A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1824: Nuclear trigger

Meeting with Great Ivan, Gao Yang caught the plane to Europe early the next morning. Bayi ≯ ≧ Chinese ≤≤ ≦≦ ≤≤ ≦≦ ≤ ﹤

First to France and then to Ukraine, the flight is more than forty hours. Although Gao Yang is young and strong, he also feels tired. Although Gao Yang is definitely in first class as long as he takes a civil flight, it is indeed a matter of long-distance flight. Very tiring, even if the environment is more comfortable.

When he got off the plane in Kiev, he caught up with the morning. When he saw that Nikola was driving him, Gao Yang was a little surprised.

After waiting to get on the bus, Gao Yang was very surprised and said: "Nikola, shouldn't you be in Nikolaev now?"

Nikolayev is the location of the Black Sea shipyard. During this time, Nikolay helped Nikolai help Glevatov dig people. The Black Sea shipyard has long been shut down. A large group of engineers, designers and workers have lost their lives. The source, relying on the pension of the Ukrainian government and the most basic salary, these people even have problems to eat, so one by one has long gone to earn a living, and those who really stay in the shipyard to work and mix wages every day even tenths None at all.

As a former engineer, Nikolai knew quite a lot of people. Glevatov used all his means to find information. Nikolai contacted his former colleagues one by one. Of course, Nikolai could not know everyone. But through one contact one way, degree can still be faster.

Faced with high questions, Nikolay said with a smile: "It's over, all the work is over, I have packed my luggage, I just need to wait to leave Ukraine."

After speaking, Nikola paused for a moment, then said to Gao Yang very seriously: "Now I am fine, so I have to perform my duties. You paid me to hire as a driver, and I did not drive. Several cars. "

Gao Yang said with emotion: "I guess if you are fast, you will leave Ukraine within a month. I think you will be able to adapt to your life soon. Huaxia is a very good country."

Nikolay also said with emotion: "I come to the airport to pull guests as usual, but I didn't expect my passengers to change my destiny. Now I think of it as if I was born yesterday, I try hard today Asking to pick you up, I want to say thank you. Because I will have no chance to drive you in the future. "

Gao Yang smiled slightly and whispered: "You're welcome."

After a slight answer, Nikolay concentrated on driving, and Gao Yang quickly returned to their foothold in Kiev.

Yalebin must be at home, and besides him, Gleevatov and Rostowski also ended their work. Back to the foothold.

Seeing Gao Yang, Yalebin, sitting on the sand with his cane as usual, smiled and said, "I'm back, what's the harvest, and what does Yiwan use in return?"

Gao Yang shouted: "Guys, I am afraid that you will not believe it. Da Yiwan gave me three nuclear bombs."

Roztoski frowned: "What is so strange about nuclear bombs. For ordinary people, nuclear bombs are as far away as legends, but for us, for arms dealers like Iwan, what are the three nuclear bombs? Bizarre. "

Gao Yang shrugged: "It is a live warhead. The most important thing is the live warhead placed in the United States."

Yalebin raised his eyes, very surprised and said: "Great Ivan gave you a nuclear trigger?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, is it a surprise?"

Yalebin nodded and said: "It's a surprise. He has the courage to give you three. So how many nuclear warheads does he have?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "I don't know, this is the life-saving card of Daywan, how can I ask."

Glevatov said curiously: "So how did he get into the United States, did you ask?"

Gao Yang shrugged: "It's a pity. No question, this is the core secret of Da Yiwan, how can I ask, but I estimate that Da Yiwan will not have many nuclear warheads in the United States. There are only a maximum of ten, because When Iwan gave me a nuclear warhead, he looked very upset. "

Yalebin said with a smile: "Three are enough for you, and Big Ivan doesn't need to keep too much, so ten is very possible, so to speak. High, you are the only one in the world There are two people with nuclear triggers. After all, a country wants to use nuclear weapons as easy as you and Iwan. "

Gao Yang rubbed his hands and smiled, "Now that I have the amulet, I have finally lifted the burden. I can show my hand for myself. Has Vasily and Lebedev not yet returned? When will they return , I think it ’s time to contact Hua Xia, and get the last thing in Ukraine done, we will go to Yemen. "

Yalebin nodded and said, "The two of them are watching the last shipment. The valuable ones are needed, and the worthless ones are not pulled. The white sharks are working hard, they just need to watch Just load the things that should be pulled into the car, and the people of the White Shark Gang will put the things in the warehouse, so if they are successful, they can come back today. "

Gao Yang exhaled and smiled: "Very well, then I will let people contact Huaxia today. Now it's time to show the chips and start negotiations."

Yalebin said with a chuckle: "Yes, what are you going to do specifically, contact the person in that respect, is the China embassy in Ukraine?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "No, I have acquaintances. Well, my brothers have comrades in Africa. They are not spies, but they have some missions in their bodies. I plan to let them talk for me."

Gao Yang intends to let Li Pengfei in Africa speak for him. This is also a fertile field. He thinks that it is a great achievement to get so many things back, why not let Li Jinfang's comrades come to take this credit.

But Yalebin frowned: "It's not good not to say that these people are reliable and unreliable. It's not okay for you to let people in Africa speak for you, but they used to be your communication channel with China?"

"No ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ They are my brother's brothers, and they have a life-long relationship. My identity is very sensitive, so they keep secret for me. I believe them."

Yalebin sighed: "Then there is a problem, a very serious problem. Well, you can't let Africans take care of Europe. This involves a lot. The key is, are your friends convenient to talk to you? How do they do it? The explanation has something to do with you but it has never been reported before? "

Gao Yang froze for a moment, shouting: "Oh, I didn't think about this problem."

Yalebin waved his hand and said: "There is no need to find someone to talk to. You just have to find someone in Ukraine. You don't have to talk about it. You can save the conversation. It's easier to talk about the conditions. The key is fast enough."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Okay, what I originally thought was simple, then we wouldn't let friends talk, and we would contact ourselves directly, but how can we get in touch with Huaxia?"

Yalebin sighed: "Some spies are public, just look for them. Such a simple matter, you only need to go out and go around to see the people you meet." (To be continued.)

ps: In order to congratulate Zidian Crow Immortal on becoming an ally, today I am changing.

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