A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1797: After all, happiness

PS. With today's update, by the way, you can vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. The vote also gives starting point coins. Please pray for your support and appreciation!

A phone number that does not change is logically able to find people, but it must have sufficient technical strength.

For Gao Yang, as long as he needs it, he can easily locate a number in Ukraine, but this can only be if he has enough strength in the local area.

In another place, for example, when it comes to the United States or the United Kingdom, Gao Yang cannot locate a number through the police station or any communication department. However, as long as you know the number and then have enough money, it is not impossible to find the desired target.

So Brian can give a phone number that will definitely not be changed, which is indeed very valuable, much stronger than the Djoy address that Gao Yang once spent a lot of money from Justin.

"It is enough, then please give me the phone number, thank you."

"Remember the phone."

Gao Yang wrote down the number that Brian said on the notebook, then he whispered: "Okay, I have written down the phone."

"How did that Jefferson deal with you, you haven't said yet, do you want someone?"

Gao Yang thought about it, he had no time and no man to pick up that Jefferson, just to try again, and there was no need for this.

"Are you clear? How about your interrogation skills?"

Brian said dissatisfiedly: "The people I brought out have full marks for their interrogation skills."

Yalebin smiled disdainfully, Gao Yang coughed softly, and whispered: "Then get rid of it in a cruel way, and tell him that he steals my things and makes me angry, um, I want to see Go to his body and let your person take a picture. I want to be able to see his face or other distinctive features. Send the picture to a mobile phone, is it okay? "

Bryan smiled: "You are careful enough."

Gao Yang also laughed: "It's not that I can't believe you, but we are not careful at all in this business, right, you make a phone call. Send the photo to this number."

Gao Yang didn't know what Jefferson stole his cannon, but Kanchelski knew that, so he told Bryan's phone to Brian, and soon Brian said: "Okay. The phone took note and I will let them send you a photo. "

Gao Yang exhaled and smiled, "Okay, this is the end of this matter, Brian, ask you more, you just said you are in heaven, then you must have found her? The result is good, right? ? "

Brian was silent for a moment, then said in a very gentle tone: "Yes. I found her. After experiencing countless sufferings and lies, we can still meet each other. Thank God, thank you, I haven't seen you in a long time. Having been a compassionate person, I must say thank you to you, I am very grateful. "

Gao Yang exhaled and smiled, "You're welcome, there are really not many people like me who are so good this year."

Brian suddenly said: "Are you with the black devil's person. The black devil's captain, please tell me about him and tell him that he is a **** asshole. Also tell him that Kate put All the plans told me, so I knew that Kate confessed to me that they had already arranged the plan, but Kate revealed to me more than they planned, I already knew everything, but I was still willing to Kate did anything. He failed to control everything. "

Gao Yang's mouth twitched, and looked at Yalebin, who was listening to the hands-free speaker next to him. Yalebin shrugged and said nothing, but looked disdainful.

Gao Yang coughed twice and whispered: "Okay, I will tell him."

Brian chuckled, and after a short silence, he whispered: "I said I would do something for you in return for you, because you chose a small thing yourself, so I owe you a favor. Clear, now we do n’t owe anyone, let ’s stop here, I think we will never meet again in the future. "

Gao Yang said with emotion: "Are you going to retire completely?"

"Yes, we will find a stable place to enjoy the rest of our lives."

Gao Yang laughed: "This is a good result, everything is over, I wish you happiness."

"Thank you, goodbye, no, no, goodbye. It's better to say goodbye to people like you. Please help me to tell everyone of the black devil. They are a group of bitches, goodbye."

Talta shouted aside: "Brian, you idiot raised by a bitch, may you not be so stupid for the rest of your life, say goodbye!"

Gao Yang can be sure that Brian heard Tarta ’s shout, but he did n’t scold, but just laughed and yelled, “Black Devil, it ’s me who finally won the victory. Farewell, Black Devil.”

Brian hung up the phone, and then Yalebin sighed and smiled: "Let Brian think he is the ultimate winner. Let him and Anna Starkina live happily, just be right He spent a little compensation in cia ’s black prison for two decades. "

Talta spread his hands, then put his hands back on the steering wheel, and said indifferently: "If you are happy, if it is me, I will finally hit him again."

Yalebin shook his head and said with a smile: "My heart is much softer than my old age. Besides, Anna Starkina also paid a great price, just to give Anna Starkina a good The ending is good, we owe her. "

Tarta said disdainfully: "If it weren't for Anna Starkina, I wouldn't let Bryan retain the illusion of illusion."

Gao Yang swallowed and shouted, "Isn't it? Brian thought he got the truth, is it still false?"

Yalebin smiled: "Obviously? Anna Stakina showed her identity, and then revealed the plan again. Brian thought Anna Stakina confessed everything to him, but this was simply part of the plan. We discovered the weakness in Brian's character and then developed this plan for his weakness. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "I thought Anna Starkina really fell in love with Brian."

Yalebin said expressionlessly: "She had fallen in love with Brian, otherwise how could she touch Brian? However, as a KGB ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ everything must be subject to the overall situation, including emotions. "

Gao Yang shrugged: "Understood, so Anna will be so excited to hear Brian's news again, because her emotions are real, wow, so terrible, do you have the means to control people's hearts?"

After Yalebin's mouth wriggled a few times, he whispered: "It's not that we can control people's hearts, but people at that time still have faith."

Gao Yang whispered: "Can I sacrifice everything for myself?"

Yalebin nodded and said, "Yes, just like me."

After a long silence, Gao Yang picked up the phone again and whispered: "Uh, I should make a phone call. The news I just got was too abnormal. Yalebin, what do you think?"

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】 (To be continued.)

PS: Today is the day when the book friend Mosquito Love loves bloodsucking. I wish my brother a happy wedding and a happy life. In addition, do n’t forget to give a few pieces of candy to eat.

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