A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1819: Interest is a bit higher

? After a long time, Gao Yang raised his head and whispered to Da Yiwan: "Remember."

Big Iwan waved his hand and smiled, "You shouldn't use it easily, right?"

Gao Yang nodded again and again and said very seriously: "Relax, I'm not stupid. I won't use it until the last minute of death. This is the trump card of life-saving."

Big Iwan spread his hand and smiled, "I once said, I will give you some planes and weapons, but I was attacked by the Americans. As a result, I hid to the present without giving you anything."

Gao Yang laughed: "This, in fact, I took a lot of things away in Ukraine, and that is yours."

Big Iwan waved his hand and said indifferently, "Don't say anything that is not worth mentioning. Now let's talk about the future. Well, now the United States and I are threatening to balance each other with deterrence. I put it in the United States, but I have to continue to return to South Africa and live where the Americans can see, otherwise, Americans will not be relieved. "

Gao Yang sighed: "Yes, this problem is not very easy to solve."

Da Yiwan also said helplessly: "Yes, I certainly don't want to be monitored by the Americans, but there is no way. If I don't make some concessions, the Americans will not end in this way anyway. This is As a result of the compromise between the two parties, I actually returned to South Africa. It ’s nothing, but now the situation is that I ’m already on the bright side. I ca n’t be as convenient as before, so I ca n’t give you too much. Will notice. "

Gao Yang nodded gently.

Da Yiwan exhaled and whispered: "We will meet very few in the future, you will not be exposed, then we will not be able to meet easily in the future, but Ulyanko and Ivan will not have too much trouble, you find They are the same. But if you need arms, I ca n’t give it to you anymore, you have to buy it. Because my arms business must still be going on, you can be my customer. But it ca n’t be my friend, Do you understand the difference? "

"Understood, Americans will not pay too much attention to your customers because you have too many customers, but your friends, especially those who are close to you, Americans will definitely watch him."

Da Yiwan frowned: "That's right, that's it. So if you need arms in the future, buy arms like a normal arms deal through an intermediary. Of course, you will get it as quickly as possible."

Gao Yang chuckled lightly: "That's fine, I'm still worried that I won't be able to buy arms from you in the future."

Da Yiwan looked at Gao Yang and frowned, "How many arms can you use as a mercenary group, even if you don't buy them from me, any arms dealer can meet your needs?"

Gao Yang moved closer to Big Iwan and whispered: "It's different. I'm going to make a big move in Yemen. Very big. If it's not good, it's the scale of a local war."

Da Yiwan pointed to Gao Yang with a finger, and then picked up the glass. Laughed: "Cheers for your big move !"

After the two had finished drinking, Big Ivanha sighed and whispered: "When did you start?"

Gao Yang said with great enthusiasm: "Immediately, I will start when you leave and go back, ready for a long time."

Da Yiwan laughed lightly: "Okay, don't need to say more, what needs to be said, you need to buy arms from me. However, I will not let you pay. I give you money, you buy arms through the middleman. Finally, the money Back to me, although there are more formalities, it is safer for you. "

It is a long-term plan to come and go, and Gao Yang can now allow Da Yiwan to provide him with anything for free, but there are three amulets in his hand. This is already the heaviest gift in the world. Gao Yang cannot be greedy.

Human relations are getting weaker and weaker. For things that money can buy, you can use things that money can't buy. This is a loss.

Gao Yang laughed softly: "It's actually useless. I don't have a lot of money right now. It doesn't matter if I buy it normally. If you want to do something big but you can't even get the money to buy arms, then I still Do a fart. "

Da Yiwan didn't say much, just waved: "It's not necessary to say more about this matter, in short, speak whatever you need."

Gao Yang did not want to get too involved in this matter, Shen said: "There are still many things, let's go back to this, there is one thing I don't know if Wuliyanke said they did, about the cleaners."

Day Iwan shook his head: "What hasn't been said yet?"

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "I am already a s-class customer of the cleaner. The reason is very simple. They need me to provide arms. This should have been done by you, but when they hid, they found me because I was Take over Ukraine for Andre. "

Da Yiwan frowned: "This is a big business, otherwise the cleaner will never give you the status of s-class customer."

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, super big orders, and very strange, they only have outdated arms, and they also have a full set of production lines, which is incredible, do you know why?"

Dayiwan shook his head slowly: "I don't know, cleaners, how to say, this organization is very, very mysterious, and very, very powerful, but I never knew what kind of organization the cleaners are, of course. I do n’t know why they bought outdated arms. They had never talked to me about this business before. You can tell me what they need. "

Gao Yang explained the order of the cleaner to Dayiwan ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "I have sent a batch of goods to the cleaner, but it is still very far away, I am not familiar with it. So in the future, it is definitely you who will continue to perform the contract. However, I have one thing to note. I have found a lot of aircraft drawings, designers and engineers from Ukraine, and I plan to do business with Huaxia. After meeting my own needs , The rest will be exchanged to let Huaxia provide armaments and production lines that meet the requirements. "

After pondering for a moment, Da Yiwan nodded and said, "I can find a complete production line from Russia, but this kind of thing is too scarce. If Huaxia can provide it, it would be great, but I am afraid Huaxia will not agree. It is really strange and clean. What does the worker want? "

Gao Yang said with a distressed face: "You don't know, then there is no way to do it. Who knows what the cleaners want to do, well, let's talk about the next item. After the appointment, he borrowed two sums of money, both of which I helped borrow. Now that you are back, please return the money first. "

Da Yiwan immediately said: "How much?"

Thinking about the interest to borrow money for Andrea, Gao Yang was embarrassed to speak. He grinned and whispered: "A total of 200 million, but the interest is a bit higher ..." (to be continued.)

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