A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1278: I am willing

For the nonsense that is meaningless and useless, Gao Yang does not want to say more, so he has no intention of dissuading the thirteenth at all, just saying lightly: "As long as you can move, then go with me."

Nodded on the 13th, Shen said: "It's okay to move in a short period of time, but I'm not convenient to use it. If I can't use a gun, I will completely lose my force."

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Fortunately, we don't need to do this time. In fact, we may not be able to see Suharitan's face, but I need you to write down the terrain so that you can sneak into Detective Karima again. Whereabouts, after you have found the answer, then you can just drop Suharitan in the end. In this case, we will save ourselves from attacking. "

On the thirteenth, Shen said: "The best choice is, as long as you have determined the location of Suharitan, he will not want to play with me anymore!"

To kill such a prince in Shah, it was really the most appropriate thing to do on the 13th.

Gao Yang laughed: "Very well, the plane is waiting for us at Athens Airport, we are leaving for Vienna today."

On the thirteenth, he waved his hand and said, "I don't have any problems. Now I just want to know one thing. How much do you have to pay Yake to save me? I asked Yake, and he refused to tell me."

Gao Yang shrugged and smiled, "Ten million dollars."

On the 13th, he frowned and said: "Oops, this is a lot of money, I can't get it out now."

Gao Yang patted the shoulder of the thirteenth and smiled, "I didn't expect you to pay, it's okay, I'm entrusted by Yak, of course, I will pay the money, as for you, you remember owe me 10 million Just do it, remember to pay me when you have money. "

Smiling on the 13th: "Okay, I will pay you back with the money."

Gao Yang stood up. Shouted: "You reminded me that I haven't paid Yake's commission yet. Now I have to pay him the money."

Gao Yang opened the door. After protruding her head, she found that Christina was not there. There was only Yake in the studio, so he walked to Yake ’s side, and after he first drew Yake ’s attention, he whispered: “Hi, man, you successfully saved Leonard, I I have to pay you money, give me an account. Let me transfer the money to you. "

Yake pouted: "Transfer? I don't want to transfer money, can I give it in cash?"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Oh man, don't be kidding, okay, ten million dollars in cash, how can I have so much cash, why don't you accept transfers? Don't you have a secure account?"

Yake scratched his head and said, "I have a secure account, and money laundering is also very convenient, but the problem is that this time I will go to the latest chapter of the three countries with historical stars. Well, let me consider how to legally avoid tax in Greece.

Gao Yang said in surprise: "Why avoid tax in Greece, oh. I see, are you planning to settle in Greece?"

Yake shook his head and said, "No, you don't understand. It's none of your business. Let me think about how to do it."

Gao Yang shrugged: "Well, you think slowly, there is one more thing, I want to ask you this time whether you would like to join .... Well, when I didn't say it. You ..."

"I am willing to join Satan, thank you for providing me a job I like."

Gao Yang's eyes widened in surprise. Raised the volume and said in surprise: "You know what I want to say, well, are you willing?"

Yack shrugged: "You have said half of the words, is it hard to guess the rest? Okay man, if I join Satan, how much do you plan to pay me?"

Gao Yang said silly: "I thought you would live a stable life from now on. You have a beautiful girlfriend, and I don't know that you are still a painter. You seem to be very happy here."

Yake sighed and said, "I have said that this is my hobby! Do you not understand what hobby means? What hobby do you have? Why don't you go to the United States and concentrate on what you like, How about quitting now? "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I understand, well, if you are willing, then you have to leave with me today."

Yak said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I don't know if there is a chance to finish this painting, but it doesn't matter, my hobby. I want to go back to the exciting and familiar stage than sitting here and painting. Go up, how can people like us sit at home all day and paint! "

After speaking, Yack threw the paintbrush on the palette, clapped his hands, and smiled: "Okay, if I can live to retire, I will continue to draw this picture. I hope I have a chance." "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Man, your opinion is always pessimistic."

Yak also smiled: "Why is life impermanent, who knows when we are going to die, man, you haven't said it, how much salary do you plan to pay me?"

Gao Yang shrugged and said: "Million annual salary? After a while, I will add you a share or bonus."

After thinking for a while, Yak nodded: "Enough is enough, I can't ask for more. This money is enough, enough for me to live a luxurious life. That's it."

After speaking, Yak suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: "I thought of four kinds of income in Greece that are exempt from taxation. The gains from trading stocks on the Athens Stock Exchange and the profits from shipping are from the place of ownership to Greece. The company ’s dividends, and the income of assets transferred between family members as stipulated by law, are all exempt from taxation. Just a little dim sum can legally avoid tax. Ram, let your broker do a favor. Give me the money left after deducting the necessary part of the operation. "

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "Okay, of course, no problem, but our agent is in Ukraine. If you do these things, you may have to wait for two days. I don't understand why you are persistently transferring money to Greece. Is n’t it better on your security account, more convenient. "

Yake sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, or I'll do it myself and put the money on this account."

Yake wrote a bank number on a blank piece of paper with a paintbrush. Gao Yang got the number and immediately called Donny Little. After telling the number to Donny, he hung up the phone and pointed at Ya. Ke Dao: "Up to fifteen minutes, you will be able to check the account later."

Yake waved his hand, then suddenly shouted, "Sweetheart! Could you come out for a moment?"

Christina pushed the door out of the room opposite the 13th and walked out. She walked straight behind Yake and hugged Yake from behind. After the two kissed and kissed for a long time, Christina was tender and watery. : "What do you need, my devoted master creator read the full text."

Gao Yang couldn't help but feel a chill in his body, but Yake said with a sweet to greasy voice: "My friends are finished, now I can invite them to have a cup of Greek coffee, go, my sweetheart."

Christina kissed Yak's face, turned to smile at Gao Yang, and left.

Now Gao Yang understands what it feels like on the 13th. The feeling of being treated as air is uncomfortable, and the feeling of being treated as air is more uncomfortable.

After watching Christina walk away, Yack shrugged and smiled: "She is charming, isn't she?"

Gao Yang coughed softly and said, "Yes, I'm curious how you hooked up with such a beautiful woman."

Yake smiled and said, "I came to Athens in my spare time and saw her shop. I really like the paintings in her shop. It's the style I like. Then we knew each other, then we became familiar with it, and then she I could n’t help myself falling in love with it. You understand that for an artist, love usually comes very violently. "

As he said, Yak suddenly looked puzzled: "You know what, I used to like only women aged 18 to 25, but now, I suddenly relax my age requirements, and you think I am Didn't you fall in love with Christina as well? "

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Don't ask me this kind of question, I can't give you any advice on emotional issues."

After a few minutes, Christina shouted with a long voice: "Darling, come and drink coffee."

Yake stood up and whispered with his shoulders high: "No matter what you drink, you must say it's delicious!"

After photographing twice on Gao Yang's shoulder, Yake shouted, "Sweetheart, I'm here."

Gao Yang couldn't help but shudder, opened the door of the thirteenth, and whispered: "Come for a cup of coffee, then we should leave."

On the thirteenth, he sat up from the bed and said excitedly: "Finally, this moment finally came."

Yake supported the thirteenth and smiled, "Go and Christina."

Christina's home has no living room at all. The place to drink coffee is on a dining table in the dining room. The cups are set up. After they are all seated, Christina poured coffee into the cups in front of several people.

Yake pointed to the empty seat next to him, beckoned to let Christina sit down, and after Christina also sat down, Yack coughed slightly. When he was about to speak, the number 13 suddenly said: "Christie Na, thank you for taking care of me these days ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Thank you very much. "

Christina smiled: "Don't say that, you are Yake's friend, I'm happy to do anything for Yake, not to mention, you have been a model for us for a few days, I have given your portrait a good name , Just called the bedrider. "

On the thirteenth, his face twitched slightly, nodded, and immediately picked up the cup. After Yake coughed again, he said in a deep voice: "Return the portrait of Leonard to him. portrait."

Christina smiled: "Okay."

After Yaki twisted his neck unnaturally, he whispered: "Well, something ..."

Irene sitting opposite Gao Yang suddenly said with a surprised face: "That's you! Christina, that's your portrait!"

Christina reached out and grabbed Yake's hand on the table, and then said with a sweet face: "Yes, Yake painted for me, there is a bigger one in my bedroom."

Gao Yang looked around and hung a small oil painting on one wall of the restaurant. It was Christina, and it was still fruity. (To be continued)

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