A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1795: backing

? ps. With today ’s update, by the way, you can vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. The vote also gives the starting point coin. Please pray for your support and appreciation. !

Before he became president, Poroneshko was a businessman and a very successful businessman.

Gao Yang likes to deal with businessmen, because businessmen are generally very realistic. Most people are pragmatists who are supremacy of interest. When they make a decision on something, they will not stick to the principles of the stubbornness, and they will not easily make a dead end. decision.

Gao Yang hung up the phone and said solemnly to Yalebin: "Poroneshenko said that he immediately let go. Do you think that this matter has been going on so far?"

Yalebin thought for a moment and shook his head: "Say bad, we can't verify Poroneshenko's words, we must be very vigilant about this person, now we can only see the results, if the white sharks were quickly If you let it out, then the situation is better. If Poroneshenko promised very well, then things will be more troublesome. "

After finishing speaking, Yalebin changed his face and smiled at Gao Yang: "I thought you would be very polite when calling Poronesh, even whispering to beg him to let go, you seem to be used to being very elegant Talk to people, and then imply that you will take more intense measures. I did not expect you to be so tough this time. Whether it is against Arseny or Poronezhenko, you are very tough and straightforward to threaten each other, why?"

Gao Yang shrugged: "It's very simple, because you can't be too polite to people like them, suggesting that they will take tough measures. It is better to tell them to die if they are not obedient. Arseny and Poroneshko will be the kind of Do people prefer to die in principle? They are all just climbing to the top of their lives. How can they be willing to die, as I said. The United States can give them everything, and I just need to take their lives. Now. "

Yalebin nodded and smiled, "Yes, you got the point."

Gao Yang sighed: "This kind of person is actually the easiest to deal with. They can betray the motherland for their own benefit, so they can certainly betray the new master who has just taken refuge for their own lives. What's more, I don't ask too much, I don't let They stand on my side against the United States, I just let them occasionally give me some information, and bind their lives to my life, I ca n’t think of any reason why they refuse, since they cannot refuse, and I must clearly threaten their lives, so what's the politeness? The threat is whispered. Better than a strong warning. "

Yalebin clapped his hands and nodded with emotion: "Yes, that's it, you learn quickly."

Gao Yang smiled and bowed: "Thank you for the compliment, but also for your teaching, my teacher."

Yalebin laughed: "I didn't say anything this time. This is your own decision, the way you choose."

Gao Yang spread his hands and smiled, "How to say, I learned a few days with you. My vision is unprecedentedly clear. Before that, I might really hint at threats like you said."

Tarta said angrily: "Don't tout each other. Hurry up and throw your phone!"

Gao Yang was shocked, turned off the phone quickly, and then threw his hand away to throw the phone out .

Yalebin laughed: "So what's next, what should I do next?"

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "Looking at the results, if Poroneshenko really let go of the person, then this matter will come to an end temporarily, but if he didn't let go, it will be troublesome. I have to arrange People immediately made Poroneshenko feel a real threat. "

Yalebin said faintly: "It just made him feel threatened, didn't he just kill him immediately? We really have the ability to assassinate him."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "That wouldn't work. How could it be said to kill, not to mention the difficulty first. It's just the possible consequences of the assassination. We can't afford it, although Da Yiwan came to the back, but Polo Neshenko is the President of Ukraine after all. "

Yalebin nodded, and then he suddenly said: "You care about the white shark to help that Shawar? If Poroneshenko refuses to let people go, you really will be at this critical knot, for a Shawar Taking the risk of exposure to fight Poroneschenko? "

Gao Yang said without hesitation: "Yes, I will."

Yalebin paused, then he waved his right hand and whispered: "Forget it, I will not comment, I said I will not interfere with your decision again."

Gao Yang laughed: "I know, you want to say that putting yourself in danger for the sake of a gang leader is not worth it, right? You want to say that I shouldn't take risks for Shawar because I can find many people like Shawar, and I also Can I support another gang at any time, right? "

Yalebin said in surprise: "You all know? Then do you still do this?"

Gao Yang said with some embarrassment: "How to say, Yalebin, we are in a different position, and the conclusion we draw is not the same. According to the Chinese dialect, it is the height of your temple, and I am in the rivers and lakes. Far away, when you make a decision, you have the entire country as your backing, and when I make a decision, I can only be responsible for myself.

Simply put, your staff is in a dilemma, and when you can complete your life and tasks, you can choose to sacrifice your staff to complete your tasks, and then you will get new staff to add, no one You will be accused of doing something wrong because you are in your position and you have to do it.

I am different. I am a mercenary. Now my identity is more complicated, but no matter what my identity is, I rely on force to fight for life. We have no backing. For my people, I am their backing, and no one will be. Send the trained soldiers to me, and no one will pay for my failures. I have to be responsible for myself and all the people who follow me ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ So, I ca n’t abandon any utter collapse The people who followed me to fight the world, the hearts of the people dispersed, the team can not take it. "

After slowly speaking, Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "Our position is different, so our habits are different. There is a sentence I don't know whether to say, um, the black devil is backed by the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union is gone, black The devil is over, and my backing is my brothers, no matter what we encounter, no matter how much trouble, as long as we are still in the heart, then we can rise up again and again, so , Shava is working for me now, I am responsible for him, I have an obligation to rescue him, if there is really no way I can only give up, but as long as there is hope, I have to be responsible to him in the end, dangerous It ’s not an excuse to give up. Anyway, even if I do n’t save him, my situation is also very dangerous, right? "

Yalebin exhaled and nodded: "You are right, thank you for teaching me this."

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】 (To be continued.)

ps: I'm too tired today. There are only two chapters.

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