A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1817: Owe you 3 times

The car drove from the airport all the way to the city, and finally drove into a slum. Bayi Chinese ⅩⅪ

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil has the world ’s largest slums, and São Paulo ’s slums are not small, and Brazil ’s slums are crime havens no matter where they are.

No one protects the slums of Brazil. If you really fail, you will be shot. But when Ivan ’s car came in, there was an early car waiting to **** them into the slums.

After getting off the bus, the two burly giants escorted Da Yiwan and Gao Yang into a small metal hut, and although the house looked like an ordinary house in an ordinary slum on the outside, there was nothing in it. It's a palace-level luxury and comfort.

"This is Ivan's foothold in Brazil, and people are reliable enough, other places have been wiped out by Americans, only here is relatively safe."

Explaining that he led Gao Yang into the simple room, Dayiwan sat down and smiled at Gao Yang: "Do you have anything you need?"

Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "No, let's talk about business, after all, I'm not just out of the rain forest."

Da Yiwan smiled and shouted: "Yes, you haven't been in the rain forest for too long, so okay, now are you in a hurry to tell me?"

Gao Yang said solemnly: "Can you say anything here?"

Dayiwan waved slightly: "Of course, anything is fine."

Tarta stood up expressionlessly, shouting, "I'm going to eat something outside."

Tarta played the role of a bodyguard. Although Gao Yang didn't hide him, playing Tarta didn't want to be where he was when the two brothers were talking.

After Tarta went out, Gao Yang said very seriously: "Great Ivan, I don't want to know where you put the nuclear bombs, but you have to tell me if there are any in New York, too many of us live in New York, and Portland, and Houston. If I have a nuclear bomb where I live and work in the United States, then I have to move and I have to move! "

Da Yiwan smiled and spread his hands, whispering: "Good news. You didn't have any of these places."

Gao Yangchang exhaled and smiled: "I'm relieved then."

Da Yiwan said slowly: "I'm not a terrorist, I don't need to put a nuclear bomb in the most prosperous place in the United States, because I don't need to pursue the sensational effect, but for the United States. New York has a killer ten. The nuclear bomb of 10,000 people is not much different from a nuclear bomb in a remote town. When I am in a hurry to send the nuclear bomb, I must pick something easier. "

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, that is the reason."

But Ivano said with some regrets: "However, I actually put one in New York. Who made New York too important to the United States, but you were surrounded by Americans, Uliyanke called to notify In my time, the negotiations with the Americans were at an impasse. So, I informed the Americans about the location of the nuclear bomb in New York to let them know that I was not kidding, and then they immediately withdrew their troops and the negotiations ended successfully and that ’s it. . "

Gao Yang stayed for a while, then smiled bitterly: "Although I already know what was born, it sounds incredible. You even put a nuclear bomb in New York? Fack!"

Big Iwan smiled and said: "It's a pity, but to deter the enemy, you have to come up with something. You can't just talk big words. And in New York, do you think the United States can bear a mushroom cloud rising on Wall Street? ? "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said firmly: "That was the flare gun of the Third World War."

Big Iwan chuckled and said loudly: "Yes, so when I knew you were surrounded by Americans, I immediately called the man of cIa. Then I told him that if I did n’t immediately end the attack on me in Kiev, I Just one hour later, a big firework, 200,000 tons equivalent, with radiation, and then I told them where the nuclear bomb was concealed on Wall Street, and then they also found the nuclear bomb, and immediately they reached an agreement with me. Consistent. "

Gao Yangji said in surprise: "No wonder, Fuck! Oh my god, no wonder, but you told them where they are, they agreed to, ah, I am confused, you can put a nuclear bomb on Wall Street, Of course you can put the second one, for example, Washington also hides one. "

Da Yiwan laughed: "Yes, that's it, nuclear blackmail, I blackmailed the only big power in the world."

Gao Yangchang breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head: "It's still incredible."

Big Iwan stretched out his hand, picked up the wine bottle that had been placed on the table, poured two glasses of wine into the prepared glass, and pushed it to a high one, and then slowly said: "In South Africa At the time, you saved my life, I always remember it. "

Gao Yang spread his hand and smiled, "Uh, what can I say."

Da Yiwan said slowly: "This time, after all, you still saved me. Without your attention to the Americans, I can't send the nuclear bomb in."

Gao Yang didn't know what to say. He couldn't say that he was right. I saved you, and quickly repaid me, so he had no choice but to smile.

Big Iwan turned his glass and slowly said: "You have stabilized the situation in Ukraine for me. How to say, Ukraine is very important to me. If Ukraine is taken away, my channel is in danger of collapse. , Because everyone looks at it, it ’s like domino ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But when the Ukrainian brand falls, there will be a chain reaction, and when I was most in danger, you prevented the domino from falling. under."

Gao Yang smiled embarrassedly and shouted, "Uh, what else can I say, fortunately, it's not a shame."

Big Iwan didn't mean to drink, he continued to turn the glass and said: "You also saved Ivan, he is my nephew, my last blood relative, and I am going to make him his successor."

Gao Yang shrugged: "You didn't say this, I didn't know that you were going to make Ivan succeed."

Big Ivan lightly laughed: "Ivan doesn't know, well, saving Ivan is not counted, we only count your favors to save me, and now speaking, I owe you at least three times."

Gao Yang still didn't know what to say, so he smiled and picked up his glass, shouting: "My friend, I have no merits. Being a mercenary, that is, killing and killing, others can't do it. What, um, my greatest strength may be that it ’s interesting enough for my friends. "

Da Yiwan nodded, raised his glass, and gently touched Gao Yang, then said very seriously: "Yes, friends, cheers." (To be continued.)

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