A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1800: This is a chance encounter

? The matter was resolved, Gao Yang and Yalebin walked out of the cafe and merged with Tarta, who seemed to be walking casually on the street, and the three of them walked along the sidewalk.

"How did Shawa leave?"


"How are we going?"


Tarta briefly said to Gao Yang, and then looked around, whispering: "Give me some money, I have no money on my body."

Gao Yangji said in surprise: "You have no money?"

Talta said angrily: "You don't pay me anymore, you have taken some money and it's already spent, now I have no money to pay in a taxi, don't you want me to rob or pay?"

Gao Yang immediately reached into his pocket, but after reaching into his suit pocket, he quickly changed his face, and then whispered: "I have no money, I didn't bring ..."

Gao Yang and Tarta immediately watched Yalebin collectively, and Yalebin spread his hands.

Gao Yang swallowed and whispered, "You just settled the bill, don't say you have no money!"

Yalebin ’s face did not change, and he smiled: "I have a total of 200 hryvnia. I just consumed 140 hryvnia in the coffee shop. Let him find money. "

Gao Yang shouted: "To come back!"

Yalebin nodded and said, "Okay, you go."

Gao Yang immediately said with a bitter face: "Forget it, I can't afford to lose that person."

Tarta said with a cold face: "It's not enough for us to take a taxi to the place where we left the car. It's an idiot. You don't even have money to go out! Stupid mistake!"

Gao Yang lowered his voice and said: "You said you can't use dollars! You said that it's better not to use dollars, but only hryvnias in this situation! We have run out of hryvnias! To exchange cash. "

Gao Yang once converted 100,000 US dollars to the hryvnia, and now the price of the U.S. dollar to the hryvnia has risen all the way in the Ukrainian financial market. The official exchange rate is one US dollar to 12 hryvnia. But one dollar on the black market can be even higher than 25 hryvnia. With the spread of the Ukrainian war, everyone is trying to find a way to change the hryvnia held in the hand into dollars or euros. currency. Therefore, the exchange rate of the US dollar will definitely continue to skyrocket.

The ability to mobilize large amounts of cash is also a skill, and it is even more capable to transfer large amounts of cash in Ukraine. And Gao Yang can now call cash within 3 million at any time. If necessary, he can let people send cash within 30 million within a day, so Gao Yang is certainly not short of money.

It's a pity that Gao Yang lacked time. He used to live in Ukraine with dollars and was able to enjoy a higher exchange rate. However, he knew that the United States was looking for him everywhere. Yalebin believed that the use of US dollars was a very dangerous move and was easy to be targeted by intentional people, so they used cash for all hryvnia, so Gao Yang took 100,000 US dollars for hryvnia, and then gave each Everyone who went out to do things gave out a sum of money, but now the hryvnia was used up, but they did not exchange it in time.

It ’s not a matter of not using dollars now. It ’s about promoting that none of them have money.

Tarta gasped and gasped, whispering: "Steal, grab . Or grab a car directly."

Gao Yang whispered: "I called Shawar. He hasn't gone far. Let him come back and give some money."

Tarta said angrily: "Do you think he was beaten? Do you think he can have money?"

Yalebin said angrily: "You two idiots! Is this a place to rob? Now is it time to rob? Is it a place and time to wait for someone to return and deliver money. Find a taxi and get on And then solved everything by pulling out the gun. "

Talta shook his head and said: "Now taxi drivers are reluctant to go to remote places and threaten the drivers to be easily exposed in urban areas.

Gao Yang They are located in the old street, the street is narrow, and there are many people. So there were fewer taxis coming in, and the three started to walk out quickly. But not too far away, the phone in Gao Yang's pocket rang.

Now Gao Yang is unwilling to take out a satellite phone on the street. Because satellite phones have a large antenna, in this era of smart phones, a phone with a large antenna is indeed quite eye-catching.

I looked at the number and it was an unfamiliar phone call. It wouldn't work if I didn't answer it. I knew who was calling it. I didn't know who called it. If I didn't answer it, I might miss something.

Gao Yang answered the phone helplessly and whispered: "Hey, who is it."

After the other person breathed out for a long time, he whispered and smiled, "It's me, man, we haven't really been in touch for a long time."

Gao Yangji said in surprise: "Uliyenko! Wow, man, I haven't been in touch for a long time. How are you doing now?"

Uliyanke smiled: "Yes, I am great now, I will go to Ukraine today, man, I am going to find you."

Gao Yang's heart burst into laughter, he smiled and whispered: "Great! Man, you have to come to rescue me quickly. I can't wait. When will it come, the most important man, is the negotiation done? Can I lift it? Alert? "

"No, you have to be vigilant. Now is the most critical moment, but I ca n’t say that it ’s done. I can only say that it ’s fast, man, it ’s fast, and finally stick to it, and I will start today. I ’m not sure. Let ’s meet again. I have to hang up the phone. Let ’s see you later. "

Gao Yang hung up the phone excitedly, and then smiled at the Yalebin and Talta around him: "It's fast, much faster than I expected. I thought they really needed a month, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. I can arrive. "

Yalebin was also very happy. He smiled and said, "Yes, when they come, it will be all right for you. In fact, I hate this kind of day when I have to hide from Tibet."

At this moment, a person suddenly stood in front of three people, then pulled out a knife, glanced at the three of them, and whispered fiercely, "Take out the wallet! Hurry up! Mobile phone, watch, Give me, give me quickly! "

Gao Yang froze for a long time, because for so many years, he seemed to be the first to be robbed.

Ukraine is very chaotic, and Kiev is also chaotic. Under this premise, the increase in vicious public security cases of road robbery is inevitable, and Gao Yang wears a suit that he knows is very expensive at a glance, and wears a watch that is very expensive He just took out a satellite phone, and there were only two old men with him. One of them seemed to be walking fast. At this time, it seems that it is not particularly strange to invite robbery.

But Gao Yang and Tarta couldn't help but feel a little stunned, because someone dared to rob the world's most dangerous trio of bright knives, this experience is really rare.

Anyway, it ’s a good idea to take a gun, right? .

There are countless ways for Gao Yang to put down the person waving the knife in front of him, but because there are too many ways, he does not know what to do. The most important thing is that he wants to laugh very much.

Yalebin and Talta could not help laughing.

Gao Yang swallowed and just opened his mouth to speak. A young man in his twenties who was shaved and shaved, and he was quite big, couldn't help but shouted, "Yellow monkey! You go ..."

Racial discrimination is everywhere, especially in Ukraine and Russia, especially those bald parties. In fact, the young man just does n’t open his eyes. If he does n’t scold, the result may be very different. His eyes were very fierce. When he opened his mouth and scolded his main goal, he stabbed him directly into the high chest.

Gao Yang grabbed the young man's wrist, pushed it up with a snap of his right hand, and suddenly pushed it up with the young man's chin open.

The young man was talking, and a sharp push directly caused his suddenly closed mouth to bite the tip of the tongue, and bit the tongue down.

When the young man suddenly lowered his head and bent forward violently due to pain and subconsciousness, Yalebin saw the deformed Nazi tattoo on the back of his head.

Yalebin's smiling face immediately changed again, and he was irritated. Then he stretched his cane and hooked the young man's neck, pulling it to his front.

In fact, there was more than one person blocking the road, and one was behind. Looking at it, he immediately took out a knife and threw it.

Tarta grinned, pulling a hammer from his back with his backhand.

There are many kinds of hammers, and this time Tarta took a round-headed hammer, not big, but it was absolutely enough to knock on the head.

Small side progress, tarta jumped with a hammer, knocked on the head of the second robber, and a pop brain came out, and then the man with the knife lay on the ground just Twitching, his legs twitched and looked no longer alive.

Yalebin took a closer look at the young man he was hooking, and then said angrily: "Neo-Nazi!"

Gao Yang didn't see Yalebin so angry, and then he saw Yalebin suddenly smashed his crutches, and said angrily: "Your adults didn't teach you how many people we died. ? "

Yalebin smashed the robber to the ground with a cane While wiping the brain, he whispered: "The brain is useless to you, then don't need it."

After talking, Tarta put the hammer back in his waist and flicked his clothes. The three were about to leave, but Yalebin and Tarta had a sudden meal.

Gao Yang saw two people sitting not far in front of him on the street cafe, ordinary clothes and ordinary looks, but they were staring at them, and there were two people sitting opposite them. He also turned his head to stare at them with amazement.

It ’s all killing, and normal people are too late to run. Those who can stay and watch the excitement are not necessarily ordinary people. Then look at the donuts and coffee and cola on their tables, and then look at the shortness of one of them. Short a headphone cable, Yang Yang blurted out and said: "Fak!"

Tarta said viciously: "cia!"

Yalebin said in a low voice: "Hands on!" (To be continued.)

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