A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1277: painter

Athens, Greece.

They all left Ukraine and left only Donny Jr. in Kiev. Unless there is a successor, Donny Jr. will have to stay in Kiev until a reliable transportation line is established.

According to the address given by Yake, Gao Yang and Irene went all the way and found a historic house on a very old street.

The reason why Gao Yang carries Irene everywhere is not because Irene is a woman, but because Irene speaks the most languages, especially in Europe. Although Greek is not an Irene proficient language, basic communication is still possible Yes, so Gao Yang can only bring Irene.

Looking up at the house number, he whispered, "Yes, this is it."

Elin shrugged: "A shop?"

"Yes, just a shop."

Trapped by the economic crisis, Greece's situation is not good, and public security has also greatly deteriorated. Athens has also got rid of the same situation. As a tourist city, the double blows caused by economic deterioration and public security deterioration are almost fatal.

There is a window, a door, and there are metal shutters on the outside. The shutters are still very new, and they seem to be newly installed. In the past, shops in Athens rarely saw roller shutters or iron railings, but since After the collapse of the Greek economy, the sale of rolling gates and iron railings may be the only hot business.

Gao Yang raised his hand and patted the roller shutter a few times. After a while, there was no movement. He reached out and patted a few times, and then he heard a woman say something out loud.

Elin whispered: "She asked who it was."

"Tell her that we are here to find someone."

Irene said aloud. The sound of opening the door soon came, and then someone pulled up the rolling gate from the inside.

As the rolling gates were pulled up, a woman appeared in front of them, black hair, in her 30s. Although she was wearing home clothes, she was well dressed. Although there are some traces of years on the face, it is beautiful and looks very temperamental.

Seeing Gao Yang and Irene, the woman inside nodded and whispered in English: "Please come in, Yake is waiting for you upstairs."

Gao Yang looked at it, and the sculpture was in the shop. Oil paintings are hanging on the wall.

It turned out to be a gallery rather than an ordinary store. This surprised Gao Yang, and Irene also looked surprised. She couldn't help but say, "Is this a gallery?"

The woman smiled and said, "Yes, this is a gallery. There were signs on the outside, but they were taken off after being smashed. They have not been reinstalled. I introduce myself. My name is Christina Papulia. , The owner of this shop. "

After Gao Yang and Irene shook hands with Christina in turn, Christina raised her hand to the wall with the most paintings and smiled: "I mainly sell neoclassical paintings, and the sculptures are the same, mainly marble sculptures, but the style is the same. It is neoclassical. "

Gao Yang knows what neoclassicism is, he can only nod repeatedly: "Very good, I like it very much."

Christina smiled. Whispered: "I'm sorry, you can only look back and visit carefully. I have to close the door now, Yake is still waiting for you."

Gao Yang understood this. Christina didn't pull the roller shutter door to leave light for them to watch the paintings inside, so he quickly said: "Oh, please put the door down."

Christina lowered the shutter and smiled at the two of them: "Please follow me."

There was a staircase leading to the second floor. Christina walked in front and led the two people upstairs.

On the first floor is the gallery, on the second floor, and the largest room on the first floor is the painting studio.

There were many easels with canvases in the studio. A man was sitting in front of the window, watching the scene outside the window waving paintbrushes on the canvas.

Seeing the person painting, Gao Yang understood why it was not Yake who picked them up, because Yack was busy, he was drawing.

Hearing the footsteps, Yake said without looking back: "You are here? Leonard is lying on the bed in the room. You can go directly to see him, or you can watch me draw here."

Gao Yang said silly: "Yake, I don't know if you are still a painter!"

Yaketou will not say, "Do I have any hobbies to tell you?"

Looking at Yake's half-painting, Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "You obviously can make a living by painting, why should you ..., forget it, when I didn't say."

The picture shows Christina sitting back to the window with a smiling face, smiling happily and sweetly, and what Yake is doing is painting the scenery outside the window into the blank space.

Gao Yang does not know how to distinguish a painting from good or bad. His judging criterion is that if it is an oil painting, it is the more like the painting, and the painting by Yake belongs to the kind that is very similar to the real scene. The painting is very good.

Yake waved his hand and said, "Go and talk to Leonard, but I'm not busy."

Gao Yang shrugged, and after turning around, he saw Christina pointing at the door on his left hand and smiled: "He is inside."

After nodding his thanks to Christina, Gao Yang reached out and knocked on the door of the room, and then pushed in.

Lying in bed on the thirteenth, after seeing Gao Yang and Irene going in, his face was excited and he said anxiously: "You are finally here, close the door, hurry."

Irene closed the door behind, and Gao Yang walked to the bed on the 13th and smiled, "Man, how do you feel?"

On the thirteenth, a **** expression on his face shouted: "It sucks! Really, I feel terrible!"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Well hurt, of course, it doesn't feel good."

On the thirteenth, he said excitedly: "No! It's awful to have to stay here! God, take me away, hurry me away."

Elin laughed: "It's very good here, so much art."

On the thirteenth, a sad expression on his face said: "Bah! Artistic breath? Damn artistic breath! They regarded me as a model! I can't move and lie here and be painted by them, I can stand it! But I can't stand both of them! This nauseating scene in front of me is so vomiting! And what they said, are you deaf? Did you hear how nasty their conversation is? Every day, two people like this say nasty love in front of you. I ’m going to paint you, and I use language to attack you. It ’s too thin here, where the muscles are too developed, in short, it does n’t match the beauty of human body art. You can stand it! ”

Gao Yang and Irene looked at each other, then Yang Yan shrugged and smiled at the 13th: "The artist, uh, that, how did Yake rescue you?"

On the thirteenth, he gasped angrily and said, "I don't know. I'll be dizzy after I called you. When I woke up, I was already in Abu Dhabi. Yak was very powerful. I admit it. I know it if it ’s dead, but **** it! I wo n’t let him save me even if I die next time, have you heard? Jerk! "

Yack shouted outside: "Shut up, you ungrateful guy, I hear it clearly."

Gao Yang reluctantly spread his hands, and then smiled at the 13th: "I have never seen you so excited, man, you are free now, well, how are you recovering?"

On the thirteenth, he said with a sad face: "Fortunately, the recovery is good. Now that I can get out of bed, I can move slowly in a short time, but if it is completely cured, it will be half a month. . "

Gao Yang lowered his voice and pointed to the closed doorway: "She knows everything?"

On the thirteenth, he shook his head and whispered: "I don't know, that stupid woman is in love. After seeing me, she may guess something but refuse to face the reality, so she keeps avoiding knowing any knowing Yake Opportunity for identity, hum, this silly woman who was blinded by love! "

Gao Yang sat down next to the thirteenth, then lowered his voice and said: "How is your sister, do you think she is still alive?"

On the thirteenth, he shook his head and whispered helplessly: "I don't know, I can't judge, and I don't want to guess on the premise of no evidence."

Gao Yang nodded, and then whispered: "How do you like Yake?"

After being silent for a long time on the 13th, he whispered: "A shameless and perverted bastard, but reliable and very powerful. If you want him to be your intelligence officer, I can't think of a more suitable candidate than him. "

Knowing the elegance through the sound of the string, he opened his mouth and knew what he meant on the thirteenth, so he directly gave his answer.

It ’s just that on the 13th, it was a gloomy expression: “It ’s just that this guy is in love now. If you plan to let him work for you for a long time, become a full-time intelligence officer for Satan, or take other positions, I guess you will be disappointed, not to mention, you paid him a large sum of money in order to save me, and he does not even have the reason for lack of money now. "

On the 13th, all aspects have been taken into consideration, and Gao Yang has no questions. He really intends to officially recruit Yake under his command, but it seems that this may be very small.

Gao Yang spread his hands and said, "Don't talk about Yake, now let me talk about your things ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I will remind you first, you have to be careful not to make yourself too excited, especially not Any violent movements. "

On the 13th, he took a deep breath and said, "I'm ready, you say."

Gao Yangsheng said: "I found Suharitan, I know where he is, and I will soon see him again."

The look on the thirteenth face was extremely excited, but he didn't move, and even the speech was as calm as ever. As a killer, the self-control ability of the thirteenth is absolutely superb.

"Where? When will I see him?"

"Austria, the St. Anton ski area, it should still be there now, but no matter where he is, I can see him."

On the 13th, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Very well, I will find a way, I will go to see him with you."

Gao Yang did not immediately reply to the 13th. He just thought that as a killer, the 13th was calm and calm at any time, even to the point of indifference, and the bullying of the 13th could not keep calm and even to the point of losing reason, What a skill is this for Acker. (To be continued.)

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