A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1458: The birth of a big brother

The reason why wanted to go to Shava with Irene was because a man and a woman walked together, which was always more low-key than a few big and big men gathered together.

Gao Yang put on a casual dress, except for carrying a hand gun in his waist, he did not bring any other weapons.

Erin rarely changed into a girl's dress, which was very fashionable, and she also wore a wig, but in her huge shoulder bag, it was dressed as a submachine gun and a handgun.

The two of them quietly left the place where they temporarily dwell, talking and laughing like a pair of ordinary young people on the street.

Actually, since the situation in Kiev began to deteriorate, there were a lot fewer pedestrians on the street than usual, but fortunately, Gao Yang and Irene did not go too far, and a taxi stopped in front of them.

It was Nikolai who drove a taxi. Gao Yang couldn't find a particularly safe and inconspicuous car, so he let Nikolay do his business and drove a taxi to pick them up.

The driver Nikolay was really comfortable. He had nothing to do with Feng Hòu's salary, because Satan didn't spend too much time in Kiev. As for now.

Nicholas circled around many times, and finally put Gao Yang and Irene down, and Gao Yang and Irene walked for a while before they saw Alyosha who came to pick them up.

After stepping forward and hugging Gao Yang, Alyosha whispered: "Shava is waiting for you, come with me."

After talking, Alyosha looked at Irene, who hadn't said anything. Until Irene greeted him with a smile, Alyosha suddenly realized, "Hah, it really is you, I thought I had admitted the wrong person. "

Saw Shava again. The wound on Shava's neck was basically healed and he was able to speak.

"Ram, we haven't seen you for a long time."

Shawa startled Gao Yang as soon as he spoke, and his voice was extremely low and hoarse.

And Shava hugged for a while, then raised a frown and said, "Your voice?"

Shawar laughed, just like rubbing sand in an iron pan. It was extremely unpleasant. After two laughs, Shawar said carelessly: "The doctor said, my vocal cords are damaged, and my voice can no longer be recovered. I was shocked when I first heard my voice, but I am used to it now. I think this voice is also very good, do n’t you think it is very majestic, just like a big man talking. "

After a few laughs, he exclaimed: "Yes, it does sound like a big brother's voice."

Shawar ’s residence was very simple, and there was no sofa in the room. He personally brought two dining chairs and invited Gao Yang to sit down. Shawa sat opposite Gao Yang, and then said with a serious face: "You come There must be something wrong with me, let me tell you what I can do. "

Is high-spirited and polite, saying directly: "Do your people continue activities now, or have they all stopped?"

Shawar spread his hands and said in a deep voice: "You said to let the white sharks don't show up for the time being, most of my business is stopped, but not all of my people are hiding, they are just secretly acting, after all, what are we If you do n’t do it, it ’s likely that the site you ’ve laid down will be lost again. ”

Gao Yang nodded and whispered: "I want you to do something for me, you know, I'm now fighting a very powerful guy, there are a lot of things happening during this time, I'm experiencing some difficulties now, I Unable to find the trail of the enemy, I want you to start the people under your hand and help pull out my enemy. "

Sawa immediately said with a serious face: "No problem, I will help you find it immediately, but you have to tell me who you need to find, it must be a bit characteristic."

Gao Yang thought for a while, exhaled, and said helplessly: "The problem is that I don't know how many enemies there are, nor do they know their characteristics. The broader characteristic is that they are foreigners, no matter how many people they have, they It is impossible to live together, but scattered in a small team situation. The number of people should be a small team of about five to thirty people. I remind you that these people are extremely dangerous. It must be secretly to find them. get on."

Shawa touched his chin and said in a fascinating way: "Actually, it is not too difficult to find. At this time, there will be only foreigners who come to Kiev in groups, and there are guys and embassies who are planning to make money People. "

Whispered: "They may also be scattered, and this possibility is very large, so when checking, it is best to check if there are any foreigners who have gathered together recently, and it must be a gang."

Shawar frowned: "Do you know what language they speak?"

Yang Yang smiled bitterly: "I really don't know, but they should not speak Ukrainian or Russian."

Shawa waved his hand and smiled: "That's all right, you wait, I'll ask someone to find it immediately, and I will inform you immediately if there is news."

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "With the news, I will ask the person to confirm it again, as long as it is the person I am looking for, then everything will be easier to deal with, well, you help me do this, I pay You are two million dollars. "

Both Shawar and Alyosha opened their eyes wide, and then Shawar wondered: "Do such a small thing, give back the money? How much?"

Shook his head helplessly and smiled, "This is not a trivial matter, this is a big event for me to live or die. If so many of you help me do things, I will naturally have to pay."

Shava hesitated and said: "But this money is too much, otherwise, would you give me less?"

Yang Yang waved: "According to the rules, this money is not too much, Shawar, you need to hurry up, the sooner the better, I am really anxious to wait for this information."

Shawa smiled and said, "Ram, you saved my life. I always wanted to find a chance to repay you."

Gao Yang smiled, and after shaking his hand, his face was solemn, and he solemnly said to Shava: "Man, your voice is very much like a gangster. Now I want to know if you want to be a real gangster! "

Shawa was startled, and then lost his way: "What do you mean?"

Gao Yang slowly said: "It is the real big brother, let the White Shark Gang become the largest gang in Kiev and Ukraine, and then you start to whitewash, get involved in the business world, establish a monopoly trust, become the uncrowned king of Ukraine, become a high official A guest of honor, influences the country where people cannot see. "

After speaking high and slowly, Shawa froze for a long time, and then laughed awkwardly.

"You must be kidding me."

Gao Yang shook his head and said with a serious face: "All I said, some need to see if you have that ability, but let your white shark gang become the biggest gang in Kiev, the biggest gang in Ukraine, I can help you achieve."

After speaking, Gao Yang sat back and said in a deep voice: "Now I have the ability and resources to push you to the seat of the big brother, it depends on whether you will, or not, because you accept my help, You have to board a boat with me, and it ’s very dangerous, very dangerous. "

Shawa stood up without hesitation, and said with a rueful face: "I can't be scared if I set foot on this road! How can it be so easy to be a gangster, this opportunity cannot be let go by a man, I Done! "

Gao Yang also stood up. He patted Shawara on the shoulder, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Very well, I read you right."

Gao Yang sat back in his chair and motioned for Shava to sit down. He pondered for a moment and whispered: "Find me some mobile phones. One hundred, do n’t need a smartphone. You need the oldest one to answer the phone. It ’s okay, but it must be new, and there must be one hundred calling cards. They must be new, and they ca n’t be bought in one place, bought in all corners of Kiev, and you ca n’t find the real person on the phone. Nothing, you can get it for me. "

Shawa nodded at Alyosha, Alyosha immediately got up and left, and after Alyosha left, Gao Yang extended his hand and whispered: "Give me your phone."

Shava took out his mobile phone, and Gao Yang took it in his hand and said to Shava, "Do you often use this phone?"

Shava shook his head and said: "No, I just bought it recently. When I was hiding during this time, I was only used to contact Alyosha. No one but the few people I trusted most knew this number."

Nodded with satisfaction and smiled: "Very well, you will use this number to contact me in the future. In addition, don't tell this number to anyone else. Don't use this number again if you are fine."

After speaking, Gao Yang dialed Hagar's number on Shawar's phone.

Not long afterwards, Hagel said on the phone, "Which one."

Gao Yang laughed in a low voice: "It's me ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Peter, I have something to tell you, this phone number belongs to a person named Shawar, he is my person, he has a gang called White Shark Gang From now on, I want to make the White Shark Gang the largest gang in Ukraine. If Shawar needs your help, he will call you with this number, I hope you can help. "

Hagel said with great interest: "You want to build a local gang? No problem, it's a small matter to me, I will help him."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "On the surface, the White Shark Gang will not have anything to do with me, so in the future, the White Shark Gang will be Shawara to contact you. Of course, I ca n’t keep you busy, Shawark will give You send the one you deserve. "

Hagel said happily: "Ha ha, then thank you."

"So, goodbye."

After finding a big backing for Shawa in three words, Gao Yang smiled and hung up the phone. When he returned the call to Shawa, Gao Yang did not release the phone immediately, but said seriously: "Keep this number, Call him if there ’s anything you ca n’t do. He is one of the most powerful people in this country, but remember, do n’t let the second person know about his existence, be strict in your mouth, do you understand? ”

Shawa nodded and said in a deep voice: "I understand that I am not a bastard."

Gao Yang let go of his phone and smiled: "Now let go and do it, I will give you whatever you need." (To be continued) [This text is provided by the leader of the Qihang update team @ 刘靖] If you like it For this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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