A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1831: This condition cannot be changed

Gao Yang's face was dignified, but he seemed calm.

Yalebin coughed softly and whispered: "Mr. Wang, we are very sincere. The conditions put forward by my boss, how to say, according to our chips, it is not excessive, if you insist on now Attitude, then we really have no way to talk. "

The surnamed Shi looked anxious, but he hesitated but said nothing, but the pharaoh said sincerely: "My statement may sound excessive, but we are very sincere. , I will open the skylight to speak brightly, Mr. Gao, please think about it, even if I promise you can return to the country at any time, but do you dare to go back? "

Gao Yang stared at Pharaoh closely, and Pharaoh still said sincerely: "We already know your identity, at least we know your ability, in your identity, if you go back to the country, you think we can not take it Be alert and arrange for a large number of people to stare at you? Mr. Gao, it ’s good for all of us if you do n’t return to China. I can promise you all the conditions now, but you ca n’t deny that you have merit and devotion to the country. In order to avoid misunderstandings In order to prevent both of us from having to guard each other carefully, we think it is better to maintain the current situation. "

Gao Yang pondered for a moment, and his request to return to the country was indeed to exhale. He said it bluntly, even if the other party agreed to his conditions, he did not dare to really return to his country. In his capacity, he will not die, but there will definitely be a lot trouble.

A murderous mercenary now has the status of an arms giant. Such a person has also revealed his identity, and it is strange that he has not been seen in China to die.

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "Okay, I don't have to go back to China, and you don't have to reply to my reputation, which is really useless to me."

Pharaoh immediately said: "We can agree to all other conditions without any problems!"

Gao Yang shook his head, opened the folder in front of him, and found Li Jinfang's case. Pushing forward, and then said firmly: "Cui Bo and I don't need to restore any reputation. Anyway, it's our job. And we can't mix up with our original identity in the future, but Li Jinfang You must restore his reputation, you must be determined to be brave, and you must restore all his honor in the army. You must correct all the consequences of his actions! I mean what is bad, this condition cannot be changed ! "

Pharaoh's face tightened and he shouted, "This ..."

Gao Yang said slowly: "There is no other talk, there is no talk about this."

The reason why Gao Yang needs military representatives is for Li Jinfang.

Lao Wang looked dignified, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water in front of him, and took a sip, but Lao Shi stared at Gao Yang slowly and said, "Why."

Gao Yang exhaled and said calmly, "Li Jinfang's business. Are you clear?"

Lao Shi nodded and said, "I learned about it on the way."

Gao Yang shot the case and said loudly: "Then ask me why? Li Jinfang, a soldier, encountered a bad guy in training and saw a little girl. Should he control it? Should he control it?"

Lao Shi said without hesitation: "It's time!"

Gao Yang exhaled and shouted: "The **** of the little girl was escorted back. As a result, the beaten Wang Ba egg was a village tyrant, and his old man and brother were also village tyrants. The little girl was scared to say what happened. Two A bully took a guy to kill Li Jinfang. Should Li Jinfang fight back? Should he! "

Lao Shi said without hesitation: "It's time to fight back, but it shouldn't be so heavy! If he fights back, he will be killed even if someone kills him! But anyway, Li Jinfang is a soldier, he is right. Fortunately, he should not run. "

Gao Yang smiled, and then said with a terrible face: "Father standing and talking without backache! It's a fight to see life and death, and what to say shouldn't be so heavy, shit! For you, try to keep your hands! Should I run? What is your identity and what is he? Who does n’t know what will happen next. Where is the police Wuyang Wuyang going, how is he not going to run! Who gave Li Jinfang the top? You top! "

Lao Shi snapped the table for a beat, stood up and shouted, "It's me!"

Gao Yang also patted the table and stood up, shouting: "You're a fart! Even if Li Jinfang is not shot, he has to be sentenced to several years? You patted your chest and told me, was it killed, sentenced, or? put!"

After taking a deep breath, Lao Shi lowered his head and whispered: "Judgement! At least ten years, or there is no way to explain."

Gao Yang once again patted the table and shouted: "Obviously, I am ashamed! Obviously, it is a matter of courage and bravery. Why do you sentence for ten years, and why! You top, you push a fart, you top!"

Lao Shi lowered his head, turned his head, took a hand to pick up the water that unscrewed the cap in front of the old king, and after a few sips, he sat back heavily on the chair, his face green and silent.

Gao Yang gasped and said loudly, "What's the use of less horses and cannons? I tell you, Li Jinfang or I ran out with him. Do you know what Li Jinfang thought? He didn't want the police to catch it. The trial must also be conducted by the military tribunal to try him, that is, I let him run! I do n’t think I can let him die! "

After sitting down bitterly, Gao Yang grabbed the mineral water in front of him, and said fiercely: "My life-long relationship with Li Jinfang has passed through my mother's life and death, and now, just now ~ www.novelmtl .com ~ I do n’t even know that his army came out, why? Because he feels ashamed of the old army, he does n’t want people to know what he brought out! I think he ’s tired of a bunch of brothers who have no face to meet people, so I want to know him That was ashamed, glorious! He was glorious! He won glory for the old army! "

After continuously patting the table and talking, Gao Yang threw the water without the bottle cap on the table and shouted: "Li Jinfang is a hero! The reputation must be restored!"

Lao Wang looked embarrassed and whispered: "This, this ..."

Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "It is for this reason to invite people from the military. If you can take the lead, give me an answer. If you can't make the call, you can give me an answer for someone who can make the call. In short, this condition cannot be changed. There is no room for negotiation on this condition. You just say yes or not. If it does n’t, we will disperse. There is nothing more to say. "

Lao Shi said with a firm voice: "I agree to your condition! Since I came to this role, no problem, I agreed."

Lao Wang said with a shocked expression: "Lao Shi! What are you talking about, you can ..."

Lao Shi waved his hand and shouted: "Don't say it, I will bear all the consequences, it is so decided!" (To be continued.)

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