A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1823: Hide deep enough

? There is a big Ivan, it is convenient to do anything.

Dayiwan immediately made a second call, and when someone connected, he immediately smiled and said: "Ask you, if there is any information from the Satan Mercenary Corps, all relevant information is required."

Da Yiwan opened the hands-free, so this time Gao Yang can clearly hear what the other end of the phone is talking about.

"The Satan Mercenary Corps, you must ask the most famous Satan? Okay, I know some information about Satan."

Gao Yang's heart tightened at once, and Dayi Wan looked at him with a smile, and said with a chuckle: "Very good, please tell me."

Da Yiwan looked surprised, and then he shouted, "That's all?"

"In this regard, the Satan Mercenary Corps is very mysterious. Of course, this is also because no one cares about this mercenary regiment, so no one is willing to make any effort to investigate them. After all, it is just a very small mercenary regiment. Why, you want to know about this mercenary Corps? If so, I can investigate. "

Da Yiwan immediately said: "No, just interested in asking casually, no need to investigate Satan, then Justin. I asked just now, but I want to know more clearly now. No one knows whether he is still alive, you Can you check it? ".

"You can check, but is this necessary? A loser in the Cicero family's internal battle."

Da Yiwan laughed: "I didn't think it was necessary to check, but now I have changed my mind. I want to know if he is alive, how much money?"

"No need to pay, haha, I have to get a friend. The first call you made after you came out, we all know what it means. In order to thank you for the call, this little information is of course free, so I will ask, how about it?"

Big Iwan laughed: "Thank you."

Hanging up the phone, Da Yiwan smiled at Gao Yang: "You are hiding deep enough, there is no news of you in the intelligence circle, it is very rare."

Gao Yang let out a breath and smiled: "Of course, do you know how careful I am? I keep it secret and keep it secret. In fact, I don't want to be known about saving the green terrorist organization to South America. Unfortunately, Is still known. "

Da Yiwan smiled and said: "Forget it, if other mercenary regiments have already been clarified by others."

Gao Yang patted his heart and said with a lingering fear: "Great, Satan is not famous enough, which is really good news for us."

Da Yiwan sighed: "In this case, you have to pay back the money, just give it back to Justin, he didn't sell your news all over the world, but if you don't pay the money, he should exchange your information. It's money. "

Gao Yang reluctantly said: "Yes, Syria, Austria, Ukraine, one of the things we do in these places is leaked and it will be dead, especially the one done in Austria. If it leaks out, Shah Fei is crazy. No, get rid of Tomler, get Djoer's son, ambush the Iron Madonna, wow, we have many enemies. "

Da Yiwan shrugged and whispered: "So Justin returns the money to him when he is alive."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "I can't help but hope he is dead."

Big Iwan waved his hand and whispered: "What are you going to do?"

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "Do nothing, he appears alive, I pay him back, he is dead, I am relieved to save a lot of money."

Da Yiwan said seriously: "What if he still asks for help if he is alive?"

Gao Yang immediately said: "Don't even think about it. I'm never involved in intelligence circles. I just want to know Justin's whereabouts, but I never thought about saving him. The most important thing is too dangerous. ! "

Da Yiwan nodded and smiled: "Yes, the right choice."

Gao Yang exhaled, thought for a moment, and shouted: "Justin's discussion will stop here. He has nothing to do with you. However, after you know his whereabouts, remember to tell me."

Da Yiwan smiled: "Of course, what are you going to do next?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered: "Go back to the United States and then go to Ukraine. Now Ukraine is fine, but I have to put an end to the final work. Oh, there is a person, Rebrov, he is Your men ... "

Da Yiwan nodded and said, "I know him, Wuliyangke told me, I also know what happened, how to say, you did a very beautiful job, I have to thank you for cleaning up the team for me, and appeased People's hearts, this is very important to me. "

Gao Yang laughed: "You know that's all right, I don't need to say more ~ ​​www.novelmtl.com ~ Well, I plan to take Rebrov away, you will not disagree."

Da Yiwan said with a straight face: "I disagree."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "You are kidding."

Da Yiwan also smiled and said: "I know it's a joke and so much nonsense, do I need to say more about this kind of thing?".

After making a joke with Gao Yang, Dayiwan immediately said: "If there is no other thing, you will go tomorrow. There are too many things waiting for me to deal with. Unfortunately, we have not yet arrived to relax and have fun. In a few days. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "I understand that there is nothing important to say now, oh damn, I forgot one thing, it is like this, Poroneshenko and Arseny, I have already drawn in, you Who will take over Europe, do n’t forget to continue to use the relationship between these two people, and it ’s a pity that I ’ve planned to get rid of the German contract for a long time. It ’s a pity to give up all the preparations. Say it. "(To be continued.)

PS: I changed six chapters today, but I forgot to ask for a monthly ticket.

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