A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: Psychological shadow

Some things can be done by saying that. ≧ Bayi Middle School≯ 文 ≯≤ ≦ << ≦ ﹤<

Yalebin asked Gao Yang to leave it alone, tired and just went to rest, then let Gleevatov go out, and then Gao Yang met a Chinese.

During the day and afternoon, Glevatov came back and said a place, and then it was done.

Gao Yang changed his clothes to the living room, and Rostowski pointed to a box on the ground, beckoning him to take it, and then there was nothing else.

Standing alone at the door, looking at the few people chatting in the house but no one took care of him, Gao Yang finally couldn't help but say, "Are you going with me?"

Yalebin said disapprovingly: "This is not formal negotiation, go back quickly."

Gao Yang said with a sad face: "Who will go with me."

Tarta frowned: "You are very safe in Ukraine now and need bodyguards? Go for yourself."

"Me, I dare not ..."

After speaking with embarrassment and embarrassment, Gao Yang looked at Yalebin and whispered, "Will you go with me, please? You said it for me."

A group of people looked at Gao Yang with doubts, and Glevatov said with doubts: "You, don't you dare?"

"Be a thief ..."

Talta is very difficult to understand: "I'm not familiar with your past, but you just killed one of the most powerful troops in the United States. You threatened the President of Ukraine and reprimanded the Ukrainian general. To die an ant, now, you just go to a small character, tell him who you are, tell him what you are going to do, let him inform the superior, just that, you dare not? "

"Concern is chaotic, no, it should be, uh, just dare not ..."

After speaking bitterly, Gao Yang sighed. Whispered: "That's Hua Xia people, think about I want to negotiate with the person who represents the official of Hua Xia, I just panicked, don't ask why. I don't know, and I worry that I will behave poorly."

With a big wave of his hand, Tarta said confidently: "Prisoner psychology, it's okay. Go ahead. Just take this step. You are now just feeling fear because of your identity as a fugitive. This feeling of fear is very easy. It can be completely broken, because your current strength no longer needs to worry about being caught back, so go ahead and be brave, just take this step. "

Yalebin also smiled: "You had a fear in the early escape, which caused a psychological shadow in your heart."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "I don't know why I'm afraid, but I'm a little bit afraid, um. I don't know what I'm afraid of, okay, you're right, this is my little psychological obstacle, as long as After taking this step, it will be fine, then, I went. "

Yalebin suddenly said: "No, wait, we will accompany you."

"is this necessary?"

Talking was Tarta, looking at Tarta who was puzzled. Yalebin shrugged: "It's not necessary, but I want him to negotiate with others with arrogance and make him imposing! Let him walk out of the psychological shadows cheerfully and happily, let him always have an advantage in the negotiation.

Rotostosky laughed: "It's not necessary. Why do you bother to achieve your goals?"

Yalebin said with a curse: "This is necessary because Gao is my chosen successor, he is my student, and I don't want my students to be trembling when negotiating with others, even if others can't see it. . I want him to get out of the psychological shadow in a better way, so hurry up and move me! Let ’s negotiate. "

Several people stood up, and Yalebin looked at Grevatov and said, "What is the identity of the jointer? Is it good?"

Glevatov shrugged: "I asked them to find the highest-ranking people in Kiev. As long as they are not enough to see our extraordinary coming, I don't know. Who knows who will let them negotiate?"

The tears moved in Gao Yang's heart, and then he stepped forward and grabbed Yalebin's hand and shouted, "Or you are the best to me."

Yalebin punched a punch in his chest and said with dissatisfaction: "Put yourself up, don't think of yourself as a fugitive, you have to know that you are giving benefits to China, you are an equal negotiator It ’s not asking the other party to accept your gift and find out. "

Gao Yang immediately raised his chest and said, "Understand, understand!"

Yalebin snapped his fingers and said loudly: "Wear formal, start the spirit, let everyone know that the first grade is not the kind of trouble, hurry up!"

Lebedev and Vasily have not returned, so there are four people who can accompany Gao Yang. At this time, Gao Yang cautiously said: "Do you want Shava to send a few big guys to come over and look very fierce, Do you want?"

Yalebin raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Fool, what are we, what are we doing to find some big gangsters? Do we lower our grades?"

"It makes sense, you are right, this idea is too bad, just a few of us to go, we are completely enough to go."

I do n’t know why. I want to find more people to strengthen my mind. I think it ’s a psychological shadow. If you say that the impact is not great, it ’s really great.

Gao Yang was very irritable, although he tried his best to cover up, but all the elders in the essence were present.

Finally, Talta, who changed into a suit, patted his high shoulders and shouted: "Relax, you will be fine soon, and there will be no more problems in the future, at least if you see the police in Huaxia I do n’t want to hide unconsciously, haha. "

Gao Yang immediately went to carry the suitcase on the ground ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The result was quite heavy, so he immediately said: "What is this?"

Roztoski laughed: "What else is it? Chips, there is always a bright spot in negotiating with people, otherwise who believes? Let's go, there are four black devils acting as bodyguards for you, what are you afraid of?"

Glevatov stepped forward and took the box in Yang Yang's hand, whispering: "I take it, you just treat us as your bodyguard, and your subordinates, take some momentum."

Yalebin pointed to Gao Yang and said: "But don't use too much force, it's wrong to pretend too deliberately, think about what you look like when they face Arseny, you're fine, okay, come out."

The five people sat in two cars. Yalebin looked at it and pointed to the back lane: "Talta, you go to drive that car, you have a bad image."

Tarta was very dissatisfied and said: "I have a bad image? How can I have a bad image? I am worse than any of you?"

Glevatov said quietly: "Look at your big belly, red rosacea, about to lose your head, go to the car behind, and don't go down if it's okay, so as not to destroy our overall image." To be continued.)

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