A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1798: Fish in muddy water

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Gao Yang must call Net Schumacher.

Gao Yang subordinated to the Ukrainian arsenal and pulled out the artillery that belonged to the Great Ivan and the Ukrainian military did not know that it existed. He sent the artillery to the port, and then someone stole his artillery and sent the artillery to a mechanical brigade , Changed four tanks, and finally sold these four tanks to an unknown armed.

At any link in this process, for most ordinary people in the world, it can be incredible to take it out alone, and so many incredible links are added together, even Gao Yang is familiar in the underground world. People who have experienced all kinds of bizarre things find it incredible.

In particular, what happened to the 72 mechanized brigade is particularly confusing. A brigade is about 3,000 people. The 72nd mechanized brigade has a little more equipment and a little fewer people, that is, two thousand and hundreds of people, mainly Mainly based on mechanical firepower, individual firepower is in a secondary position, but now, the 72 Brigade has strengthened at least one artillery regiment, and has also sent out four of Ukraine ’s most advanced tanks, which shows that the 72 Brigade is not short of tanks. of.

The 72 Brigade is awkward. If it is a national act, or the Ukrainian military, there is no need to be so strenuous. If you need artillery, you need to mobilize the artillery team, if you need tanks, mobilize the tanks, and cooperate with the 72 Mechanical Brigade. Well, why spend a lot of time to strengthen the equipment into a mechanical brigade.

Therefore, the 72 brigade was strengthened, and it can be interpreted that there are many possibilities. Who did this and why did it do so. Most importantly, the 72 Brigade ’s current location is very close to the Angel Mercenary Corps, and the mysterious armament that receives the tank. Very close to the Angel Mercenary Corps.

Most importantly, Satan is now on the angel's territory. It was very close to the 72 brigade, and not far from the mysterious armed forces.

Gao Yang quickly called Nate Schumacher's phone, but the call was connected, but it was Nate's aide instead of Nate himself.

"I am a ram, where is Knight?"

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel is on the front line, what's the matter?"

"Night is on the front line? What is he doing on the front line?"

Knight is no longer just a head of mercenary, just like Gao Yang, he now manages a large group of people. A big mess, a supreme commander, left a few thousand people regardless of running to the front line and shooting. This is what it is, so Knight has no time and can't go to the front line to fight.

But Gao Yang asked Knight what to do on the front line, but his adjutant immediately said: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, I don't know, I can't tell if I know."

Gao Yang was a little helpless, and there were few German-specific rigidities in Nete. But Knight's adjutant, to put it bluntly, is a service soldier, but it is really rigid, and even Knight can't change his rigid.

The lieutenant was nicknamed the wizard. Gao Yang is not only familiar with it, how to say, this person must adhere to the commander ’s principle of reciprocity, and insist on the title of Gao Yang instead of calling him the nickname like a normal mercenary, so when facing Gao Yang, he is You must maintain sufficient respect and courtesy as you do with Nete, and you must also call General Gao Yang instead of the Ram's .

The rank of Gao Yang is an honorary rank, even if this is the case, the problem is that there are more than a dozen people under Gao Yang. This intelligence officer is not good to listen to the generals bit by bit.

It sounds awkward. Gao Yang was also unable to correct it. The reason why Knight found a particularly rigid person as an intelligence officer. He was supposed to be a rigid person, because rigidly speaking, he can stick to principle and rigor, and the other aide of Knight, who is also the intelligence officer of the Angel Mercenary Corps, is a little bit. It's not rigid, on the contrary, the angel's intelligence officer is a personal elite.

Gao Yang was helpless, so he whispered: "Sorcerer, listen to me, hurry to contact Net, I'm in a hurry! I just got an important message! I don't need to see Net, but I must talk to Net immediately . "

"Sorry, General, I am instructed not to disturb the lieutenant colonel. If it is important information, I can contact our intelligence officer for you."

Gao Yang was very helpless, so he immediately said: "You can do what you want, please contact me, whoever it is."

Soon, someone laughed on the phone: "Hello ram."

It's much more comfortable to change a person's speech. Yang Yang sighed and said in a low voice: "Night?"

"He, he couldn't help going to the front."

"What are you doing? Why do you need Net to go to the front line? Is there something big happening?"

"Uh, I just can't bear it anymore. This ghost place is too boring. I repeat the same thing every day. Knight wants to shoot a few shots."

Gao Yang said angrily: "It's too irresponsible, listen, and tell Nete that the 72 Mechanical Brigade not far from your ministry is very abnormal."

"What do you mean?"

"The strength of the 72 brigade is far more than expected. It is not the strength of a mechanized brigade at all. I don't know how strong the 72 brigade is, but they have at least strengthened an artillery regiment. By the way, the cannon they stole from me! Someone I ’m in the 72th Brigade, but I do n’t know who it is. There is also an unknown soldier who speaks English and is very close to you. They just got four tanks. This is the information I ’ve got. How specific is the 72th Brigade? Qiang doesn't know yet, but you must be vigilant! "

"The 72 Brigade is moving towards us, but there is another militia in the area under our control. The Russians control it. The 72 Brigade will contact them first. However, we do have to be vigilant, and I will inform Nai immediately of this information. Special. "

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, after meeting with Nete, let him call me as soon as possible."

After speaking, Gao Yang wanted to hang up the phone, but he couldn't help but say: "Isn't the mysterious arm I said you? You didn't spend ten million to buy four tanks?"

"Nothing like this!"

Gao Yang said, "Okay, that's it, let Nete call me as soon as possible."

The reason why I asked this question was because Gao Yang was worried that Nete originally wanted to buy the cannons that he had stolen. As a result, after being asked by Gao Yang, he simply did not buy the cannons, so that Gao Yang would not go back, and then Instead, the cannon was replaced by four tanks, which is not impossible.

Hanging up the phone in doubt, Gao Yang shook his head at Yalebin: "It's too complicated to understand."

Yalebin also shook his head and said: "Yes, this matter is too complicated, and nothing can be analyzed with the existing intelligence. I think that the largest of the 72 brigades may be supported by Americans. However, the United States is now basically You have already controlled Ukraine, and if you want to arm the Ukrainian army, there is no need to focus on a brigade ’s . "

Gao Yang frowned: "Someone wants to fish in muddy water."

Knight stalled: "I can only think so, but I can't check it."

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "If you don't understand, you don't want to, you can't check if you can't check it. It has nothing to do with me. Although the loss of the cannon made me angry, I couldn't get back from the 72nd brigade , So let the angel mercenary get a headache, I still deal with the matter before me. "

Originally dealing with the affairs of Shawar, he was interrupted by a call from Brian. At this moment, of course, Gao Yang had to continue to do what he had.

Gao Yang called Shawa again, this time, it was not the woman who answered it, but Shawa.

Shawar's voice sounded particularly tired and weak, and he said in a very low voice: "Boss, I'm out."

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered, "What about the others?"

"All came out, and many of the arrested ones were released."

Gao Yang whispered: "Just come out, how are you? Haven't you suffered too much?"

Shawar smiled bitterly and then whispered: "I have eaten a lot of bitterness this time. When the **** tortured people, it was like treating the animals. No, the animals are not so miserable."

After a bitter smile, Shawar was very proud and said: "Boss, I didn't say anything! Only the place where I hid things is known, but I didn't say anything! Those wines were picked up, you said it to I ’m gone, but your things, those guns, and the drawings that I have kept in my custody recently, I did n’t say anything! "

Gao Yang exhaled, and then said in a deep voice: "You are very good, I know you are reliable, they all ask you what?"

"That's what we stole. They tortured me first, and then everyone else left. Only one person asked me about the whereabouts of a USB flash drive. I didn't say it. Of course I didn't know it. Then the person left and the others Then toss me, but I carried it, boss, I definitely did not betray you! "

Gao Yang whispered: "I believe you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Ok, you go home and have a good rest for a few days, and tell the other brothers that it's okay now, so that they don't have to worry about it. "

"I know, I know, if we can be released, it means nothing. Boss, you are amazing! I never thought that I would come out again. Well, boss, can we meet? Some things, I want to see you I'll talk about it later. "

After thinking for a while, Gao Yang decided to meet Shawar, although it was indeed a bit risky to do so, because the purpose of Poroneshenko ’s arrest was not fully understood, and after Shawa was arrested, was it really like what he had done? It is also an unknown to say that he would die unyieldingly, and it is not impossible that Shava ’s request to meet is a trap.

However, it was precisely because Shawa could not guarantee its reliability that Gao Yang had to meet him as soon as possible. Because Shawa ’s role is now critical, he must confirm whether he is still worthy of trust.

Gao Yang whispered: "Okay, let's meet, I will tell you where to meet later, wait for my phone."

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】 (To be continued.)

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