A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1457: Invalid Dingxin Pill

Information will not fall from the sky. If you want to get information, you must either buy it or find it yourself.

Even if it is Justin, a strongman in the intelligence world, it is impossible to have his own intelligence network in any place.

Wherever there is a hot spot and where there is a need, send people wherever you are. Compared with the layman, Justin has the best advantage of having the right manpower and channels to be fast in a hot spot in the shortest time. Establish an intelligence network.

But Justin will take time no matter how fast it is, and for Gao Yang, if the intelligence for specific operations has to be bought from Justin, this battle is not far away from losing. He must at least have his own channel and his own network. After leaving Justin, he became blind.

To deter enemies, to encourage yourself, and to reap the wall that might fall to the enemy ’s side, for various reasons, it is necessary to carry forward a battle as soon as possible, even if it is to kill an artillery team that is not important to the German covenant, but If you want to beat someone, you have to know where they are.

"Information, intelligence, intelligence!"

After grunting, Gao Yang picked up the phone and began to prepare to call the person with the highest position in the code book. When he saw that Gao Yang picked up the phone, Nurantowa and Dennis Lisso got up and walked out of the house.

Gao Yang thought for a while, and called the first person to the highest position in the codebook, the Hagel who had almost rescued Djoy.

When Yang Yang dialed the phone, he still felt a little uneasy. He was worried that no one answered the phone. He was worried that someone who answered the phone could not get the results he wanted.

When the phone was connected, the high-spirited swept away, and then he said with a very confident tone: "Hello, Hagel."

Hagel is a pseudonym, but when the other party hears this name, they should know what it means.

"Hello, who are you."

Gao Yang said with confidence: "You can call me Peter, now, here I take over."


"he died."

"Dai Yiwan sent you?"

Gao Yang smiled and asked in a very strange tone: "Of course, is it still necessary to ask?"

Hagel breathed out on the phone, the atmosphere after the pressure was released, and then he said easily: "Da Yiwan is fine, this is good, this is great, well, what are you doing? "

Said loudly: "Andrea is dead. In any case, I have to avenge him and initiate the retaliatory action with the most violent and rapid means. I need no obstacles in the action. This needs your help.

Hagel said with ease: "No problem. The final things are left to me. Now Kiev is in chaos. This is convenient for you to do anything. I promise that no one in Kiev will trouble you when you act, but please promise me You move faster and then evacuate faster. Whether they are police officers or soldiers, they will always appear. If you move too slowly, it will always be awkward. "

Gao Yang smiled, then whispered: "There is another thing, I need your help to tell me where the Djokovic forces are hiding, you know, I just came here, the situation is not particularly familiar.

Hagel embarrassed: "Well, I can't help you any more. Well, I'm going to say something. You know that I was really confused some time ago, and I had some contact with Djoy, but After Andre killed Djoy Jr., Djoy ’s actions in Kiev became extremely secretive, and I do n’t have any news about him now. "

Gao Yang was disappointed. He sighed: "Okay, let me think of a way, maybe I will continue to ask you for help, keep in touch, and see you later."

Hagel coughed a little and said, "Peter, please help me convey greetings to Great Ivan."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Okay, I will help you convey it, goodbye."

Hung up the phone, and Gao Yang realized that there was a problem, that was Andre ’s death. Instead, he took a reassuring pill to those who were secretly connected by Da Yiwan, especially those who were not determined.

The reason is very simple. Andre died, and someone immediately took over Andre ’s work, which is very important, because at least it means that even if Ivan ca n’t come forward, he still secretly commands his power remotely.

Sighed and said to himself: "Andrea, you can see me when you hold on, and you have lived up to the trust that Da Yiwan has for you, kill beautiful, beautiful!"

After understanding what was in the codebook, Gao Yang understood why Andrea had to give him the codebook. The reason was very simple. The codebook was too important. The important Andrea either gave the codebook to him alive. A person who can be trusted must either die and bring the codebook to the grave, and never give it to someone casually.

This person whom Andrea can trust, the most important person can be trusted by Great Ivan, except for Gao Yang, there is no second one, but can use this codebook, can use the power of Andrey or Great Ivan About to continue to fight, but will not lose his tail, and even those who can in turn swallow the big Ivan, only high.

Andre handed over the codebook to Gao Yang, it was only a tacit understanding, not a word.

Andre was able to live for more than ten hours under the unimaginable pain under the severe injury that ordinary people could not kill in a few minutes, which proved two things. One is that his physical fitness is good enough. The other is that his willpower is absolutely strong enough, he can live to wait until it is high, which is a miracle in itself.

Great Ivan Andre is placed in the most important place in Europe. Andre ’s ability is not too outstanding, but Europe does not need Andre to do anything, because Europe is originally his warehouse and factory, so Great Iraq Wan only needs Andre to be faithful enough. Facts have proved that Da Yiwan ’s vision is indeed good. Even if Andre is going to die, he will not let Europe be lost from his hands. He insists on entrusting Europe to Gao Yang. He has done everything he can and has done his best.

Recalling a few meetings with Andre, Gao Yang shook his head and said to himself: "How come I didn't find you so smart."

The old man was dead. After a while, Gao Yang took Andrea's phone and made a phone call to all the important people in the codebook.

The content on the phone is very simple, that is, Andrea is dead, and now he is appointed by the great Ivan to take over the work that originally belonged to Andrea.

Anyone in the codebook must have the handle in the hands of Big Iwan or have interests with Big Iwan, but no matter what factors are related to Big Iwan, as long as Big Iwan is alive, they can Stabilize, and Gao Yang's phone call itself represents this meaning.

Just call this phone call, Gao Yang spent an hour, because even if each phone call is just a few words, but he needs to make too many calls.

In fact, making this call itself means a great risk, because Gao Yang does not know what is happening to the person on the other end of the phone. Perhaps some of these people have already turned to Djou, so after he made these calls, he may immediately Someone gave him a location based on the signal of the mobile phone number, and was rushing to get rid of his way.

Finally, Gao Yang called several important people in Ukraine, and the conversation time of these calls was slightly longer, because in addition to the meaning of the call itself, he also wanted to get some clues about Djoy.

As a result, Gao Yang was disappointed again. Some of the calls he made were arranged, and other things were handled very well, but there was no gain in the information about Djou. His callee even had Ukraine himself. People in the intelligence department, but even so, he still did not get any useful news.

Hung up the phone, sighed loudly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and turned on, shouted in the walkie-talkie: "We will evacuate here immediately, shadow, come over."

Yake walked in quickly, and Gao Yang raised the telegram left by Andre to him, then whispered: "Destroy this phone, be more professional, don't leave any traces . "

While unloading the battery, he whispered in a loud voice: "Write down the number and everything?"

Nodded and said: "Of course."

Yake nodded and said, "Leave it to me, destroy it immediately, Boss, you learn very quickly."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Watching you and Leonard, you must learn faster."

Yake whispered: "Where are we going?"

Yang Yang spread his hands and said: "I don't know yet. Go to a safe place. It's not safe here. Leave and talk."

Yake nodded ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "Except for ourselves, don't bring anyone else. Well, the black devil can follow, but this is already the limit."

Yang pointed to the door and whispered: "Newlandova and Dennis have to follow, many things can't be separated from them."

After thinking for a moment, Yak nodded and said, "Well, only two of them, don't let others know your hiding place, no one can do it."

Whispered: "I need to leave, I'm going to find Shawar, now we don't have any reliable sources of intelligence, I want to find Shawar and try to see if I can gain something."

Yake said contemptuously: "A little gangster, still a country gangster, can he help you."

Gao Yang laughed and said: "Don't say that, sometimes small people can make history. Besides, we are not small people. We are also step by step from the country gangsters, and we have not reached the point where we can laugh at others."

Yake shrugged: "Well, you are always right, then, who will go with you, I think it is safer to have fewer people at this time, it is not so easy to attract the attention of others, I will accompany you?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "I will go by myself, no, let Eileen go with me, a man and a woman are at least not so conspicuous, we will go after makeup, and, Yake, I want to help Shawar, Just train him, what do you think? "(To be continued) [This text is provided by the leader of the sailing update team @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation, monthly tickets, your support , Is my biggest motivation. )

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