A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1832: Not drunk

"This text is for communication only, not for commercial purposes. If there is infringement, contact Du Niang for processing."

Several people looked very surprised, especially Lao Wang, who looked at Lao Shi with a shocked expression and didn't know what to say.

Gao Yang looked at Lao Shi and said very seriously: "Really agreed?"

Lao Shi said seriously: "Of course."

Raised a frown and said, "Don't you think about pitting me, or thinking about any mitigation measures, how do you solve this?"

Lao Shi said with a serious face: "You don't care how I solve it. In short, I agreed to this condition, spitting and nailing, there is nothing wrong with what I say!"

Nodded his head high, and then sincerely faced the old stone road: "Thank you."

Lao Shi immediately shook his head and said: "Don't thank me, I must manage this matter! You don't need to thank me."

Sighed and said: "I still want to thank you. I have a bad attitude just now. Please don't be surprised, but I still have to ask, how long will it take?"

Lao Shi sighed and whispered: "I can't say this well, but I will try my best to solve this problem, and I will notify you as soon as I have the result."

Nodded his head high, waved his hand, and whispered: "Very well, this condition is passed, then everything else is easy to say, I and Cui Bo's parents."

Pharaoh immediately said: "Resolve as soon as possible, must be resolved!"

"How long can it be solved?"

Pharaoh Shen said, "If it is fast, it will be half a year, and if it is slow, it will be one year."

Raised his eyebrows and shouted, "How come it takes so long?"

Lao Wang smiled and said: "If you want to pick them up, you can do it immediately, there will be absolutely no obstacles, but it will take some time to get everything done, you think, this matter is not a word. There are too many aspects involved, and it is always better to have a proper post, but this does not have any impact on you. The International Criminal Police will also do it immediately. It ’s easy to say. "

Gao Yang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, I won't pick up my parents first, but can I call at any time?"

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Give us three days, and after three days, you just call."

Gao Yang looked at Yalebin and nodded, then said to the old king: "Yes, don't be in a hurry at this moment. I plan to wait for the matter to be properly resolved, and then take my father and mother to leave, but this will have to wait for it to be done." During this time, do n’t have any surprises. "

The old king laughed and shouted: "Relax, now we are more nervous than you and make your parents safer. We hope you can pick them up sooner, but you can rest assured, even if you don't pick it up, I just I can guarantee this, they will be ordinary people in the future, of course, this is nothing to them, they are ordinary old couples, and the same as Cui Bo, I can guarantee this. "

Jian Yang thought for a while, and whispered: "I have a problem with my identity."

The old king was very firm and said: "The brand new identity can also be done according to the identity you set, complete and absolutely true."

Raised his hand and shouted, "Okay, that's it."

After talking, Gao Yang took the mineral water on the table, unwrapped and took a sip, frowning: "What kind of broken water, the water provided by the hotel is too bad, a few people want to drink something, tea or coffee? "No"

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Oh, this is just casual, then tea is good."

After the three others nodded and said they wanted tea, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Well, I don't know if there is any good tea here. I'll go and have it delivered."

After speaking, Gao Yang stood up and said with a smile: "You just talk, if you have anything to say to them, they can do it on their behalf, everyone, I will say goodbye, you sit down, sit down."

The main negotiations have been completed, and the tone has already been settled. It is not necessary for Gao Yang to stay. Just give Yalebin and Ulyanko anything to talk about.

Apologizing to the four people, Gao Yang immediately left the meeting room, Roztoski followed him out of the meeting room, and Gleevatov stayed to act as Yalebin and Ulyanko recorder.

Walked out of the meeting room quickly. After exhaling for a long time, he whispered to Rostowski: "Let the hotel people send some hot tea. I will wait for you in the car outside."

Goyang walked out of the hotel and opened the car door that Tarta opened. Tarta looked at him and whispered, "So fast."

"Yeah, I should have finished what I said, and the rest is mainly about Wuliyangke. Let Yalebin talk to me about how to implement it and talk about how the other party fulfills the agreement. ended."

Tarta nodded and said: "Yes, you should not stay there to talk in person, nor do you need to, I am just curious, so you gave all the hard collected chips to Big Ivan?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I have nothing to reluctantly, I have to keep my distance, keep my distance, and besides, I can't get so many chips without the channel of Big Ivan, let me use those chips myself, what can I change It ’s a waste of money. It ’s too wasteful. Iwan will give me what I deserve, so I might as well let Iwan do the specific things. I ’ll just wait for the dividend. ”

Tarta said with a smile: "That means nothing will happen to you after tonight."

"Yes, let Wuliyenko handle the rest ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ My business is done, now, we can finally start to do our own business, I ca n’t wait, we will be tomorrow Just leave Kiev! "

Tarta smiled and said: "I can't wait any longer. Go to Yemen tomorrow?"

Exclaimed helplessly: "What a joke, how can it be so fast, my people are still in Donetsk, of course I have to go to Donetsk."

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Wait for Rostowski, pick him up to find Shawar, we have to have a few drinks tonight."

Taltahaha smiled and shouted: "Very good, let's have a few drinks, you can finally drink today."

After talking with a smile, Tarta leaned out of the car window and yelled towards the car in front: "We'll have some drinks later."

Soon, Roztoski walked out of the hotel, and when he got into the car, he smiled at Gao Yang: "The negotiation must have succeeded, much faster than expected, how does it feel?"

Gao Yang patted his chest and smiled: "It's like the throat that has been blocked for a long time has finally been cleared, and the breathing has been relaxed a lot. Do you know what it feels like?"

Rotstosky laughed: "Understandably, now that you understand your biggest concerns, do you want to celebrate?"

Laughed loudly and shouted, "Why do you need to say? Let's go, I'll treat you tonight, the best wine, don't get drunk."

Tarta smiled and said: "I don't know why I am also very happy, not drunk and not returning." 〖To be continued〗

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