy as before. Our medical conditions are not very good, so I have to allocate most of the resources to our soldiers, so you better prepare to leave quickly. "

Gao Yang whispered: "I understand that this is no longer suitable for us to recuperate."

Knight Schumacher smiled and whispered: "My desire to wait for many years will soon become a reality. I want to start a real battle, not a battle of mercenaries. It is a real one. Mass war, man, I am sorry that you are not here. Also, is there any result of your war game deductions? I am willing to hear your conclusions. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Well, I'm glad you are interested in hearing our inferences. Uh, according to the information you gave, we think that the main direction of the Zhengfu Army is on the front line of Slavyansk. It turns out that this is indeed the case, but, Some of us think that the real main direction of the Zhengfu Army is here, and Donetsk is your territory. "

"Oh, based on what conclusion?"

Gao Yang said embarrassedly: "It's a guess, but I think it's better to say it."

"Just guess ... well, you have to clean up and go away after you are ready to evacuate, bye."

Gao Yang hung up the phone and began to wonder where to move.

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, and since Donetsk is not suitable for recuperating, it is natural to leave quickly.

During this period of time, they are actually arrogant that they are also prepared. Once they need to evacuate, they must send the injured to a place in Europe with good medical conditions to treat the wounds. The members who have been injured are more casual. I always stretched a string, and after waiting to relax, I went to Africa to find a place to adapt training. As long as Yalebin and several of them opened up in Yemen, they felt that Satan could enter Yemen, then directly All of them slammed into Yemen.

Of course, the work of evacuation is not a word at all. First of all, they still have a few wounded people. Everything else is easy to say, but the wounded people must take care of them.

Gao Yang picked up the phone and dialed Downey Jr., waiting for Little Jenny to connect, he immediately said: "It is time to leave, let our plane come to pick up people, send the wounded to Germany to recuperate, Then we went back to the United States. "

"Okay, where to meet people, Kiev, or Donetsk?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered: "Donetsk, no matter who is in the Donetsk Airport, we can land. Now the road in Ukraine is not smooth. It is too much trouble to take the wounded to walk, it is better to take a plane directly go away."

Unless there are wounded people and weapons, the Donetsk civil flight has been stopped, and going to Kiev to take the civil flight, they are so high that they ca n’t bring all their weapons and equipment, but since they will use private jets to pick them up, It's better to land at Donetsk Airport, anyway, the airport can be used no matter in whose hands.

It is impossible to say that private jets come from the United States. If you go from the United States to Europe and then transfer to Ukraine, it will take at least one day, but the Donetsk Airport has not been coordinated yet.

Since it is about to be withdrawn, the training will naturally have to be stopped. After dawn, Gao Yang summoned everyone to tell the news of the evacuation, and after everyone prepared for it, everyone started to pack up, and he coordinated all aspects and arranged for the aircraft to The landing of Donetsk Airport.

In the morning, a large number of wounded and a small number of troops withdrawn from the front line entered Harzisk, because this is the first stop near Donetsk, but it belongs to the rear safety zone. After a short rest here After that, it is convenient to re-enter the battle at any time, or to retreat if the situation is not good.

Gao Yang also received a lot of wounded soldiers in the place where they were. This was actually won by Nete. He calculated that he could join his team after the wounded soldiers who did not have a clear attribution healed. The wounded of Satan are here to recuperate and have better medical conditions than other places, so some wounded soldiers were sent over.

After accepting the wounded, there was noisy everywhere. How many doctors were not enough after a war ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ So even Andy Ho and Albert started to help the wounded.

Gao Yang has done everything he has to do. The next step is to wait for the news. As long as the plane can still take off and land at Donetsk Airport, they only need to wait for the plane to evacuate. But if Donetsk Airport cannot After taking off and landing, they must rush to another airport, such as Lugansk or Kiev Airport.

After a busy morning, Satan has packed all the things that need to be taken away. When it is time for lunch, the hungry people did not eat the small stove made by Jerry because he was too slow to cook, so in an emergency , Everyone still has to go to rub rice.

Passing through the many lightly wounded and tired soldiers, they are all frowned, because he has too many wounded, and the soldiers who are not injured are also tired, and many people can't wait to give They arranged a place to rest and lay down on the ground and went to sleep.

After walking for a while, he raised his brows and whispered to the people around him: "It seems that the battle on the front line is very fierce, why are there so many wounded."

At this time, Li Jinfang stopped. After staring at a limping soldier for a while, he suddenly shouted: "Peter! That Peter in Syria! That's right him!" (To be continued.)

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