A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1821: The creditor is gone

Gao Yang once said what Polovic had done, how to judge that it was the big Ivan's thing, he just need to say what he has experienced, don't exaggerate it, and don't bring it into his personal feelings. EightⅦ 一 ChineseⅫⅧ 乄 乛 乂 况 冖 冂

After quietly listening to Gao Yang talking about what he knew, Dayiwan stood up again, and after walking a few steps back and forth in the room, whispered: "According to what you said, I do n’t get anything special. With a clear answer, I still ca n’t judge whether Polovic has turned to the United States and betrayed me. ”

What Gao Yang can say, of course, can't say anything, so he had to keep silent.

Big Ivan sighed and said loudly: "Polovic has worked for me for many years. He should be one of the most loyal people to me, but when I was most dangerous, he chose to stand by. Do you know what this means? "

Gao Yang whispered: "What?"

Da Yiwan said very seriously: "This means that he is willing to see me die, he may not betray me, or maybe he will not deal with me with others, but he is willing to see me die, it is on this basis, I It is impossible to trust him anymore. "

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "Well, I just do what I promised to do. As for what you think, I can't interfere, so this matter will stop here."

Da Yiwan suddenly smiled slightly: "I agreed."

"Uh? What did you say? Are you saying this ends here?"

Big Ivan waved his hand and smiled: "No, I mean let Polovic help Ulyanko, I can't trust Polovic anymore, but I have to give you face, you say it I have to agree. "

Gao Yang also stood up, somewhat helpless: "No, you do n’t have to be like this, I do n’t want to, think, er, I think you do n’t have to do what you do n’t want to do to take care of me."

Big Iwan smiled and shook his head. Waving: "Sit down, how can I say, I really can't trust Polovic, but after these things. Now I think Polovic knows what to do is the right choice, so it doesn't matter if I trust him, As long as he can do his job well, those of us who are in charge of many people. How can you ensure that everyone under you is loyal and honest? This is impossible, so as long as he is guaranteed not to cause any harm, It ’s okay to use it again, it ’s okay now, let Polovic lay down Ulyanko, no problem, so I ’m willing to agree to this for your face, it ’s no problem. ”

Gao Yang froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Ah, thank you. I also thank you for Polovic."

Big Ivan waved his hand and smiled, "It's okay, I will definitely investigate Polovic's loyalty The butter knife comes to deal with you, and what I did n’t expect is that you won, even though Satan is basically hurt all over again, you still won. "

Gao Yang exhaled. Whispered: "Yeah, thanks to the black devil, otherwise I really can't appear here now."

Da Yiwan sighed and said helplessly: "The black devil has killed many people. It's a pity, but there is no way, I always use them as ordinary mercenaries. I know their abilities, but I can't really Command them, people like the black devil. They are just to have some fun, presumably you have this too. "

Think of the black devil brought by Pavlovic, nodded and said: "Yes, there is no way to command them, they do everything depends on the mood, so even if they can, they can only treat them Used as an ordinary veteran, but, um, it will be different later, since the captain of the black devil came out of the mountain. "

Great Ivan said in surprise: "You did it?"

Gao Yang proudly said: "Yes, I did, I said, the captain of the black devil also came out, then, he plans to train me to succeed, haha."

Big Iwan stared dumbfoundedly, then raised his glass and smiled, "Great!"

Gao Yang picked up the cup and smiled: "I also think I am very powerful, haha."

"Respect the black devil, they are really amazing."

"Respect the black devil."

After making a small glass of vodka again, Gao Yang now drank three glasses, but he was not dizzy, so he put down the glass and poured the wine again, and laughed: "I am in a good mood today, and the amount of wine has become better. Ivan, how to deal with Djo? I got some information, and I should be able to find Djo. Well, I had been planning how to get rid of Djo. I would n’t be able to end this war without him, but you came back I do n’t think I have to control it if I can. ”

Da Yiwan's face was gloomy, and then he said gloomy: "No, Djo is **** you, you don't have to control it anymore, I will kill him, tell me what you know, and wait for me to find this Guy, hum ... "

Gao Yang wrote Djo's phone number, and also wrote down Djo's address in Nice, France. After he finished writing, he suddenly patted his head and said, "Oh, **** it! I took the address of Djo. I bought it for 100 million and I have n’t paid it yet, I just forgot. "

Big Ivan laughed and said, "Is the intelligence bought from Justin? Then pay, of course, I will pay."

Gao Yang slapped his hand and smiled, "Yes, it's Justin, and finally he can settle the bill. Did you know that when I started to owe the money, I was scared, Justin owed him two 100 million, the money of intelligence dealers can't be owed. I have been thinking about what to do if I can't make it. "

Big Iwan waved his hand and smiled: "End your heart disease now, call him and tell him to pay back,"

Gao Yang immediately took out the satellite phone and smiled while dialing: "I'm relieved, Justin can also be relieved. He has been worried that his money will not be collected, eh? What happened, the phone couldn't be reached!"

Da Yiwan frowned ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Then he smiled and said: "If you call again, you must have dialed the wrong number."

Gao Yang looked at Da Yiwan seriously and said, "How could I make a mistake on his phone, okay, it's different, it didn't turn on at all."

Da Yiwan frowned: "He can't turn off the phone, an intelligence dealer can't turn off his mobile phone, or any contact information left to others, unless ..."

Gao Yang whispered: "Unless he is dead."

Da Yiwan nodded and said: "Yes, unless he is dead, when was the last time you contacted him?"

Gao Yin shook his head: "Some days, we haven't contacted for a while. During this time, I was too busy to contact him. Speaking, he really hasn't called me in a long time. Is he really What happened? "

Big Ivan laughed and said, "Good news, your creditor is dead, and the money owed to him doesn't have to be paid back. This is good news for you!" (To be continued.)

ps: There are three chapters tonight.

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