A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1830: deadlock

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Gao Yang only left Zhang Zhiguo for three days. This time was indeed a bit short. It wasn't that Gao Yang was so distracted by Zhang Zhiguo.

Looking back, Gao Yang feels that the time is really short, because it has to fly from Kiev to Huaxia for ten hours. The key is that the flight is not available at all times. This can be troublesome. When Gao Yang reports the time, it is not. Consider this for Zhang Zhiguo.

But the words were all let go, and Gao Yang did not want to tell Zhang Zhiguo about changing the time. If even a little problem could not be solved, then it would be worthwhile for Faye Repin to respect these people like Zhang Zhiguo.

What surprised Gao Yang most was not that Zhang Zhiguo took too long to come, but Zhang Zhiguo called him just forty hours later.

Yalebin answered the phone. He spoke slowly and said to Gao Yang: "They are here, I hope to see you soon."

Gao Yang was very surprised and said: "It's so fast, not bad, the province has been waiting, where does the other party ask to meet?"

Yalebin said helplessly: "The place to meet is up to you, but they are in a hurry to see you, not in a hurry to see them."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said loudly: "Then find a hidden place, and I have to inform Wuliyangke them, I will make a phone call, I will settle down and call again."

After calling Ulyanko and letting him come over, and then arranging a secret place, Gao Yang then agreed to meet Zhang Zhiguo.

The three parties refused to waste time. The negotiation venue was ready, and Gao Yang hurried to the place immediately. Wuliyangke arrived almost at the same time as him. The two met and talked with each other for a while, waiting for Zhang Zhiguo and them Is here.

As soon as the time came, Zhang Zhiguo and his party arrived at the place of negotiation. They must have come a little bit. When Grevatov introduced the four Chinese into the conference room, the agreed time was minutes and seconds. not bad.

Said it was a conference room. It was really a meeting room. Shawa found a meeting room in a four-star hotel for Gao Yang to negotiate. An oval conference table could accommodate twelve people and a few sofas were placed next to it. There is also a projector or something, a very standard small meeting room.

When Zhang Zhiguo came in, Gao Yang stood up from the sofa and smiled, "Welcome everyone."

Zhang Zhiguo reached out to Gao Yang and said to the three people around him: "Introduce you. This is what I call Mr. Gao and Mr. Gao. The three of them came from the country deliberately."

Including Zhang Zhiguo, the four people were all tired, and the first middle-aged middle-aged person stretched out his hand and smiled at Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao is young, I wo n’t do it. I introduced myself, my surname is Wang, just call me Lao Wang. "

The four people who came were all middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s, including Zhang Zhiguo. All looked very stable, and after the headed Lao Wang and Gao Yang shook hands, a man next to him said with a serious face: "My surname is Li, please call me Lao Li."

The last middle-aged person took a deep look at Gao Yang, and then shook hands with Gao Yang, his hand was very strong, and the speech was very simple.

"My surname is Shi, just call me Lao Shi. At your request, I am from the military."

Gao Yang guessed that Lao Shi was a member of the military. The body is different from others.

Gao Yang nodded and then pointed to Yalebin behind him: "This is my negotiator, you just call him Laobin, this is my friend. He came because our transaction has his own Copies, well, there is nothing polite, let's get started, please sit down. "

Zhang Zhiguo and the four of them sat on one side. Gao Yang and Yalebin sat across from each other. Looking at the situation, this is a very normal negotiation, but the content is not accessible to ordinary people.

There is really nothing polite. After sitting down, Gao Yang coughed softly, and then said: "Everyone, I must know my identity now."

Pharaoh nodded, then took out three documents from the purse he brought, put it on the conference table and pushed it directly in front of Gao Yang, whispered: "I transferred the case, if there is no accident, These are the three things recorded above. Please take a look at it, right? "

Gao Yang opened the folder and looked at it. There were photos, names, case analysis and records. Yes, he, Li Jinfang and Cui Bo's case.

Gao Yang didn't take a closer look, but just confirmed that he didn't make the wrong person or the case, and immediately said: "Yes, it's the three of us."

After closing the case, Gao Yang thought for a moment, then raised his head again: "My request is very simple, smooth our case, remove us from this matter, restore our reputation, and immediately withdraw from the international Interpol wanted us and immediately lifted the monitoring of our three family members. Also, I asked the three of us to go home without obstacles in the future. The point is that we will not encounter any trouble after returning home. "

Lao Wang said solemnly: "Your request is not simple. First of all, these three things are extremely bad. It is impossible to restore your reputation."

Gao Yang immediately shook his hand and said in a deep voice, "Then there is no need to talk."

The Pharaoh was the one to take it. The posture that Yang Yang posed was not to negotiate, but to give an ultimatum ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ If this atmosphere continues, there is really no way to talk.

At this time, Yalebin said slowly: "Boss, please don't worry, listen to Mr. Wang first."

Yalebin said in Chinese. The old king looked at Yalebin a little unexpectedly and nodded towards him, then said sincerely one or two: "Mr. Gao, please calm down, listen to me after I finish speaking The decision is made like this. These three things really have a very bad influence and caused a lot of sensation. You do n’t care what method we use, and finally smooth out these three things, but restore the reputation, say these three things It ’s not you who did it. This is really too difficult. Why? Because the negotiations we are currently conducting are highly confidential and only very few people know. But if we want to completely overthrow the three hard facts, it will take time. It ’s very long, because we need to do a lot of work up and down, which is really too difficult, and the impact is too bad. "

Gao Yang thought for a moment, then shouted: "That is to say, I can't go home in a fair and honest way, does that mean?"

Lao Wang said with a hard face: "You must return home first when you mean to go home, so this is not to go home without a fair and honest, but, sorry, I'm afraid you can't return home."

There is no way to talk, and the negotiations have once again reached an impasse. (To be continued.)

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