A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1796: Where the cannon is

PS. With today's update, by the way, you can vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. The vote also gives starting point coins. Please pray for your support and appreciation!

Now when Gao Yang communicates with the outside world, he has to go around a few more bends, so he cannot directly contact Shawar, even if Shawar is released, he cannot tell him directly.

After an hour, Gao Yang called Shawa again, the number that Shawa gave to the woman, and this time the phone was answered very quickly.

"Hello, who are you?"

The phone was answered by the woman. After Yang Yang groaned in his heart, he whispered: "Where is Shawar, has he come out? Have you ever contacted you?"

"He came out! He was released, just released, but I have n’t seen him yet. He just called and asked me. I ’m about to see him. The situation in Shawar seems not very good, but I do n’t know what happened yet. "

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief, and whispered: "What about other people, did the white shark help others out?"

"I do not know."

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered: "You go to see Shawar, I will call again in half an hour."

After putting down the phone, Gao Yang smiled at the Yalebin around him: "When the person is released, the speed is okay."

Yalebin nodded and whispered: "I don't know if Poroneshenko has any conspiracy, but he has now released his goodwill, wait to see if Poroneshenko has no hidden means, Or do not see any obvious collusion between him and the United States. You have to show him something. You stole all of his collections? "

Gao Yang said with a vigilant face: "Yes, what do you mean? Let me give him back? That's not okay, those things are all I like, I won't."

Yalebin said helplessly: "Did you know that sometimes people go crazy for their collections and work hard to collect them? This is all the result of hard work. Being stolen by people, this blow Not everyone can afford it. "

Gao Yang frowned: "Ke Poroneshenko said he gave me something."

"If it's to make you less alert? What would you do if you were changed?"

Gao Yang thought about his Satan's blade, and the collections he put on his farm. Then he said firmly: "Who dares to steal my most beloved collection, I must kill him when my mother hunts down to Mars! Uh, but it is impossible for me to return Poronishenko's things."

Yalebin said helplessly: "I just thought you really have a big picture."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Everything else is easy to say, this will not work, anyway, there is a big Ivan back pot. Let him solve it, I can't return things, at most, the most I don't like to return to him."

After speaking, Gao Yang's mobile phone that kept on turned on just right. Gao Yang seemed to find a savior and quickly connected the phone. He was afraid that Yalebin would continue to persuade him to return the collection. How could this be possible?

I didn't even see who was calling, and Gao Yang shouted after receiving it: "Hello. Hello, that one."

"I am Brian."

Gao Yang was a little surprised. Brian said he would wait to see Anna Starkina and tell him how to find Djo. Then Brian went to find the lost cannon for him and there was no news. , Gao Yang couldn't get in touch with the phone, and thought Brian wasn't talking. He didn't expect him to call the phone at this time.

"Brian, ha, great. You finally called me."

Brian smiled heartily: "Unlike the beasts of the Black Devil, I am a person who speaks and listens. Listen, the cannon you are looking for has fallen. My people found that and that, they caught When he arrived, he asked where the cannon was. Your cannon was sold to 72 Mechanical Brigade. "

Gao Yang immediately scolded, and then he said incredulously: "I heard it right. The artillery was not sold to the Dongwu militia lacking heavy firepower. It was sold to the 72 brigade? Also, the 72 brigade was a mechanical brigade. What are they doing with towed cannons? Are you mistaken? "

Brian ’s voice sounded a little dissatisfied and shouted: "Do n’t question my human ability. Listen, I have n’t finished it yet. It ’s even more bizarre than this. Some people bought this batch of cannons and transferred them to them immediately. After the 72 Brigade, the guy named Jefferson said that the number and equipment of the 72 Brigade are far beyond the scale of a brigade. Understand? The 72 Brigade was intentionally strengthened. Now the 72 Brigade is a mixed brigade, infantry. , The mechanized infantry, artillery, and the original armored vehicle, the 72 brigade has nothing missing. So far, the 72 brigade is still buying heavily. That Jefferson is looking for tanks and helicopters for the 72 brigade. This is a mechanized brigade. s things?"

Gao Yang said stunnedly: "Fak, I'm confused. Some people are armed with the 72 Brigade. They even say that some people treat the 72 Brigade as a private arm? Do you know who the funder is?"

Brian said angrily: "I don't know how much an arms dealer can know. Listen, the interesting thing is still behind. The artillery was handed over to the 72 Brigade because the 72 Brigade lacked large-caliber artillery, but you know Jeff Did Sen get anything from the 72 Brigade? It ’s not money, it ’s four tanks, four Fortress M tanks, and then the Jefferson tank was transported to a place and handed over to a group of people of unknown origin, not the 72 Brigade, It ’s not Dongwu, it ’s a group of armed forces of unknown origin, and then Jefferson received ten million dollars. ”

Gao Yang rubbed his head and said: "I'm really confused, so, where is the arms trading place?"

Brian shouted: "Not far from the city of Donetsk, a place called Dokuchayev."

Gao Yang shuddered in his heart. The place was very close to the place controlled by the Angel Mercenary Corps, so he immediately said: "Is there any more detailed content."

Brian said: "It's gone ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Jefferson can't tell anything in his mouth. When he delivered it at night, he couldn't see anything. He sent the tank to the place with a cart. A group of people wearing unmarked clothes drove off the tank and gave him money. The only clue is that those people speak English. Okay, so much from Jefferson. You ca n’t find your gun. I ’ll keep it for you. If you want to live, send someone to take Jefferson away. If you do n’t want to live, then this is the end. Kill Jefferson, I will pay it off. Your favor. "

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Don't, man, your relationship is not over, you haven't told me how to find Djoy."

"Oh, uh, I forgot about this. I have been in heaven for the past few days. Sorry, according to the agreement, I should tell you earlier. You remember a phone number. The phone number of Djoy will never change. telephone number."

Gao Yang grinned: "Just a phone call?"

"The phone is not enough? A phone number that will definitely not change. Can't guarantee you find a contract?"

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】 (To be continued.)

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