A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1799: Righteousness

? Meeting with Shawar is not a very simple matter, Gao Yang needs to make many arrangements.

I went to a safer place with Yalebin, in the center of the city, but in a relatively remote location. It is a very old neighborhood. If you want to escape, the roads extend in all directions, and all are small roads. When the special forces want to catch him alive or kill him, there is still room for a fight, but if someone wants to use a bomb or missile to fire, then he is completely finished.

In order to prevent people from firing from the air, Gao Yang went to the city center to let many people serve as his shield. He felt that even if he was discovered by the Americans in the city center, he would not give him a laser-guided bomb.

Find a safe place, and then Tarta goes to see Shava first. After meeting, Tarta will naturally make an assessment of Shawa's reliability. If she thinks there is no problem, she will take Shava. Come to see Gao Yang, if he feels that there is a problem, then he will kill Shava directly, or go further, if Shava is really apostasy, if there is a trap waiting for Tarta, Tarta will be buried directly. .

However, Shava did not sell high, as he said, and Tarta must have judged this way, so after seeing Shava, Tarta will only take Shavato circles to prevent someone from tracking and finally sending him off. In front of Gao Yang.

Talta took Shawar for two full hours, drove, walked, took public transportation, and then deliberately entered some buildings to get around and disguised, lest there were drones staring at them since the last time. After being tracked once by a drone, Tarta paid special attention to the eyes from the sky.

Shawar was really miserable. He had severe congestion in one eye, and he limped when he walked. Tarta had to help him. Both hands were wrapped in gauze indiscriminately, but a few fingertips could still see the bleeding.

"Boss ..."

The sound of the vocal cords was damaged after the bullet was hit in the neck of Shawar, and the voice was particularly hoarse. As of now. It's even more dumb, and the speech is like two tiles rubbing.

Gao Yang stood there. Gently patted Shawar's shoulder, but he didn't say anything with emotion, Shawa was staggered to the side by him.

Gao Yang pulled a chair and whispered: "Sit down and say."

After letting Sava sit down, he sighed and said: "You are suffering, I am sorry to have you come around such a big bend, I am staring at you so tightly now, I have to be careful ."

Shawar nodded: "I know. It's a very special time."

Gao Yang looked at Shawar's fingers and frowned, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Shava grinned and whispered: "The fingers are fine, they pulled out my seven nails."

Gao Yang's face was ugly, but after thinking about it for a moment, he whispered: "This can only be done, and Poroneshenko and I have reached an agreement, he will not have trouble in the future, and in the future I will turn a blind eye to the existence of the White Shark Gang, the only requirement. Do n’t overdo it and make you angry, so now we ca n’t retaliate. ”

Shawar nodded and smiled, "Revenge? I didn't want to take revenge. To be honest, I was surprised to be out. I knew you would save me, but I didn't expect to release me so quickly. After this incident, the White Shark Gang no longer has opponents in Kiev. "

After being very happy, Shawar was embarrassed and said: "Boss, I came to see you, but I actually wanted to apologize to you. This incident blamed me, and I shouldn't have happened. Last time we went to pull something, and you gave a lot of money. After I divided the people doing things, I felt that I should reward some brothers who worked very hard, so I took the last one out of the wine cellar. He gave them several bottles of wine, one bottle for each person. As a result, a **** took several of his younger brothers to take the wine to a restaurant to eat, and it kept blowing. We thought Poroneshko did not pursue this one. Thing, but he has been tracing it. A policeman found him and immediately arrested him. That was last night. By this morning, they directly arrested people. "

Gao Yang nodded and whispered: "It turns out that this is okay, this is not the situation I am most worried about, but Shawa, I have said it many times, and now you have to be careful, and you hide your wine slowly Enjoy it slowly. "

Gao Yang is blaming Shawar. Shawar said with a sullen expression: "Yes, I have been too arrogant recently."

Gao Yang waved his hands and whispered: "The past is over, no need to mention it anymore, what about you who was the first to be caught."

Shava paused for a moment, then said with a lost face: "He was miserable, he couldn't carry it in the early hours of this morning and gave everything he knew, but he only said that we used the car to go to Poroneshenko I did n’t say anything about pulling things at home, because I did n’t ask him, because he only showed up because he was showing off, and he did betray the White Shark Gang. According to the rules, I should kill him, but, But the boss, I came to plead for him, can I keep him alive? "

After looking up at Gao Yang, Shawa lowered his head again, very uneasy: "I know the rules, I really know, but his confession is really unbearable, I know that taste, he was the first to fight me People in the world have always been very reliable, and they have been very diligent in their work. He has never been out of trouble. This time, he is indeed damn, but he is indeed my best brother. I, I ca n’t get rid of it ... "

Gao Yang whispered: "Who is it?"

Shawar was embarrassed and said: "Alyosha."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Oh, Alyosha, I know him, he also gave me a lighter, this guy is really rash, he is not very suitable for this kind of work, Shawar, this is strange You, you are improperly employed, Alyosha is a good player, but it is your fault that you let him participate in these tasks that require confidentiality. "

Shawar nodded: "Yes, I shouldn't let him participate in these meticulous work, but he is very reliable, and I just ..."

Born in the last minute, with a bunch of poor guys dare to fight and kill to get out of the naming hall, after mixing out, Shawa is very good to the group of brothers who are fighting with him, so Shawa is also a loyal person, Gao Yang appreciates it This is Shawar, he is willing to support Shawar and not others .

Lecture qi is the advantage of Shava. Since you appreciate Shava's advantages, Gao Yang will not force Shava to make unyielding actions, so he said in a deep voice: "Shava, how to deal with Alyosha, that is you You do n’t have to come and ask me, I trust you, do what you think you should do, use the method you think is appropriate, if you think Alyosha is damn, then kill him, if Alyosha Do n’t **** it, then let him live alive, and you ’re in charge. ”

Shava looked up at Gao Yang and said in surprise: "Is it possible?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Of course there must be necessary punishment, let him remember this lesson, long memory is good, but killing Alyosha after this incident is too much, of course, if Alyosha If you have done something unforgivable, then no matter how good your relationship with him is, you should kill or kill. This is my point of view. "

Shawar nodded again and again: "Thank you, thank you. I know how to do it. I have to teach Alyosha once. Of course I have something wrong, but thank you boss."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "You must see me just to plead for Alyosha, right? Brother, I didn't think of everything for you, the White Shark Gang is yours, you don't have to ask me anything specifically, you You are the one who decides your business, of course. "

Shava chuckled lightly: "This is not the same thing. I almost missed your big event."

Gao Yang nodded, then he whispered: "The things on my side have been troublesome recently, and meeting you is also more dangerous. If you have nothing else, go back quickly and take a good rest. This time I was tossed, You have to recuperate for a few days. "

Gao Yang ’s things are all located in Shawa, and are particularly important things. For example, the drawings that were recently taken by chance were finally handed over to Shawa for storage, but Gao Yang did not mention a word. Trust is trust. These things need not be said. If he no longer trusts Shawar, he doesn't need to say anything, just pull things away, and then completely abandon Shawar.

Shawar stood up and whispered: "Okay, then I will go first, boss, be careful."

Tarta came in from outside the door and helped Shawar away. He took a sigh of relief and took a sip of the coffee on the table, whispering: "Go, it's time to withdraw again, I hate this feeling, It ’s like hiding a mouse from Tibet. "

Yalebin stood up and said helplessly: "A very different choice from me. I'm really curious why I admire you so much."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "It's very simple, righteousness is superfluous for intelligence agencies, and it shouldn't be an emotion ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ is something that must be abandoned, because you don't need to use righteousness as the core at all. Cohesion, but righteousness is very precious to me. Let ’s talk about Shawar. First of all, he and I must have a big enough benefit, but in addition to simple benefits, there must be something else? "

Yalebin said in a deep voice: "Fear is very effective."

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, benefit plus fear is the most basic means of controlling people, but Yalebin, fear is actually not very reliable for people like us, for those who are not afraid of death and take their lives seriously. For humans, how do you threaten your life with them? They are all just gangsters. Do n’t ask professionally trained agents to ask them. You have been trained more deeply than loyalty and fear. These gangsters are not, I No, so it ’s more effective to scare people like me and Shawa than to scare them. "

Yalebin shrugged: "It makes sense that your level is too low."

Gao Yang laughed: "This time he was arrested and tortured and refused to betray me, but not because he was afraid that I would kill him, but he was loyal to me and felt that betraying me was more uncomfortable than death. There are not many people with righteousness. In fact, they have always been few. Shava is a rare person who speaks about righteousness. I cherish his merits, so I have to let him keep this advantage. "(To be continued.)

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