A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1456: Bloody reality

Yergenis seemed surprised, and even to the point of panic, after taking a step back involuntarily, he looked at Gao Yang with a vigilant expression: "Andre?"

Gao Yang didn't change his color, but just said lightly: "He's dead."

Jergenice covered his eyes with his hands. After a while, his hands slowly slipped and put on his mouth. After covering his mouth with his hands for a while, Jergenice said angerly: "An Derek is dead! "

"Yes, he is dead."

Yergenis had a complicated look. He lowered his hand and took a deep breath several times before shaking his head: "Damn!"

Immediately after speaking, Yergenice waved: "I'm not saying that Andrey is damn, I'm talking about this, this thing is so hell."

Gao Yang reached out a hand and said in a deep voice, "Sit."

Yergenis sat in the chair, and after staring for a while, he looked up at Gao Yang and said, "What are you doing with me?"

Gao Yang's tone was very gentle, and he said with a deep voice: "I'll take over everything here now. It turns out how you do things for Andrea, how you do things for me now."

Ergenis nodded, but then said, "What about money?"

Gao Yang waved his hand gently: "Everything is as usual."

Yergenis exhaled and shook his head: "No, no, the situation is different now, it can't be the same as usual, I ask for more money."

Gao Yang was silent, and Ergenis sighed, and leaned forward to look forward, with a solemn expression: "The situation is different from before, too dangerous, Andrea is dead, like me This kind of person who works for Andre is more likely to die. The situation is different. I ask for more money to do things for you. "

With a serious expression on his face, he tapped on the table softly and whispered: "Mr. Ergenis, how much did Andrey pay you."

Yergenice frowned, then said in a deep voice: "One hundred thousand yuan a day."

Gao Yang exhaled. I snapped my fingers and shouted, "So how much do you want now?"

"At least 300,000 a day."

Gao Yang nodded, then smiled: "Well, before I decide whether to meet your request. Please tell me first, where are the people in Djo, Andrea is dead, we need to have revenge immediately, And this requires the information you provide. Accurate information. "

Yergenice took a breath, and then said with embarrassment: "This, there is no information now, the people of Djokovic are hiding too deep, or Kiev has no one at all. I have been looking for anything related to Djoy Clues, but there is no progress, but you can rest assured, as long as you give me some time. I will definitely be able to find a target that can make you retaliate. "

Gao Yang shook his head and sighed: "Mr. Ergenis, ask you a question, how is your personal relationship with Andre?"

Ergenis said without thinking: "Very well, we are old friends for many years."

Gao Yang smiled, then he extended a finger and pointed to his nose: "Ask you another question, do I look like an idiot?"

Yergenice was stunned for a moment. After a glance, he smiled hard. But he didn't speak.

Gao Yang said seriously: "I'm waiting for your answer, tell me, do I look like an idiot?"


After Ergenis squeezed out a word, Yang Yang sullen his face. Slowly: "Andrea pays you 100,000 yuan a day, but you can't come up with any useful information. Andrey just died, he was killed by the people of Djo, now you tell me Djo People are hiding too deep, or there are no people in Kiev who have a covenant. Then, you asked me to pay you 300,000 yuan a day. "

Ergenis wiped his sweat, but could not say anything, and said calmly: "Mr. Ergenis, Andrei is dead, I suspect that his men are out of spirits, but I am very Respect Andre, so I did n’t kill you immediately. I ’m willing to observe your performance again to make a judgment as to whether you are the inner ghost. Now it seems that you are still unsure, but I can be sure , You are a waste, then, do you know how to deal with waste? Especially there is a little bit of suspect waste. "

Gao Yang will never raise a price for Yergenis. Even if Yergenis came up with the information, he could not open the mouth. Andre died, and Yergenis would raise the price on the pretext of a more dangerous situation. Then, should those who need to go to war directly raise their prices?

What's more, Yergennis dare not ask for anything useful and dare to ask for price. Is it really good to be a good boy?

Yergenis just wiped the sweat, but couldn't say a word, but Gao Yang still said indifferently: "Especially what I don't understand is, where do you have the confidence to ask me 300,000 a day? Price tag? "

Yergenis swallowed and shuddered, "Sorry, I just think the situation is dangerous now."

Gao Yang coldly said: "Danger? I just find an idiot to do the same job as you. He will face the same danger as you. So, should I pay this idiot $ 100,000 a day? Mr. Yergenis Danger is not the reason why you want a high price. I value intelligence and I cannot do without intelligence. If you can give me the information I want, I will be happy to pay you 300,000 a day. If you ca n’t give what I want, then Just leave me alone! "

After speaking, Gao Yang sat back and said lightly: "Of course, in the current situation, it should be polite to let you get out, I think you understand what I mean? I don't know if you are professional enough , So I have to remind you that those who engage in intelligence are the key. They hold the key to the outcome of a war, but those who engage in intelligence often also know too much, too much and useless people, you What do you usually do? "

The weather is not very hot, but Yergenis is just like being taken from the water. After wiping the sweat on his face, he shouted: "I am not useless waste, I will prove it to you At this point. "

Gao Yang smiled, looking careless, and said softly: "Then you better prove it to me quickly, you have to understand that Andre is dead, some of the things he left are useful to me, some are right. I'm useless. I hope you are the kind that is useful, not the kind that I need to bother to clean up. "

After speaking, Gao Yang looked at his watch and smiled: "I said that I respect Andre very much, so I give you six hours, within six hours to give me useful information, everything is still the same, more than six hours If you do n’t make any progress, then your salary becomes 50,000 per day. If you do n’t make any progress for more than twelve hours, then you will have no salary. Harvest, then you do n’t have to find me. "

After speaking, Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, you can leave."

Yergenis' back was soaked. After nodding his head at Gao Yang, he turned around and hurried out, but then Gao Yang suddenly said: "Wait."

Yergenis turned to look at Gao Yang nervously, and Yang Yang smiled: "I forgot to ask you, shouldn't you be stupid enough to deceive me by fake information, or betray me directly?"

Yergenice said with a difficult face: "Of course, I'm not stupid to this point."

Gao Yang waved his hand again: "Goodbye."

Yergenis pushed the door and trot and left. After Yergenis left, he patted the table indignantly and said helplessly: "It ’s really useless and greedy waste, two, he will not Are they really Andrea's friends? "

Nurantowa frowned and thought, "Shouldn't it be, what's wrong?"

Gao Yang exhaled and sighed: "It's better not, if he is really Andre's friend, I can't bear to deal with him. Andre just died, I don't want to kill his friend immediately, If he is n’t, it ’s much easier. ”

Dennis thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "I'm sure he is not Andre's friend. Yergenis has good information. He has many channels and means to get intelligence. Andre has no better choice and high salary. He was hired to find any news about Djo, well, he had known Andre before, but he was definitely not a friend. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Very well, I have threatened him, this person can't stay any longer, if he can't find any information in 24 hours, then kill him, if he has a change, he wants to vote Where are our enemies, then kill his whole family to be effective, I said, he has a family? "

Dennis nodded: "Yes."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "That's easy to handle. I'll send someone to stare at him."

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself and irresponsible to everyone under him ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yergenis is not an enemy, but since Gao Yang threatens him, he must be prevented from becoming an enemy.

War is war. It ’s not a dinner you come and go to. It ’s not a personable business negotiation. If you do n’t talk about it, it ’s a war. It ’s a **** war.

The war must be dead, and the whole family will be killed by accident, because this is not an ordinary war. There is no rule at all, and there is no underground war in the Geneva Conventions.

During the war, some hypocritical masks were also torn off, and everything was presented in the most straightforward and bloodiest way.

Therefore, Ergenis must prove his worth, or he must die, because Gao Yang will not support idlers, nor can he tolerate the cultivation of a traitor who is familiar with his own situation, but will eventually run to the enemy ’s side, so If Ergenis could not prove himself useful, he would have to die, but he was not wrong even if he died. Who let him participate from the beginning, there are some things that he ca n’t get out of.

When he met a waste, Gao Yang was very helpless. He sighed and said in a deep voice: "Without intelligence, everything is nonsense. Now, we have to find another intelligence channel." (~ ^ ~)

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