A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1822: Infighting

? According to Great Ivan, an intelligence dealer is not very rare.

There must be no reason for Da Yiwan to cheat Gao Yang. Besides, the window paper is not opaque, but once the window paper is broken, you can understand it even if you do n’t understand this circle. It is really what Da Yiwan said, a person. In any case, it is impossible to build an intelligence network all over the world, even the US intelligence network cannot fill the world.

The reason is very simple. What do you do to build an intelligence network in a place where no birds are **** and no one pays attention? So in terms of cost performance alone, Justin cannot build an intelligence network even if he has the ability to bear him.

It turned out that Gao Yang thought that Justin was the world ’s most powerful intelligence dealer, but he had no knowledge. Now that Justin is only a part of the intelligence network, it is very simple to replace him. It ’s definitely not better than Justin to introduce one. difference.

However, Gao Yang only recognized one Justin before, and the key is that they are still very happy to cooperate, and more importantly, Gao Yang not only borrowed money from Justin, but also bought information on credit. What is this? This is friendship!

Now let Gao Yang leave him alone, and happily swallow the money, only if he doesn't know Justin, Gao Yang can't do it.

Da Yiwan stared at Gao Yang for a moment, then smiled slightly, shook his head, then took out a phone number, dialed a number, and after a while, whispered, "Hello, I am Da Yiwan."

Gao Yang heard a very surprised voice over the phone.

"Great Ivan! Are you out? You are out!"

Da Yiwan covered his microphone and smiled at Gao Yang: "On this phone call, I can make him 100 million, do you believe it?"

Gao Yang froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Trust!"

Ivan really didn't brag, and I didn't say much about it. Because Big Iwan went out again, the matter itself is a super big intelligence, and the intelligence monger can get a high price even if he gets the intelligence. Others do n’t say it. It's just that a German covenant confirmed that Iwan's life and death would be worth a hundred million.

After making a joke with Gao Yang, Dayi Wancai released the phone. Laughed: "Yeah, I came out and asked you something, Justin, you know, Justin of the Cicero family, know what happened to him? I can't contact him."

The person on the other end of the call was much calmer, so Gao Yang didn't know what he was talking about, only to see Da Yiwan nodded from time to time. After a while, Dayiwan hung up the phone and smiled at Gao Yang: "I asked."

Gao Yang immediately excitedly said: "So fast!"

Da Yiwan shrugged: "Tell you, there is no secret in the intelligence circle. Justin doesn't know if he is dead, but he is no different from death. He failed in the internal battle of the Cicero family."

Gao Yang stunned: "Infighting, failed?"

Big Ivan nodded and said: "Yes, you do n’t know the Cicero family, so it ’s more difficult to explain. . Well, the Cicero family was very famous long ago, this is a famous betrayal Family. This family is best known for their vision. They can always make the right choice, turn to a new mountain, and then sell the old master. "

Gao Yangji said in surprise: "How can such a family get mixed up?"

Da Yiwan shrugged: "No way, they have a good vision. This is a noble from the Middle Ages to the present. How many families can continue to the present? The Cicero family has been hit to a desperation several times, but it can still turn over. It is because their investment vision is indeed very smart.

To make a long story short, the Cicero family's selling of intelligence generally began when Mussolini took office. The Cicero family used to be an important part of the Italian Mafia, but Mussolini started to crack down on the Mafia after he took office. The Cicero family turned to Mussolini. Since then, they have completely separated from the Mafia, but they have rich network resources, and instead began to buy and sell intelligence.

During World War II, the Cicero family traded intelligence with the belligerent countries. They met with each other and not only did not suffer much loss. Instead, they regained the rise of World War II and relied on sales intelligence. Being eliminated or expelled in that way, not only continued to take root in Italy, but also gained a richer wealth.

Until now, Cicero has been the biggest and most important force in the intelligence community, because the Cicero family's network is really good, but the Cicero family has retained the tradition that has been handed down from the Middle World period. Patriarchy, you Have you seen the movie of Godfather? "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I have seen it."

Da Yiwan shrugged: "The mafia is the same, the Cicero family has retained the same tradition, the old parent passed away, the family members elected a new parent, the godfather of the Cicero family, or the parent, last month Passed away, there was a fight in the election of the new parents, which side Justin failed. "

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "It turns out that this is the case. Justin personally participated in the competition for the new parents?"

Big Ivan shook his head: "I don't know, but it should be involved, and the loser can no longer use any channels of the Cicero family, so Justin must have been completely expelled from the Cicero family's power center, and That is to say, he is useless. "

Gao Yang immediately said: "How to confirm that Justin is dead or not? Can I continue to investigate?"

Da Yiwan smiled and said: "Why do you have to check, I suggest you ignore him, even if he is not dead, one day when you come out, you should pay him back ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ did not come out, or it took too long Then, you do n’t have to pay attention to him, he disappeared by himself, and it ’s not that you wo n’t pay back the money. ”

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "No, the debt repayment is just and proper, and the debt is also due to human relations. Naturally, everything will be cancelled when he dies. I am sure to put the money in my pocket. He didn't die. At least I have to return the money to him. of."

After thinking about it for a long time, Da Yiwan nodded and said, "You are such a person, I have always known, so okay, you can continue to investigate in depth, but I have a suggestion."

Gao Yang said: "What advice?"

Da Yiwan said very seriously: "Look if Justin has sold you, if he sold you, then everything is free, and you have to find a chance to kill him. Anyway, he was expelled by the Cicero family and killed. He also has no consequences. If he does n’t sell your information, he will be able to take care of you. You should pay back the money, and you should pay the favor. "

Gao Yang immediately nodded and said: "Good idea! Good idea, quickly ask, Justin knows that we have too many things, if he sells our things, then my first thing is to find him to kill, you said Yes, the intelligence dealer knows too much. "(To be continued.)

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