A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1829: No position

To be honest, Gao Yang is difficult to accept Yalebin's conclusion. ↖top↖point↖small↖said, x.

Gao Yang is now well-informed. Mossad, KGB, cia, mi6, fbi, he has all dealt with these famous institutions. Whether it is a friend or an enemy, Gao Yang ’s biggest feeling is that people from these departments None is good.

Now let Yalebin put the words of these famous institutions worthless, and exaggerate the non-existent Huaxia flowers, which really makes him a little unacceptable.

"Well, IMHO, you really aren't boasting about China because I'm here?"

Yalebin looked at Yang Yang and smiled slightly, but Tarta said dissatisfiedly: "Do you think we will pat your ass?"

Gao Yang was taken aback again and shouted, "Fak! You are also Hua Xiatong, you know all about flattery!"

Tarta said very seriously in Chinese: "Man, think about it, China was one of our biggest enemies. Can we not pay attention? Do not take some measures against China? We need to master the main language, can we not? Huaxia conducts special training? What do you think? "

Gao Yang patted his forehead and smiled: "Uh, it makes sense."

Gleevato whispered: "Now it's a world that is worse than bad. Once the great powers once competed, who fell faster than others, there is no way to say."

Gao Yang whispered: "So, which of you is the most powerful?"

Yalebin said slowly: "The KGB and CIA are large, well-funded, and staffed. There is never a time when anyone is better than others. There is only a difference in who was more active during that period. However, for a period of time, the KGB is indeed All-round overwhelming cia, but overall speaking, cia won the KGB, a comprehensive victory, cia broke the Soviet Union, there is nothing to say, so cia is the strongest. This has to be admitted.

Then there is the mi6, but the scale is much worse than the KGB and cia, but the strength of the mi6 is indeed very strong. In terms of the spy's personal ability, the mi6 is really strong.

Then there is Stasi in East Germany. At that time, we KGB tried to overhead Stasi, but Stasi still maintained a great degree of sex, very strong, very powerful, by the level of the time. I think Stasi is better than mi6.

This was the situation at the time, now. Both the KGB and Stasi are gone. The strength of cia and mi6 has dropped a lot, especially mi6, which is almost abolished. "

Gao Yang questioned: "No, don't you say one less? What about Mossad?"

Yalebin laughed, and the other black devils also laughed, and then Yalebin slowly shook his head and said: "Mossad, hehe, it's too far behind, I admit that Mossad's record is very good Not bad, but what can it say? In that part of the Middle East, Mossad is like a god, but that is because the opponent is really too bad, so Mossad ’s glorious record is not convincing at all. Change the environment. Their true abilities are exposed, no, no difference. "

Glevatov smiled: "In the 1970s, Mossad wanted to do something in Moscow, and then they learned a lesson. Again, Mossad is very powerful, but that is because their opponents are too weak. If you try it with a few real players in the world, they will be sober. "

Tarta muttered: "Mossad is very powerful, but it is far worse than Stasi, but everyone knows Mossad, a few know Stasi? What does this mean, it just shows history Tasi is better than Mossad, if East Germany is not, no, forget it. "

Yalebin smiled and whispered: "Finally talking about Huaxia, the advantages and disadvantages of Huaxia people are all skin color, so it is difficult for us to penetrate into Huaxia, but it is also difficult for Huaxia people to have a sense of presence in the world, but Huaxia has always been paid attention by intelligence agencies on the world stage, do you know why? "

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "I don't know, I think Hua Xia doesn't seem to have a record, can it?"

Yalebin smiled: "Ordinary people know a fart!"

Talta said with dissatisfaction: "That is, what do ordinary people know? What the agents do, exposure is failure, or death, the famous spy must be a failed spy, which is still taught by people? But someone I do not understand this truth, ignorance! "

Yalebin shook his finger at Gao Yang, and said very seriously: "It is still that sentence, the good warrior has no merit, especially for a secret front that is exposed as failure. You know it now. There are quite a few, and you will also survive in the dark, so remember this sentence, the day you are famous will not be far from death. "

Gao Yang horrified and said: "Yes, I know."

Yalebin said slowly: "When we go back to China, there is basically no such thing as an assassination, but this is determined by the general direction of the country's strategy, because it needs to exist in a moderate manner, and China has no famous record. But, with China rising so fast, how could there be fewer people like us? "

With a long sigh, Yalebin whispered: "Hua Xia didn't seem to do anything, but they got everything they wanted. No one knows how difficult it is except for their peers. How difficult. "

Gao Yang nodded, and then he said bitterly, "Well, if I say that, isn't it bad for me to expose?"

Glevatov looked at Gao Yang and smiled slightly: "You finally thought of this problem."

Gao Yang anxiously said: "What should I do? I can't do it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ What's more, I want to do my business after all, even if I don't show up, but it's not the case now. Will it be targeted? This is very troublesome! "

Yalebin frowned: "What are you afraid of, and you have no conflicts of interest, and how stupid China will be to provoke someone who is completely harmless but useful to you, remember, it is still strength! You have strength, but not China Any harm that is attacked also has the strength to carry out a fierce counterattack. In this case, there is nothing wrong with the exposure. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "I'm not worried about what you said, okay, think about it."

Yalebin waved his hand and smiled, "But don't get close. People like you, too close to any country will have an accident. Don't forget your identity. You are a mercenary. Your biggest position is not position."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "I understand that with my own position, it will not be far from death. I will not establish any clear relationship with any country. Er, of course, it is only a big country, but a small country, otherwise I will not The law has gone to Yemen. "(To be continued.)

ps: seems to have written what should not be written, hurry up and stop, then the next part of the plot is abbreviated.

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