A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: Harvest

Gao Yang borrowed two amounts of money for Andrea. One was borrowed from Morgan, and the principal was 100 million. When the loan was repaid, the interest was 400 million, and the other was borrowed from Justin, because three had passed. In the month, even the interest bearing 300 million. ⅣⅣ 八一 中文 Ⅶ

He borrowed 200 million yuan and returned 700 million yuan. He was embarrassed when he borrowed for Andrea. Now he is even more embarrassed when he asks for money.

But I have to say embarrassment, so I did n’t wait for Ivan to ask, and Gao Yang said with a bitter face: "The principal is 200 million, and now the interest is to be paid back 500 million.

Da Yiwan nodded and said loudly: "The interest is indeed a bit higher, but is this a war loan? Fairly, if I borrow money abroad, I still lend it to someone who is very unlikely to pay, I want it The interest is higher. "

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief and said embarrassedly: "Ah, there, that, I also lent out my money, 30 million US dollars, but this one does not require interest, no interest. of."

Da Yiwan looked at Gao Yang in surprise, and Gao Yang was embarrassed and looked down: "Why do you look at me so ..."

Da Yiwan said loudly: "You don't need interest on war loans? Are you stupid? Also, did you collect the money?"

Gao Yang nodded, then whispered: "Yes, uh, it wasn't poor at the time ..."

Da Yiwan shook his head, and he looked like he hated the iron. "I said you are good. Forget it. You are enough friends. I must be embarrassed to ask Andrei for interest. However, I am the kind Did you even borrow money to pay back? Do you think I ’m short of money? Brother, do n’t you know what a lucrative business is in the world? "

Gao Yang raised his head, and Dayi Wan waved helplessly: "Business is business, friendship is friendship, you are my friend, but I can't give you money in vain, this friendship will not last long, but, you Lend me money, and I will laugh at me if I only return the capital. Andrea Andrea will be ashamed. "

With a sigh, Da Yiwan thought about it a little, and said loudly: "Come up to an integer, one billion dollars. I'll pay you 300 million with interest. Will you be stupid enough to refuse?"

Gao Yang shook his head again and again, and then smiled and said: "If you don't refuse, don't refuse, it wouldn't be stupid for me to do this."

Great Ivan pointed his finger high. Laughed: "The money you borrow for everyone is pumped, 1% to 10%. The amount of money you borrow is very large and the interest is also higher, so according to the regulations, it should be 2% of the money. Succeed, ask the money lender if you want it or not, but do n’t say I did n’t remind you. ”

Gao Yang took a deep breath and smiled, "Yes, why not."

Da Yiwan snapped his fingers and looked at Gao Yang, saying: "How much did you spend for me? I know what you have done. The 230 million won't be able to support the current one. You must take it again after Andre's death." How much is it? "

Gao Yang thought for a while and then nodded, "I spent the money, paid for my men, and maintained the mercenary's money. It cost a lot, about 100 million yuan, but the money is not mine. Selling the money recovered from arms sales around the world, after all, is still your money, but later I changed the tactics. Shrinking the front, the cost is much less. "

Dayiwan thought for a while, then said to Gao Yang very seriously: "If you follow me, Europe is yours, or you just say a place."

Gao Yang waved his hands and smiled, "No. I don't want to be an arms dealer, this line is not for me."

Da Yiwan exhaled, and then shouted: "Then, the agreement between you and the cleaner must be handed over to me for execution. This is a big business. Are you willing to give up?"

Gao Yang said disapprovingly: "I didn't say that, Yemen has something big waiting for me. Besides, I don't want to give up. I am a layman who sells arms."

Da Yiwan smiled and shouted: "Okay, then you will draw 10% of the business with the cleaner. For every money paid by the cleaner, I will give you 10% of it until the business ends. So far, as long as the money you spent on hosting Andrea for Europe is not a large amount, I will not give it to you, but all the money in your hands, whether it belongs to you or me, belongs to you. "

Gao Yang swallowed, and then said carefully: "This money is a lot, there is enough ..."

Big Iwan waved his hand and shouted: "Don't say this, I don't care, it's all yours."

Gao Yang frightened one, because after he calculated it, if Da Yiwan gave him 300 million, then he already had almost 600 million US dollars.

When the cannon rang, there were 20,000 gold. For the arms dealers, it was time for the war to be rich.

When he helped Andrea go to war, Satan emptied his family, and it ’s okay now, not long after that, when the 30 million yuan that were put together was turned into 600 million, which was 20 times, Gao Yang was fishing in Ukraine. Goal, this is a complete realization.

Gao Yang stunned: "I have hundreds of millions of dollars now, how to spend, Satan can divide tens of millions by one person, we still have a fart, go home and enjoy the fortune."

Big Ivan laughed, then he stared at Gao Yang and said: "Don't think about beautiful things, this boat is easy to come on, it is difficult to go down, you thought you were the little character from the beginning? You are not, you are already One big brother, you can only enter, not retreat, if you want to go home for a peaceful life, believe it or not, if you do n’t have the power to protect yourself, there will be no bones and scum left? Brothers? , We are not a party, but we are all the same, we can only enter, not retreat! "

Gao Yang sighed, then shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, don't say this, continue to the next thing, um, Polovic ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Polovich wants to come back to you Doing things for you, he helped me a lot, and I promised him to intercede after seeing you. "

Da Yiwan's face immediately became serious, and then he said very firmly: "I can't, I don't kill him. It's because of his work for me for many years. High, trust, once lost, it is impossible. Establish it again. If I say I still trust him, it only means that I want to kill him. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "This matter, I shouldn't talk about it logically. This is your family affair, but Polovic did help me a lot, so I have to plead for him again, Well, he said that he did n’t expect to do things for you like before, but he could n’t bear to live a life that he never did, so he wanted to work for Wuliyangke. ”

Da Yiwan looked very serious, and finally even stood up and began to walk back and forth in the house.

Gao Yang whispered: "Of course, the decision is yours. I have made an appointment with Polovic. I only promise to help him bring the words to, but I do not guarantee that it will be successful. Now I tell you, so this matter is right I'll stop here, erm, I still have to say that Polovic is recovering from my injuries, and he almost died. "

Da Yiwan moved his face and whispered: "Oh, come and listen." (To be continued.)

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