A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1818: amulet

Gao Yang and Da Yiwan both drank the vodka in the glass. Bayi Chinese ⅩⅪ

After a long breath, Da Yiwan picked up the bottle again. At this time, Gao Yang took the bottle and refilled the glass for Da Yiwan and himself.

Da Yiwan picked up the glass again, and then continued to slowly turn the glass, staring at Gao Yang, with a serious expression: "You are worthy of me."

Gao Yang shrugged.

Da Yiwan said solemnly: "And I am also a guy who is pretty good to my friends. This is my principle. In this world, whoever does the fist is the most reasonable, and sticking to this principle will It is a loss, but only in this way can we go long and smoothly. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Yes, I think so."

Da Yiwan sighed, and then said slowly: "You saved me three times, so I will give you three lives."

Gao Yang frowned: "Three lives?"

Dayiwan said slowly: "You are too deep with me, it's okay now, but no one can say for sure in the future, in case you are seen by the Americans, so I have to give you three lives, no, exactly Said, I will give you three amulets. "

Gao Yang wondered: "What do you mean? Are you going to give me a nuclear bomb? No, no, I don't want it. I don't touch this stuff. It's too hot for me. Seriously, I dare not want it."

Big Iwan waved his hand and smiled, "Isn't it simple to give you a nuclear bomb, is that a talisman? That's a lifesaver. I'll give you three nuclear bombs that have been placed in the United States. Some people will keep it, As long as you have a phone call, the nuclear bomb can be detonated. With three nuclear bombs in hand, even if the Americans really show you and want to deal with you, what can they do? If they do n’t find out the nuclear bomb first, would they dare to strike you? ? "

Gao Yang swallowed hard, if it was such a nuclear bomb. That is really too attractive, this is really three amulets.

Without waiting for Yang Yang to speak, Big Iwan whispered: "I have some very reliable people, they are in the United States. Guarding those nuclear bombs for me, you do n’t have to worry about their reliability, of course, you can replace yourself. Americans will be crazy to search for nuclear bombs in the United States. But they will not succeed easily, maybe they will eventually be able to find, but they can not find all the nuclear bombs, so this amulet will be very effective for a long time, very Long."

Gao Yang nodded hard, whispering: "Okay!"

Big Ivan smiled and whispered: "Three nuclear bombs, one in Detroit, Michigan, with a half-million-ton equivalent. It's also the largest, but far away in the suburbs, one is in Lexington, Kentucky. The basement of a house on the outskirts of Duntown has a 200,000-ton equivalent, one in Savannah, Georgia, and a small city, so the nuclear bomb is also the smallest, with a 50,000-ton equivalent tactical nuclear warhead. "

Gao Yang swallowed and whispered, "Wow, it's scattered enough."

Big Iwan spread his hands and said: "I said. Isn't it necessary to put it in a big city, even if the nuclear bomb explodes in the mountains, can the United States bear it? It can't bear it, so. It really doesn't matter if it's put there, but put In cities, deterrence is definitely greater, right? "

Gao Yang was very, very excited, because Da Yiwan did this, as if tied to a line with him, so to speak. Putting a nuclear bomb on the shooting frame is the most deterrent. If he is excited to detonate the nuclear bomb, the first to die is Great Ivan, because even if the United States fights a nuclear war, Great Ivan will be destroyed. So, this is that Da Yiwan is using his killer's skill as his life's guarantee, and gave him three lives, which is really a big deal.

Big Iwan continued with a firm face: "The people who guard the nuclear bombs are very reliable. They are the last line of defense I have cultivated to the best of my ability over the years. These are three ordinary families, a family of South American descent, and two native Americans. Americans cannot find any relationship between them and me, but I can guarantee that as long as they receive my call, they will definitely press the nuclear button firmly. "

Gao Yang did not ask Da Yiwan how to guarantee the loyalty of those people, because if Da Yiwan could not guarantee this, then the nuclear bomb he sent to the United States would be a joke.

Da Yiwan continued to smile and said: "They don't know each other's existence. Each guardian of the nuclear bomb needs you to make a one-line contact. I will give you the phone later. Now I will tell you the password first."

After a pause, Great Ivan waved his hand and said: "Three passwords, roses blooming, flowers blooming in the United States, that is, the nuclear bomb detonates immediately, because it detonates immediately, so the guardian of the nuclear bomb will ask you another password, he will say rose The flower blooms no problem, but the mouse gnawed the daffodil, you have to say, let the mouse die, the daffodil is no longer needed, as long as the rose blooms, then the nuclear bomb will detonate immediately. "

Gao Yang nodded, and Dayiwan continued: "Of course, it takes a certain amount of time to detonate immediately. The person who presses the nuclear button needs to have enough time to escape, so the nuclear bomb will detonate in half an hour, but This switch is irreversible. No one can stop it. Even if someone finds the nuclear bomb, they ca n’t stop the detonation. "

Gao Yang nodded and whispered: "I see."

Dayiwan continued: "Tulip flowers bloom, fireworks are shining tonight, this is the password for a nuclear bomb to detonate 24 hours later, if you want to specify a time, say tulip flowers bloom, two hours, three hours, you need a few hours Just say a few hours, and then say the fireworks are bright tonight. If you need to turn off the nuclear bomb again, just say the tulip will fall ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The nuclear bomb will shut down and wait for the next command. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I see."

Big Iwan waved his hand, and then he whispered: "Maybe you need to change people, or tell the Americans in exchange for the location of the nuclear bomb. At this time, you must first withdraw the guardian of the nuclear bomb. , The guardian of the nuclear bomb will say, white lily or yellow lily, you say neither, it is black lily, and then, the guardian will leave, so, remember? "

Gao Yang nodded: "Remember, but I need to deepen my impression."

Da Yiwan whispered: "The code words of these three nuclear bombs are the same, specially designated for you, you will write down these firmly in a moment, and engrave them in your mind, but never write them on the paper. Class place. "

Da Yiwan spoke, took out a paper and a pen, wrote down three particularly detailed addresses, then three telephones, then he handed the paper to Yang Yang, whispering: "Three places All three phones have the same password. Keep these in mind. "

Gao Yang stopped talking and began to meditate on the address and phone number on the paper until he had everything in his mind firmly in his head. (To be continued.)

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